Council Meeting

August 9, 2016

Chancellor Center

President of Council Robert Walker called the regular monthly meeting of Newtown Borough Council to order at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 9, 2016. President Walker asked those in attendance to join him in a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Councillors Grunde-McLaughlin, Gusty, King, McDermott, Walker and Warren; Solicitor Bolla. Absent: Mayor Swartz

Public to be Heard

No one wished to be heard at this time.

President's Report – Robert Walker

President Walker announced the public meeting on Monday, August 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the Chancellor Center, to review the Steeple View Phase II development plans.

Mr. Walker reported the distribution of the revised 2017 Budget Schedule to Council.

v  A motion was duly made by Councillor King, seconded by Councillor McDermott, and carried unanimously, to follow the recommendation of the Historic Architectural Review Board and direct President of Council to sign the following Certificates of Appropriateness, thereby approving the historical appropriateness of the application, with final approval by the Code Enforcement Officer.

COA 2016-026-H Applicant: Me Ma Mates, 95 E. Centre Avenue, Thierry residence

The applicant was seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of a 6’ high red cedar wood fence.

COA 16-029-H Applicant: Me Ma Mates, 95 E. Centre Avenue, Thierry residence

The applicant was seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of an existing shed with a larger wooden shed with cupola and weather vane.

COA 16-027-H Applicant: Frank Tarantello, 310 E. Penn Street, residence

The applicant was seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of a 6’ high wood fence.

COA 16028-H Applicant: Nathalie Glazier, 205 S. Chancellor Street, residence

The applicant was seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of a 6’ high wood fence.

COA 16-030-H Applicants: Gina Tognini & Chris Brill, 212 E. Washington Avenue, residence

The applicant was seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of a front porch roof and columns.

COA 16-031-H Applicant: Soteria Douris, 40 Court Street, commercial

The applicant was seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of a slate roof with “high definition” shingles.

·  Board stipulated the use of Grand Manor or similar manufactured shingles

COA 16-032-H Applicant: Heywood Becker, 43 Sterling Street, residence

The applicant was seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for an addition and exterior alterations and renovations to the existing single-family dwelling.

Presentation of Minutes

v  A motion was duly made by Councillor Gusty, seconded by Councillor Warren, and carried unanimously, to approve the July 6, 2016 Work Session Meeting minutes.

v  A motion was duly made by Councillor Gusty, seconded by Councillor King, and carried, with Councillor Grunde-McLaughlin abstaining, to approve the July 12, 2016 Council Meeting minutes.


Budget & Finance – Robert Walker, Perry Warren & Chris Gusty

Consolidated Report

v  A motion was duly made by Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor McDermott, and carried unanimously, to accept, subject to audit, the Consolidated Expenditure Report for the month of June totaling $118,772.09.

v  A motion was duly made by Councillor Gusty, seconded by Councillor Grunde-McLaughlin, and carried unanimously, to approve Phase I Escrow Release #7 for Steeple View LP in the amount of $71,029.00 as recommended by the Engineer.

Personnel Committee –Kevin McDermott

Councillor McDermott reminded the public of the open committee positions-one for Environmental Advisory Council, two for Human Relations, one for Shade Tree Commission, and members for Ad Hoc Traffic Committee

Streets, Lights & Properties – Robert Walker & Chris Gusty

President Walker reported that crosswalk restriping is in progress and will continue through August. Major intersections will be completed on Sundays to ease traffic concerns. New crosswalk signs will be installed in the next two weeks to replace the sentinels.

Regarding the lighting project, Councillor Gusty reported that he is still waiting for the Investment Grade Audit. The LED Cobrahead Pilots have been installed in locations within Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware, and Chester counties, with the closest being on Woodbourne Rd. Twelve Cobrahead fixtures with three of the most common wattages and two color temperatures have been installed. A site visit was requested by early September. Councillor Grunde-McLaughlin suggested that Council members visit one or more of the residential sites before approving.

Solicitor’s Report – William J. Bolla

Solicitor Bolla reported that the grievance filed by one of the Police Officers, consistent with the Collective Bargaining Agreement executed between Newtown Borough and the Police Department, is at Step 4 in the process. Mr. Bolla requested authority to issue the decision letter and authorize President Walker to hire labor attorneys Stevens & Lee to handle the arbitration, if required.

v  A motion was duly made by Councillor Warren, seconded by Councillor King, and carried unanimously, to authorize Council President to sign the decision to hire the attorney.

v  A motion was duly made by Councillor King, seconded by Councillor McDermott, and carried unanimously, to send the decision letter to the aggrieved party.

Old Business

President Walker contacted the owner of the Delta School [regarding the three debris dams on their property discussed at the Work Session]. They have requested documentation describing the problem, what is needed to remedy the situation, and the cost of repair. Their Board of Directors will decide to authorize payment and allow the Borough to perform the work. Mr. Walker is sending them a letter, with the information they requested, next week.

New Business - none

Public to be Heard

No one wished to be heard at this time.


The meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy S. Musto

Borough Secretary


Julia & Warren Woldorf

Chris Brill

Gina Tognini

Jeff Werner

Council Minutes

August 9, 2016

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