Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______

Semester 2 County-Wide Benchmark Review

1.  Write the correct form of energy to go with each definition and then identify whether that form of energy is potential or kinetic:

Form of Energy / Description / Potential or Kinetic
energy stored in bonds between atoms
flow of electrons
energy of moving parts / BOTH
energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
energy that can travel as waves through empty space (light)
energy in the movement of molecules
energy stored due to an objects position
energy caused by molecules colliding with one another and vibrating

2.  Explain the energy transformation that occurs in each of the following pictures:

A.  ______to ______

B.  ______to ______

C.  ______to ______

3.  Label the phases/phase changes of matter in the diagram.

A.  ______

B.  ______

C.  ______

D.  ______

E.  ______

4.  Use the phase diagram below to answer the following questions:

Label each of the sections of the diagram with the correct phase of matter

·  At which temperature and pressure will all 3 phases of mater exist at the same time? ______°C and ______atm

·  As you go from the solid section directly to the gas section of the diagram, what phase change process does the substance undergo?

5.  What are the three methods of heat transfer? Fill in the chart with the correct type of heat transfer and ONE other example of each

Method of heat transfer / Definition / Example
heating through direct contact. Things have to be TOUCHING the heat source. / ·  Bottom of a pot sitting on a stove
·  ______
heat movement by currents created by differences in temp. hot things rise and cold things sink / ·  Boiling water; hot water rises to the top of the pot
·  ______
heat that can move through empty space between objects that are NOT TOUCHING. / ·  Feeling heat from a fire by holding your hands near it.
·  ______

6.  Fill in the chart below with the correct phase of matter based on the information provided:

Phase of Matter / Molecular Motion / Particle Arrangement
vibrating in place /
flowing around one another /
fast /
very fast / very far apart

7.  Look at the triangle to the right and identify the parts of the specific heat formula:

·  Q= Thermal Energy. It is measured in ______.

·  m= ______. It is measured in kilograms (kg)

·  c= ______. It is measured in J/kg*°C

·  ΔT= change in ______. It is measured in ______.

8.  The specific heat of glass is 664 J/kg*°C. How much energy is needed to raise .25 kg of class from 20°C to 25°C?

·  Step 1: What do you know?

§  m= ______

§  c= ______

§  ΔT= ______(Starting temperature – final temperature)

·  Step 2: What do we want to know? ______

§  What is the formula to find what we want to know? ______

·  Step 3: Plug in what you know into the formula and solve! Don’t forget your units on your final answer!

9.  Write the mechanical advantage of each of the pulleys shown in the boxes below them.

10.  Fill in the two versions of the mechanical advantage formula below:



11.  Suppose you are using the pulley system with the box around it to lift an object that weighs 40 N. You already know the mechanical advantage from question 9. How much effort force will you need to use to lift the box? ______

12.  The image shows a second class lever. Label the arrows with Feffort and Fresistance. Label the brackets with Deffort and Dresistance. Notice that, in a 2nd class lever, the effort distance overlaps the resistance distance.

Now, using what you know, calculate the mechanical advantage of the lever system below:

14.  Austin uses an inclined plane to move some furniture that weighs 100N onto a loading dock. The ramp is 6 meters long and the loading dock is 1.5 meters high.

What is the mechanical advantage of the ramp?

If the loading dock was 2 meters high, would the mechanical advantage increase or decrease? ______

15.  The speed of sound is 344 m/s. If it takes a sound 4 seconds to reach you, then how far away is the source of the sound?

Step 1: What do you know?

§  V= ______

§  t= ______

Step 2: What do we want to know? ______

§  What is the formula to find what we want to know? ______

Step 3: Plug in what you know into the formula and solve! Don’t forget your units on your final answer!

16.  What is inertia? ______

17.  As a rocket goes higher and gets further from Earth’s surface, the Earth’s gravitational pull on the rocket gets ______(Smaller or larger?)

18. THE LAWS: Match the description to the correct Newton’s Law:

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Part 1: When an unbalanced force acts on an object, the object will accelerate in the direction of the unbalanced force.
Part 2: Force = mass x acceleration -OR- F=m x a
An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion as long as the forces are balanced.
Also known as: The Law of Inertia

19.  When does the Earth’s gravity have the STRONGEST pull?

A.  On top of Mt. Everest

B.  At the bottom of the ocean


20.  What force causes the Moon to orbit around the Earth? ______

21.  On Jupiter, the force of gravity is SO strong that it would cause damage to our skeletons and muscles. If there is life on Jupiter, the bodies of the aliens there would probably be ___.

A.  Tall and thin-boned

B.  Bird-like with wings

C.  Short and stocky

22.  A ball is dropped and begins to fall towards Earth, as shown in the image to the right. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2. The ball starts out at 0 m/s, then after 1 second it has a speed of 9.8 m/s. After 2 seconds, it has a speed of 19.6 m/s.

·  How fast will the ball be going after 3 seconds? ______

·  Over time, the speed of the ball (Increases, Decreases or is constant)

·  As the ball falls, the acceleration (Increases, Decreases or is constant)

23.  Match the following objects with the correct form of EM waves:

______Radio / A.  Heat lamp
______Microwave / B.  Tanning Bed
______Infrared / C.  FM radio
______Visible / D.  X-ray machine
______Ultraviolet / E.  Christmas lights
______X-Ray / F.  Cancer radiation treatement
______Gamma Ray / G.  Microwave oven and Airplane radar

24.  Write the 7 colors of the visible spectrum in order from LONGEST wavelength to SHORTEST wavelength: ______

25.  A car is honking its horn as it drives by you. As it is approaching you, the frequency of the sound waves gets higher and you hear the sound at a ______pitch. Sound waves are higher pitched because they are arriving more frequently. Once the car leaves you, the frequency of the sound waves decreases and the farther the car gets the ______the pitch gets. Sound waves are lower pitched because they are less frequent.

26.  When every single type of EM wave (radio, micro, infrared, visible, UV, X-ray, gamma) are traveling in a vacuum, they will all have the same:

A.  Wavelength

B.  Frequency

C.  Speed

27.  If a light ray hits a very shiny piece of metal at an angle of 55° from normal, then the light ray will be reflected at an angle of ______.

28.  Lightening is an example of a(n) (EM or Mechanical) wave and thunder is a(n) (EM or Mechanical) wave.

29.  (Fill in each blank with either MASS or WEIGHT) Your ______stays the same no matter where you are. Your ______changes depending on the gravitational force where you are. Your ______is the same on every planet, but your ______will vary.

30.  A person is hitting a drum like the one in the image. When the sound of the drum hits the black air particles in front of it, how will the particles move: Side-to-side, up-and-down, or in a circle?