Table of ContentsWetlands

Wetlands are one of the most threatened spaces in Canada and the World. The Shuswap watershed is no exception. Many people don’t understand the value of wetlands and as a result wetlands are often filled in and paved over. To children however, wetlands are magical areas full of water, frogs, ducks, blackbirds, insects and a wide variety of plants to explore and adventure. Wet lands have many other functions in the watershed. They act as sponges to slow down t run off, they filter and clean the runoff water, and they provide habitat for a wide diversity of creatures. There many links below which will help students and adults to appreciate and understand wetlands more fully.

  • Ducks Unlimited Lessons –
  • These lessons provide ready made lessons and field journals for students and teachers to explore and understand wetlands. These lessons are about much more than just ducks. They take and ecosystem approach. There are 3 grade levels for the materials in both English and French. There is a Student Book and a Teachers’ guide for each level. These materials are available on the Ducs Website but I have downloaded the PDF files here for teacher/student convenience and timesaving.
  • Wetland Ecosysems 1 -Habitats, communities and the diversity of life Grades 4-6 – Student Jounal
  • Wetland Ecosystems 1 – Habitats, communities and the diversity of life

Grades 4-6 – Teachers’ Guide

  • Milieux humides 1 – Habitats, communautes et diversite du monde vivant

Annees 4 a 6 – Journal de l’eleve

  • Milieux humides 1 – Habitats, communautes et diversite du monde vivant

Annees 4 a 6 Guide de L’enseignant

  • Wetland Ecosystems – 2 Interactions and ecosystems

Grades 7-8 Middle School – Student Journal

  • Wetland Ecosystems – 2 Interactions and ecosystems

Grades 7-8 Middle School – Teachers’ Guide

  • Milieus humides 2 - Inteactions et ecosystemes – Journal de l’eleve Niveau Secondaire 1 et 2
  • Milieus humides 2 - Inteactions et ecosystemes – Guide de L’enseignant Niveau Secondaire 1 et 2
  • Wetland Ecosystems 3 – Evolution, diversity and sustainability of ecosystems. Grades 9-12 Student Journal
  • Wetland Ecosystems 3 – Evolution, diversity and sustainability of ecosystems. Grades 9-12 Teachers’ Guide
  • Milieus humides 3 – Evolution diversite et durabilite des ecosystems

Journal de l’eleve Niveau Seondaire

  • Wonders of Wetlands
  • Wetlands 101 – this is a power point presentation which could be used for senior level study of wetlands. It provides self quizzes with the answers for self directed learning. There are some good simple diagrams and some complicated vocabulary and concepts.