/ RoboCup International Symposium 2006
Bremen, Germany
19th and 20th of June 2006 /

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Program of the Robocup Symposium 2006

version 10.06.06

June 19, Day 1
08.30 - 08.45 / Registration
08.45 - 09.10 / Introduction
09.10 - 10.30 / Paper presentations: Simulation and Control
  • S. Carpin, M. Lewis, J. Wang, S. Balakirski, C. Scrapper, "Bridging the gap between simulation and reality in urban search and rescue"
  • M. Zaratti, M. Fratarcangeli, L. Iocchi, "A 3D Simulator of Multiple Legged Robots based on USARSim"
  • N. Mayer, J. Boedecker, R. da Silva Guerra, O. Obst, M. Asada, "3D2Real: Simulation League Finals in Real Robots"
  • G. Indiveri, J. Paulus, P. Plöger, "Motion control of Swedish wheeld mobile robots in the presence of actuator saturation"

10.30 - 11.30 / Coffee Break and Poster Session 1
  1. M. Sridharan, P. Stone, "Autonomous Planned Color Learning on a Legged Robot"
  2. D. Goehring, J. Hoffmann, "Sensor Modeling Using Visual Object Relation in Multi Robot Object Tracking"
  3. L. Iocchi, "Robust Color Segmentation through Adaptive Color Space Transformation"
  4. X. Li, "H Infinity Filtering for a Mobile Robot Tracking a Free Rolling Ball"
  5. V. Kyrylov, "Balancing Rewards, Risks, and Real-Time Constraints in the League-Independent Ball Passing Algorithm"
  6. M. Hebbel, W. Nisticò, "Learning in a High Dimensional Space: Fast Omnidirectional Quadrupedal Locomotion"
  7. P. Heinemann, J. Haase, A. Zell, "A Novel Approach to Efficient Monte-Carlo Localization in RoboCup"
  8. B. Gottfried, J. Witte, "Representing spatial activities by spatially contextualised motion patterns"
  9. V. Estivill-Castro, S. Seymon, "Mobile Robots for an E-mail interface for People who are Blind"
  10. D. Herrero-Pérez, H. Martínez-Barberá, "Robust and Efficient Field Features Detection for Localisation"
  11. M. Isik, F. Stulp, G. Mayer, H. Utz, "Coordination without Negotiation in Teams of Heterogeneous Robots"
  12. P. Heinemann, F. Sehnke, A. Zell, "Towards a Calibration-Free Robot: The ACT Algorithm for Automatic Online Color Training"

11.30 - 12.30 / Invited Talk
  • Hod Lipson, CornellUniversity, "Biologically-inspired robotics: from evolving to self-reproducing machines"

12.30 - 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 / Paper Presentations: Learning
  • T. Latzke, S. Behnke, M. Bennewitz, "Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Soccer Playing Robots"
  • P. Fidelman, P. Stone, "The Chin Pinch: A Case Study in Skill Learning on a Legged Robot"
  • S. Kalyanakrishnan, Y. Liu, P. Stone, "Half Field Offense in RoboCup Soccer: A Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Case Study"
  • H. Kobayashi, T. Osaki, E. Williams, A. Ishino, A. Shinohara, "Autonomous Learning of Ball Trapping in the Four-legged Robot League"

15.30 - 16.30 / Coffee Break and Poster Session 2
  1. M. Geipel, M. Beetz, "Learning to Shoot Goals, an Analysis of the Learning Process and the Learned Policies"
  2. A. Weitzenfeld, P. Dominey, "Cognitive Robotics: Command, Interrogation and Teaching in Robot Coaching"
  3. J. Sturm, P. van Rossum, A. Visser, "Panoramic localization in the 4-Legged league"
  4. S. Umemura, K. Murakami, T. Naruse, "Orientation Extraction and Identification of the Opponent Robots in RoboCup Small Size League"
  5. S. Nicklin, R. Fisher, R. Middleton, "Rolling shutter image compensation"
  6. M. Khojasteh, M. Meybodi, "Evaluating Learning Automata as a Model for Cooperation in Complex Multi-Agent Domains"
  7. R. Nakanishi, J. Bruce, K. Murakami, T. Naruse, M. Veloso, "Cooperative 3-robot passing and shooting in the RoboCup Small Size League"
  8. S. Planthaber, U. Visser, "Logfile player and analyzer for RoboCup 3D"
  9. S. Prüter, R. Salomon, F. Golatowski, "Local Movement Control with Neural Network in the Small Size League"
  10. L. Marchetti, G. Grisetti, L. Iocchi, "A Comparative Analysis of Particle Filter based Localization Methods"
  11. W. Chonnaparamutt, A. Birk, "A New Mechatronic Component for Adjusting the Footprint of Tracked Rescue Robots"
  12. I. Delchev, A. Birk, "Vectorization of Grid Maps by an Evolutionary Algorithm"

