HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative
Power Supply Cost Recovery Clause
The Power Supply Cost Recovery (PSCR) clause permits the monthly adjustment of rates for power supply to allow recovery of the cost of purchased power incurred under cooperative policy.
For purposes of this clause, the following definitions apply:
“Power supply cost recovery factor” refers to the rate to be charged to reflect power supply costs incurred not included in the base rate.
“Power supply cost recovery plan” means a plan describing the expected costs of electric power supply and changes over the next 12-month period.
The power supply cost recovery factor to be applied to the Cooperative’s retail Member-Customers’ monthly kilowatt-houruse represents the power supply costs as established by the Cooperative in conjunction with Wolverine Power Cooperative. The factor is established annually, and reviewed monthly.
A reconciliation will be conducted at least annually to reconcile the revenues to actual power costs. Any net excess recovered shall be credited to the member-customers on their monthly bills, in a manner approved by the board of directors. Any net loss will be recovered from the member-customers on their monthly bills, in a manner approved by the board of directors.
For the period beginning October 7, 2016, the authorized Power Supply Cost Recovery Factor is $(0.0127) per kWh. The allowance for cost of power supply included in base rates is $0.08595 per kWh.
The following factors are to be applied in the 12 billing months beginning January2017.
YearMonthAuthorized FactorAppliedFactor
2017January $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2017February $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2017March $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2017April $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2017May $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2017June $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2017July $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2017August $(0.00127)
2017September $(0.00127)
2017October $(0.00127)
2017November $(0.00127)
2017December $(0.00127)
The following factors were applied in the 12 billing months beginning January 2016.
YearMonthAuthorized FactorApplied Factor
2016January $0.00401 $0.00401
2016February $0.00401 $0.00401
2016March $0.00401 $0.00401
2016April $0.00401 $0.00401
2016May $0.00401 $0.00401
2016June $0.00401 $0.00401
2016July $0.00401 $0.00401
2016August $0.00401 $0.00401
2016September $0.00401 $0.00401
2016October $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2016November $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
2016December $(0.00127) $(0.00127)
The following factors were applied in the 12 billing months beginning January 2015.
YearMonthAuthorized FactorApplied Factor
2015January $0.00314 $0.00314
2015February $0.00314 $0.00314
2015March $0.00314 $0.00314
2015April $0.00314 $0.00314
2015May $0.00314 $0.00314
2015June $0.00401 $0.00314
2015July $0.00401 $0.00401
2015August $0.00401 $0.00401
2015September $0.00401 $0.00401
2015October $0.00401 $0.00401
2015November $0.00401 $0.00401
2015December $0.00401 $0.00401
The following factors were applied in the 12 billing months beginning January 2014.
YearMonthAuthorized FactorApplied Factor
2014January $0.00192 $0.00192
2014February $0.00192 $0.00192
2014March $0.00192 $0.00192
2014April $0.00192 $0.00192
2014May $0.00192 $0.00192
2014June $0.00192 $0.00192
2014July $0.00192 $0.00192
2014August $0.00192 $0.00192
2014September $0.00192 $0.00192
2014October $0.00192 $0.00192
2014November $0.00192 $0.00192
2014December $0.00192 $0.00192
The following factors were applied in the 12 billing months beginning January 2013.
YearMonthAuthorized FactorApplied Factor
2013January $0.00074 $0.00074
2013February $0.00074 $0.00074
2013March $0.00074 $0.00074
2013April $0.00074 $0.00074
2013May $0.00074 $0.00074
2013June $0.00074 $0.00074
2013July $0.00187 $0.00187
2013August $0.00187 $0.00187
2013September $0.00187 $0.00187
2013October $0.00187 $0.00187
2013November $0.00187 $0.00187
2013December $0.00187 $0.00187
PSCR Clause revised effectiveOct. 7, 2016 by Mark Kappler, General Manager, at Portland, Michigan
Previous Revisions:June 1, 2015; Jan. 1, 2015; Jan. 1, 2014; July 1, 2013; Jan. 1, 2013; Jan. 1, 2012; July 1, 2011; Nov. 18, 2010