Roade Parish Council
PO Box 847, Northampton, NN7 9AB

Telephone: 01604 861976

E-Mail: Parish Clerk:

Website: Fiona Young

Have you ever wondered why the Parish Council do not appear to do things that you would like us to? We thought it would be useful to produce a list of questions and answers that our councillors are frequently asked….if we haven’t covered something that you would like answering, please let us know!

Roade Parish Council FAQs

What if I want to attend a meeting and speak?

All council and committee meetings are open to the public and you are very welcome to attend. Meetings are usually on 2nd Monday of the month at the Village Hall (but do check first). The meeting Agenda is published at least 3 full days before the meeting and is on the council website and notice board by the post office. There is a Planning Committee meeting first which starts at 7pm, this is a group of councillors who look at smaller planning applications, they have ‘delegated powers’ which means that they can respond on behalf of the whole council. After the planning committee meeting, the full council meeting starts at 7.15pm. There are Public Forums in both meetings, the public forum lasts for a total of 15 minutes. Each member of the public can speak for a maximum of approx 3 mins, all questions are noted and will either be responded to within the meeting or by the Clerk in the days following the meeting.

Once the main meeting has started, no further comments from the public are allowed unless requested by the Chairman.

Why we don’t fix potholes?

Northants County Council Highways Dept are responsible for all road and pavement repairs. We can report any, but so can the public, on

If you do not have access to the internet you could call the parish office on 01604 861976 and we will report it for you.

This link can also be used to report fly tipping and abandoned vehicles.

Is RPC responsible for mowing the verges and street furniture?

Yes, the parish council uses a contractor to mow the verges and also we use the services of a self employed village technician to repair and maintain our streetfurniture such as the benches and waste bins. The cost of this is met by the precept which is a portion of the council tax that residents pay.

Why can't there be a car park for the Primary School. The traffic can be at gridlock?

There has been traffic issues at peak times around the primary school for many years, as there are at most schools around the country.

As the primary school is doubling in size this has become a major issue for our parish. However, planning permission was granted by the planning authority and they did not forsee any issues therefore there has not been very much mitigation. The parish council have no powers to use compulsory purchase to buy land for a car park and there are also no funds available for this purpose.

Who repairs the street lights?

RPC pay for street lighting, repairs and electricity. We are currently replacing the old concrete lights that are 40 years old (which had a 25 year life span) and fitting LED lights that last longer and use less electricity. We use a grant obtained from the Windfarm Community Benefit Fund for this project. If a light is not working can you please call/e-mail the Parish Council Clerk. We do not call out an engineer until there are three faulty lights in the parish, this is why there may appear to be a delay in getting lights fixed.

The parish Council appears to have a lot of money in the bank, what are you going to do with it?

The council has received some income from the new developments at Ashton Road and Chaplins Yard, this totals approx. £400,000. This money is called ‘S.106 funds’ and is to be used to mitigate the effects of housing developments. It is kept entirely separate to the councils day to day accounts.

There are specific criteria for how and where this money is to be spent, a large amount of it has to be spent on play areas.

The parish council are currently working on a Neighbourhood Plan and will fully consult with our residents as to how you would like this money spent.

Why did/didn't you refuse a planning application?

RPC don't have the powers to refuse or agree to a planning application. We review every application and either offer no comment/objection or raise concerns. These comments are sent to the planning department at South Northants Council who ultimately decide. Any member of the public can submit their own comment by going onto SNC website.

In the dropdown menu, search for Roade and you can see the applications.

Some of the various playground equipment in the parks is getting worn.

We have council members looking at this. We have the money, but want to make the right choices as this will be a legacy to the village for many years to come.

Why can't I get a doctors appointment?

Roade surgery is run by the GPs as a business with funding from the NHS so the parish council does not have the power to do anything. However, we can confirm that land has been purchased on the former factory site for a new, bigger surgery.

Are you against the Strategic Rail Freight Interchange (SRFI)?

There has not been an application for either rail freight terminal yet. However, the parish council have resolved to Object to any application as and when they are submitted. The applications will be decided by the Governments ‘Planning Inspectorate’ as they are deemed to be of national strategic importance.

Is there going to be a roundabout at the junction of the A508 and Northampton Road?

Yes this is part of the planning permission granted for the factory site. The work to the roundabout is supposed to be started before the end of 2017. It is part of a scheme of works that are designed to mitigate against the effects of the development and includes new signage, speed control devices and a new road crossing near the school.

I still see dog fouling, what are you doing about this?

We have put various dog waste bins in the village. The parish council have no powers to pursue offenders, if anyone see’s someone letting their dog foul please report it to Environmental Health at SNC on the following link

Who owns and managesRoade Cemetery?

The parish council own the cemetery land and manage all aspects of the cemetery. Please contact the Deputy Clerk on 01604 861976 for any information regarding the cemetery.

What is happening to the former George pub site?

Planning permission was granted for 2 retail units, however the owners aren't under obligation to build. The site has now been sold. The parish council do not control the site.

Why has a fence been put up at the bottom of the Rec?

It was highlighted to us that in heavy rain the volume of water flowing could be dangerous to a small child or infirm adult. Once highlighted, we had to act as owners of the land.

The Water Tower looks unsightly, are you going to paint it?

The Tower belongs to Anglian Water and so their responsibility. We have contacted Anglian Water and they have no plans to refurbish the tower until 2020 at the earliest.