/ / Howard Greenwood
The Bayleys
Back Lane
Lonsdale District Scouts / Tel: 01524-734144
Mob: 07958-183381
Date: 6th May 2017 / Our ref: Expedition Challenge Letter 2017_05_06


First Information Letter

(For Scout Leaders)

Hi All,

Thanks for expressing interest in the proposed Expedition Challenge at the end of June; so far, we have 6/7 Troops that have expressed interest in taking part (one Troop has asked if they can send more than one team; that’s fine, it’s NOT a competition).

This letter sets out some of our thinking to date about how the Expedition will be run and will hopefully answer many of the questions you might have. Please feel free to ask any questions NOT covered in this letter. Contact details are at the end.

So, diving straight in.

WHO should/can take part in the Expedition Challenge?

Experience suggests that Scouts in Years 8-10 are most likely to get the most out of this Challenge. We have done the Challenge with Scouts from Year 7 previously, but whilst MOST Year 8-10’s will cope well with the Challenge, and some Year 7’s could probably skip around, a substantial fraction of Year 7’s are likely to struggle.

If you would like to send Scouts who are in Year 7, please have a discussion with the organisers.

Scouts below Year 7 are a definite no-no!

We are organising the Challenge at District level largely for Troops who are not able to run the Challenge themselves, though all are welcome. If your Scouts are expert hikers and you feel the proposed Expedition might not be challenging enough, best to do your own… this is all about the level of Challenge that suits the individual Scout and so we’re pitching this as moderately experienced Scouts rather than experts.

WHAT size teams are best?

For safety reasons, we think a minimum team size of 4 Scouts is sensible; if the team size gets higher than 6, it gets difficult for everyone to make a meaningful contribution and it is easy for someone to get isolated.

So, if you have 8 Scouts wanting to take part, 2 teams would be best, if you have 7, well, probably a single team to avoid upsetting someone.

If you have less than 4 likely participants, that doesn’t matter as we can probably make a combined team or teams.

WHERE will the Challenge be held?

In and around Dentdale (camping in Dent village).

WHEN will the Challenge be held?

From around 1900 hrs Friday 23rd to c. 1600 hrs Sunday 25th June.

HOW does the Challenge work?

Before departing on the Challenge, Scouts need to (details later):

-acquire the necessary PERSONAL kit (and know how to use it),

-get access to the necessary TEAM kit (and know how to use it),

-learn to navigate sufficiently to cope with the route (see later),

-learn how to deal with emergencies en route,

-devise a menu and buy the required food,

-learn how to pitch their tents and use their stoves.

A few weeks before departure, the Scouts will be given a pre-prepared ROUTE CARD and blank printed MAPS (one for each day), they will use the ROUTE CARDS to mark the route on the MAPS.

We’ll organise a training and route checking sessions for those that want/need it.

On Friday, Troops will be responsible for getting themselves to Dent where they’ll pitch their tents and where we’ll have a final overall briefing; then supper and bed.

On Saturday, teams will be cook their breakfasts, prepare packed lunches and their kit for the day (the Scouts do NOT need to carry tents etc, just a day sack with extra clothes, waterproofs, food and drink).

Teams will be given maps and route cards and be transported to the start points by car, teams departing about every 30 mins (so they don’t fall over each other). Teams will then hike from their start point to Dent (probably about 12 km), passing through perhaps 3 checkpoints manned by Leaders. Experience suggests they’ll take about 4hrs, it’s NOT a race and it doesn’t matter if they take longer.

Given that we will have perhaps 8 teams, we’ll have two start points, one to the EAST of Dent and one to the WEST (therefore there’ll only be a 1.5 hour gap between the first and last team on each route).

Back in Dent Teams must cook their own tea using stoves. There will be free time in the evening.

On Sunday, again after breakfast, lunch and kit preparation, teams will be given maps and route cards for the day and will set off from Dent, teams that walked into Dent on the western route will head out on the eastern route and vice versa. When the teams finish, they’ll be transferred back to Dent by car. Again, the route will be about 12 km.

Teams heading out last will break camp before setting off, those heading out first will break camp on return.

Scouts should be collected about 1600 hrs.

WHAT do we need from Troops?

We’d like each Troop to provide the following:

-at least one Leader with a car,

-tents for the Scouts and for the Leader (ideally, Scouts will camp in teams),

-stoves (Trangias or similar) for each team to cook on (plus fuel), plus cooking pots/utensils,

-cool box to store food,

-a simple first aid kit for each team, to include a pack of blister plasters,

-TWO Silva type compasses for each team,

-a set of 1:25000 Ordnance Survey Maps covering the route (one per team, to supplement the printed maps supplied),

-1 survival bag to each two people.

WHAT kit do the Scouts need?

In terms of general kit, the usual camping gear is required, here’s a kit list

Scout Uniform (shirt and necker)
Sleeping bag and jimjams or whatever
Waterproof coat (not just showerproof)
Waterproof trousers
Hat and gloves (OK, we’re going in June… I’ve seen it snow in June)
Walking Boots or proper walking shoes (boots preferred)
Trainers or similar (please don't send the kids with a single pair of footwear, they will get them wet)
Socks (proper modern hiking socks are an essential)
Wash kit (sponge or flannel, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb etc etc)
Tea-towel (don't expect to get it back)
Sun cream & sun hat

Insect repellent
Any medicines (instructions to Leader please)
Carrier bags for wet and muddy clothes
Torch and batteries
Drinks bottle for hiking
Snacks for hiking
Small penknife


Cutlery, mug, plate, dish

Day sack (small rucsac)

Sense of humour

Pack bulk in a in a stout bag or rucksack (preferably just the one and certainly no more than one bag plus sleeping bag, plus a day sack to use whilst hiking).

Sent out with this letter is a detailed discussion of the kit required for hiking, worth going over this with the Scouts in detail (part of the training they will need).

WHAT training do the Scouts need?

We’ve produced a set of General Instructions for the Expedition, if the Scouts can do everything covered by the instructions, they’ll do fine (each team will get a copy to take with them, to help them if they get stuck).

Essentially they need to know:


-how to read a 1:25000 OS Map,

-that is, use symbols, contours and scale to describe the lie of the land, so they can keep track of their route,

-six Figure Grid References,

-so they can follow the Route Card,

-how to SET A MAP using a Silva type compass,

-so they can relate what is on the map directly to the ground in front of them,

-how to walk on a bearing,

-actually, they can get away without this, BUT IT HELPS!

-how to deal with emergencies (first aid, stranger danger, road traffic accident, illness),

-menu planning and using stoves to cook planned menu.

Useful training to do would be a couple of little hikes (walks even) where they get used to the scale of the maps and how to keep track of an find their route.


We’ll send out a draft risk assessment with this letter.


TO BE DECIDED***********

What next?

Firstly, feel free to contact us with any questions (see letterhead for contact details for Howard who will be acting as first point of contact).

Secondly, please let us have the following information as soon as possible (by email is fine):

1. Troop Name

2. Number, names and schhol years of Scouts wishing to take part (

3. Number of teams and likely number in each team

4. Scout Leader’s name and contact details

5. Names and contact details of Leaders who can attend (and if they can bring a car)

6. If the Troop has the equipment required or not

7. Whether your Scouts would like to attend a District training session or not


Fiona, Terry and Howard