Proyecto: Capítulo 3.1… Póster del centro

Objetivo: to describe places that you went to in a city or a town and explain what items you purchased and what activities you did in those places.

Materiales necesarias:

  • Construction paper
  • Cardboard (like from a cereal box or from posterboard)
  • Glue or a glue stick
  • White paper
  • Foam board or poster board
  • Pen and markers, pencil
  • Text book


  1. Divide a piece of foam board or poster board by drawing a light pencil line horizontally about 2/3rd the way down the page (it should be laying wide not tall)
  2. On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of as many places in a city that you can think of that you would see on or near a city block. (from pages 130-131 and 158-159)
  3. Choose from the list at least 10 of these that you would like to include on your poster. There are at least 8 from Chapter 3A that you must include, but remember that you could include “la bibioteca, el club atlético, el cine, la iglesia, la panadería, etc.” or any others that you can think of.
  4. Draw your downtown buildings on posterboard. You can also draw or cut out other items that would add detail to the panorama (scene) such as bikes, store signs, mailboxes, doors, windows, people, animals, etc… the more intricate or detailed the design, the more impressed your teacher will be.
  5. Make it look like you were standing on a city block looking at the storefronts. Try to include as much vocabulary as possible from the pages mentioned above in creative ways.
  6. Label the stores in Spanish (typed) and the items in such a way that they stand out and are easily read.
  7. Below, on the bottom 1/3rd of the foam board, write sentences in the preterite tense indicating either what one did at each place, or what one purchased at the location. Use a variety of subject pronouns and be as descriptive as possible-more description means better score. POR EJEMPLO: Ayer en la farmacia, yo compré el champú y el desodorante.
  8. It should look similar to this (but WAY better than this) and with more items and labels: but you get the idea.

El bancoLa tienda de equipo deportivo

Abbreviated version
0-5 / 6-10 / 11-15 / 16-20
Vocabulario / Half or more items missing / Missing 4-6 items / Missing 1-3 items / Have all the items required
Gramática-use of pretérito, adj/noun agreement, spelling / Needed more time and effort / Mmmm, needs some work- Lots of mistakes / Average, some mistakes. / Brilliante! Almost no mistakes.
Presentación / Needed more time and effort-mucho ingles and very sloppy / Weak-sentences en inglés and not very neat / Average-some ingles and looks good / Increíble!-No ingles and looks outstanding!
Creatividad / None. / Some, but very little. / Average / Eres superestrella!


Feb 10/11 in class

Step 1: Write out the places that you go and all the things possible that you can do there using the chapter vocabulary.

Feb 25 en casa

Step 2: Draw a rough sketch of your “centro”

March 1st in class

Step 3: Complete step 7-writing your sentences in the preterite-edits in class-corrections at home

March 2nd-8th at home

Step 4: Build your “centro”

March : 11 Project due

March 15: Speaking portion due