Devotional “A Designer Original”

The following devotional and crafts can be used for the “Our Own Activity” badge. There are several resources online and in the Christian Bookstore to help with the topic of Self Esteem.

Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful and I know this full well.

I love this verse. It is a verse that holds powerful truth and every time I read it...I can’t help but smile.

God had great things in mind when He created woman! She is not a second-class citizen or God’s after thought. She is the very apple of His eye! We believe in the potential that resides in each of His daughters. We know that within each of us is a powerhouse of love, strength and courage. We know that within her resides a woman who wants to make a difference in her world.

Girls; we often waste time worrying about what others think or the way society says we should look.

At this point you can share your own personal experience or use mine

Growing up I was never the ‘it’ girl; the one who was thin, beautiful and surrounded by crowds of people. I was not athletic. I was not studious. There were times when I thought I was not even average. Therefore I was always trying to change who I was just so maybe, just maybe, I would fit in somewhere.

Then an amazing thing happen my last year of high school. God convicted me of my attitude about myself. It was as if he was saying to me, “Jennifer, look around you, each of the girls you want to be are doing just fine being who they are! I don’t need you to be one of them.” That is when I came across this verse for the very first time.

Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful and I know this full well.

It was as though the blindfold had come off and I finally saw just who God had created me to be. I am one of a kind - a designer original.

And girls, there is only one you. You are an absolute…a unique creation of God himself. Give it your best at being you –not what you think others want you to be but who you actually are.

You have got to get good at looking in the mirror and liking the girl you see. YOU, yes you, are wonderfully made. Never forget that. As the old saying goes, “when God made you; He threw out the mold.”

You are one of a kind, precious, and priceless. Girl hold your head up high…you are a designer original!


Vanilla Lip Gloss


·  1 Tablespoon Petroleum Jelly

·  1 Tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel

·  1 1/2 Teaspoons Coconut Oil

·  1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla

Heat ingredients together in a double-boiler and pour into jars. Cool and seal.

Uplifting Bath Salts


·  2 cup Epsom salts

·  1 cup Sea salt

·  food coloring: 4 drops red, 6 drops yellow

·  8 drops of orange essential oil

·  6 drops of neroli essential oil

·  6 drops of lavender essential oil

·  3 drops of lemon essential oil

In a large bowl mix salts first, then add the other ingredients slowly. MIX VERY WELL!

Captain Jennifer Farris

Assistant Youth Secretary

Kentucky Tennessee Division

The Southern Territory