16.30 - 18.00 / Paper Presentations: Learning, MAS, and Education
  • M. Saggar, T. D'Silva, N. Kohl, P. Stone, "Autonomous Learning of Stable Quadruped Locomotion"
  • J. Dawei and W. Shiyuan, "Using the Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Multiagent Decision Making"
  • R. Goldman, M. Azhar, E. Sklar, "From RoboLab to Aibo: A Behavior-based Interface for Educational Robotics"
  • S. Enderle, "The Robotics and Mechatronics Kit "qfix""

June 20, Day 2
09.10 - 10.30 / Paper Presentations: Vision
  • W. Nisticò, M. Hebbel, T. Kerkhof, C. Zarges, "Cooperative Visual Tracking in a Team of Autonomous Mobile Robots"
  • D. Stronger, P. Stone, "Selective Visual Attention for Object Detection on a Legged Robot"
  • S. Olufs, F. Adolf, R. Hartanto, P. Plöger, "Towards Probabilistic Shape Vision in RoboCup: A Practical Approach"
  • R. Rojas, M. Simon, O. Tenchio, "Parabolic Flight Reconstruction from Multiple Images from a Single Camera"

10.30 - 11.30 / Coffee Break and Poster Session 3
  1. M. Lauer, "Ego-Motion Estimation and Collision Detection for Omnidirectional Robots"
  2. T. Laue, T. Röfer, "Integrating simple unreliable perceptions for accurate robot modeling in the Four-Legged League"
  3. C. McMillen, M. Veloso, "Distributed, Play-Based Coordination for Robot Teams in Dynamic Environments"
  4. G. Polverari, D. Calisi, A. Farinelli, D. Nardi, "Development of an autonomous rescue robot within the USARSim 3D virtual environment"
  5. S. Lange, M. Riedmiller, "Appearance-Based Robot Discrimination using Eigenimages"
  6. C. Bustamante, L. Garrido, R. Soto, "Fuzzy Naive Bayesian Classification in RoboSoccer 3D: A Hybrid Approach to Decision Making"
  7. J. Brunhorn, O. Tenchio, R. Rojas, "An omnidirectional wheel based on Reuleaux-triangles"
  8. F. Otsuka, H. Fujii, K. Yoshida, "Development of 3D Dynamics Simulator with Omnidirectional Vision Model"
  9. J. Bruce, M. Veloso, "Real-Time Randomized Motion Planning for Multiple Domains"
  10. M. Marcinkiewicz, S. Parsons, E. Sklar, T. Raphan, "Towards a methodology for stabilizing the gaze of a quadrupedal robot"
  11. A. Ozgelen, E. Sklar, S. Parsons, "Automatic acquisition of robot motion and sensor models"
  12. D. Ojeda, E. Zamora, I. Martinez, "Ambulance Decision Support Using Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning in Robocup Rescue Simulation"

11.30 - 12.30 / Invited Talk
  • Sebastian Thrun, StanfordUniversity, "Winning the DARPA Grand Challenge"

12.30 - 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 - 15.40 / "Roadmap" Panel Discussion
15.40 - 16.00 / Coffee Break
16.00 - 18.00 / Paper Presentations: Vision and Localization
  • A. Colombo, M. Matteucci, D. G. Sorrenti, "Calibration of General Non Single Viewpoint Catadioptric Sensors"
  • J. Ruiz-del-Solar, P. Loncomilla, P. Vallejos, "An automated refereeing and analysis tool for the Four-Legged League"
  • P. Fidelman, T. Coffman, R. Miikkulainen, "Detecting Motion in the Environment with a Moving Quadruped Robot"
  • D. Billington, V. Estivill-Castro, R. Hexel, A. Rock, "Using Temporal Consistency to Improve Robot Localisation"
  • H. Strasdat, M. Bennewitz, S. Behnke, "Multi-Cue Localization for Soccer Playing Humanoid Robots"
  • J. Hoffmann, "Proprioception Based Motion Modeling for Monte Carlo Localization"

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last modified: 06/28/2006 16:26:14 / / Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione,
Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca,
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