Rumor has it that soccer star David Beckham will get $1 million a week over five years for playing with the L.A. Galaxy team. Last year, golfer Tiger Woods earned a whopping $100 million--more than any other athlete in history. Actors also rake in the big bucks. Johnny Depp pulled in $60 million for his share of profits from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. And Mission Impossible: III star Tom Cruise made $31 million. Do you think actors and athletes make too much?

Some people think athletes and actors deserve their high salaries for providing entertainment to sports fans and moviegoers.

Supporters argue that many stars use their fame to call attention to worthy causes. For example, Cameron Diaz, who gets anywhere from $15 to $20 million for a movie, has worked tirelessly to raise awareness about dangers to the environment. Many NFL football players and NBA basketball players have started charities to help children. The financial largess of actors and athletes is vital for many charities. Julia Roberts, one of the highest-paid actresses of all time, gave $2 million to 9/11 victims.

On the other hand, some people think actors and athletes make too much money, especially compared with those who work in their communities. Although it varies from state to state, the average starting salary for a public school teacher in the U.S. is about $40,000. Firefighters make less than $23,000 for their first year on the job. And the average annual police officer's salary is about $50,000. Firefighters and police officers protect and save lives. And teachers prepare young people to be productive members of society. Celebrities, on the other hand, do none of these things.

Here's what two teens have to say.

Quinn, an 8th Grade Student from Maryland, said, “Actors and professional athletes make too much money. What do Tiger Woods and Johnny Depp do for their money? They perform to the best of their ability in their fields. They entertain people, but they don't save lives. Firefighters and soldiers put their lives on the line almost every day of their jobs. They're heroes, but they don't make millions. Johnny Depp has a stunt man for his dangerous shots. The biggest threat to Tiger Woods is a sprained wrist. My brother is a First Lieutenant Army Ranger in Iraq. I don't know what he makes, but I know it's about the same as a beginning firefighter. Yes, we need entertainment. I love Adam Sandler and Derek Jeter. But my brother is my hero. And he should be treated like one. Of course, with heroes, it's not about the money.”

Anna, a 7th Grade student from New Jersey, said, “Although it can be argued that athletes and actors are overpaid, this is not necessarily the case. Many have short careers because often their highest point is when they're younger. Athletes and actors have the most energy at a younger age. These individuals are talented and bring in money to the team, movie, or TV show they're involved in, so the money is well-deserved. I must argue though, that while it's right for them to receive the money, it's NOT okay to waste it or use it improperly. Most famous people are looked up to as role models by younger generations, so their money must be used responsibly, so as not to set a bad example. Many athletes and actors work hard and most likely have been rejected many times before achieving fame, so their high salaries are well-deserved.”