New Client Background Information Questionnaire
Date: ______
General Information
Name: ______Gender: ___(Male) ___(Female)
Phone: Home: ______Work: ______Cell:______
Address: ______
City______State ______Zip______
Social Security #: ______Date of Birth: ______Age: ______
*Emergency Contact Name: ______Relationship to you? ______
*Emergency Contact Phone:______
How may I contact you? ___ At home ____ At work ____ Other: ______
Living Arrangements: ___Own ____Rent ___ Other (explain): ______
How long at present address? ______Number of addresses in last 10 years?______
Marital Status (circle one): Single Engaged Married Separated Divorced Widowed Remarried
Circle last year of school completed: 9 10 11 12 GED College: 1 2 3 4 Other: ______
Are you currently employed? Yes / No If yes, name of employer: ______
Reason for today’s appointment?
Who referred you? ______
Please check any current experiences below:
_____ Abuse (___mental/emotional ___ physical ____sexual) _____ Neglect _____Abandonment
_____Adoption ___Abortion ___ Miscarriage ___Death of a loved one ___ Financial hardship
___ Homelessness ___ Career/Job Loss ____ Major Illness
___Other Major Trauma, please briefly describe below: ______
Use of Substances: ______Alcohol _____Street Drugs ____Prescription Medication
General: ____Eating Problems (too much or too little) ____Depression ____ Sexual Issues ___ Fear
____Nightmares _____Anxiety _____ Sleeping Problems ____ Anger ____Irritability ____Hearing
voices _____ Hallucinations ___ Mood Swings ____ Other, please explain ______
Relationship(s) with: ____Spouse _____Children ______Parents ______In-Laws
______Co-workers _____Friends ______Partners ______Other ______
Health Information
Do you have a physician? Yes______No______
Name______Phone Number: ______
Address: ______
Are you taking any prescription drugs? Yes ______No______
If yes, please write the medication name and for what purpose you are taking it:
Who prescribed the medications? ______
Do you think they are effective: ___ Yes ___ No
How often do you see this doctor? ______
Describe your physical health: ____ excellent ____ good ___ fair ___ poor
Are you currently having any health problems that you think are significant? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please describe: ______
Date and results of last physical examination: ______
Your approximate height: ______Your approximate weight: ______lbs.
Have you ever had surgery? If yes, for what reason? ______
Have you ever been hospitalized for mental illness or substance abuse? ____Yes _____ No
If yes, please explain______
Are you currently seeing any other medical professionals? (Physical Therapist, Massage Therapist, Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, etc.) Yes ______No______If yes, for what purpose ______
Any recent changes in weight (gain or loss)? Yes ____ No _____ If yes, please explain: ______
On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per night? ______
Any recent changes in sleeping patterns? Yes____ No____ If yes, please explain: ______
Do you drink alcohol? Yes ____ No _____ If yes, how often? ______How much do you consume on average?______
Age at first use of alcohol: ______Date of last alcoholic drink: ______
Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, how often do you smoke? ______How many cigarettes on a daily basis? ______
Have you ever used other substances such as Marijuana, Crack, Meth, Spice, etc.? Yes____ No_____ If yes, how often? ______Age began using? ______Date of last time you consumed the substance of choice? ______
List any significant present or past illnesses, injuries or disabilities: ______
If you are an adult, were you ever tested and /or diagnosed with any learning difficulties while in school? Yes____ No _____ If yes, please describe the results ______
If you are a child or teen, have you been tested and /or diagnosed with any learning difficulties while in school? Yes____ No _____ If yes, please describe the results ______
Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes ____ No _____ If yes, please explain when and how ______
Do you currently have thoughts of suicide? Yes ____ No _____ If yes, have you made a plan? Yes____ No____ If yes, please explain your plan ______
Has any close relative(s) attempted or successfully committed suicide? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, please share whom and when: ______
Does your past history include any of the following? Please check all that apply:
___Sexual abuse/Incest ___Physical abuse ___ Emotional abuse ___Abandonment
___Sexual addiction ___Child of Alcoholic Parent ___Gambling addiction ___Domestic violence
___Death of a close person ___Incarceration/Parole ___ Foster care ___Adoption
___Suicide Attempts/Ideation ___Divorce ___Marital separation ___Divorce of parents
___Eating disorder ___ Neglect ___Sleep disturbance ___Depression ___Trauma (physical/emotional)
___Rape ___ Self-mutilation ___ Mental Illness-Type______
Marital Information (If applicable)
Name of Spouse: ______Spouse's Age: ______Phone #: ______
Address of Spouse: ______
Spouse's Occupation: ______Work Phone #: ______
Religious preference of spouse: ______
How long did you know spouse before marriage? ______
Length of engagement? ______Date of Marriage: ______
Ages when married: Yours ______Spouse's ______
Any separation with your present spouse? Yes ____ No ____If yes, when and for what reason(s): _____
Has either spouse ever filed for divorce? Yes ____ No____ If yes, who filed and when? ______
Information about children from present marriage:
Name Age Gender Education Marital Status, if appropriate
Give brief information about any previous marriages, including children from previous marriages:
Indicate the amount of happiness you experience in your marriage and how happy you think your spouse is by checking a percentage for each of you below:
My happiness is about: My spouse's happiness is about:
__ 95% or better __ 95% or better
__75% __ 75%
__50% __50%
__25% __25%
__10% or less __10% or less
How committed are you to the marriage, and how optimistic are you that the marriage will improve?
Is your present sex life satisfactory? Yes ____ No ____ If no, please explain: ______
How are conflicts handled within your marriage? ______
Has there ever been any violence or threats of violence in your marriage? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, please explain: ______
Family History Information
Are your parents living or deceased? Father ______Mother ______
If living, present ages: Father ______Mother ______
If deceased, age at and cause of death: Father ______
Mother ______
If you have lost a parent or other close family through death, give information about your age and reaction at time of death: ______
Give a description of your father's personality and how he treated you and other family members: ______
Give a description of your mother's personality and how she treated you and other family members: ______
If you were raised by someone other than your natural parents, briefly explain who and describe their personality:______
List all the children in your natural family, from oldest to youngest, including yourself:
Name Age Gender Marital Status Career Status
Were your parents divorced/separated? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, how old were you and how did you react? ______
Why did the divorce or separation occur? _______
With which parent did you live? ______
Describe your home environment: ______
Religious and Spiritual Information
Church Name Member? Yes No
Religious/Denominational Preference:______
Do you attend services? ______regularly ______occasionally _____never
What does "spiritual" mean to you? ______
Identify any religious/spiritual questions or problems that are of concern to you: ______
Integration of Faith in Counseling Process
Please check below to describe how important your faith/spirituality is to you in your life:
_____ Significant ______Moderate ______Very little ______Not at all
*Please check your desire for an integration of your faith/spirituality in counseling: Yes ____ No _____
*Please check your desire for prayer to be a part of the counseling process: Yes ____ No _____
Personality Information
As you see yourself, what kind of person are you? Describe yourself. ______
If I were to ask other people to describe you, what five words would come up most frequently?
What are your four greatest fears?
Identify any irrational, negative, or "horrible" thoughts that bother you: ______
Identify any habits or behaviors that you would like to change: ______
State in your own words what you consider to be the nature of your main problem(s): ______
Describe when and how your problem(s) began: ______
I estimate the severity of my problem(s) to be: (check only one) _____ just an irritant _____ mildly upsetting ______very severe______extremely severe ______totally incapacitating
Up to this point, what have you done about it? ______
What do you expect the counselor to do for you? ______
Have you sought other professional help with this problem? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, give name(s) and professional title(s) of the therapist(s), dates of treatment(s), and results: ______
List three goals you have for self-improvement:
List four major strengths or abilities: