
American Government Final Exam 2014

American Government Final Exam

_____1. What is the “supreme law of the land” ?

a.  Habeas Corpus

b.  Bill of Rights

c.  Constitution

d.  Federal Law

e.  Due Process

_____2. What does the Constitution do?

A.  Sets up the government of the United States

B.  Defines the government of the United States

C.  Lists the powers and duties of each of the branches of the federal government

D.  Provides protections for individual Americans

E.  All of the above

_____3. What are the first three words of the U.S. Constitution?

A.  Novus Ordo Seclorum

B.  E Pluribus Unum

C.  In God We Trust

D.  We the People

E.  America, the Beautiful

_____4. What is an amendment?

A.  A piece of legislation that provides for individual liberties

B.  A change in the wording of the Constitution

C.  An addition to the Constitution

D.  A tax measurement

E.  Both B and C are correct

______5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?

A.  The Bill of Rights

B.  The Magna Carta

C.  The Fundamental Orders of Government

D.  The Amendments

E.  Civil Liberties for All

_____6. Identify which of the following rights comes from the First Amendment.

A.  Right to trial by a jury of one’s peers

B.  Right to free speech

C.  Right to an attorney’s representation in court

D.  Right to appeal

E.  Right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment

_____7. How many amendments have been made to the U.S. Constitution?

A.  10

B.  22

C.  26

D.  27

E.  None

______8. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

A.  Announce our independence from the British

B.  Provide for a democratic government for the U.S.

C.  Provide evidence to the world of the harsh treatment we have received from the British

D.  To obtain assistance from France for our war of independence

E.  All of the above

_____9. What are the rights guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence?

A.  Life

B.  Liberty

C.  Pursuit of Happiness

D.  Property

E.  A, B, and C are correct

_____10. Which clause of the First Amendment provides for freedom to worship as one pleases?

A.  Free Exercise Clause

B.  Establishment Clause

C.  Due Process Clause

D.  Equal Protection Clause

E.  Supremacy Clause

_____11. What is the economic system that is most closely associated with the United States?

A.  Communism

B.  Capitalism

C.  Socialism

D.  Mercantilism

E.  Xenophobia

_____12. What is the “rule of law”?

A.  The idea that no one is above the law

B.  The idea that governmental leaders must follow the law

C.  The idea that the government must follow the law

D.  The idea that everyone is subject to the same rules and laws

E.  All of the above are correct

_____13. Which of the following is part of the legislative branch of government?

A.  The House of Representatives

B.  The Cabinet

C.  The President

D.  The Senate

E.  A and D are both correct

_____14. Which of the following stops any one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

A.  Habeas Corpus

B.  Amicus Briefs

C.  Checks and Balances

D.  Judicial Review

E.  Popular Sovereignty

_____15. Who is in charge of the executive branch?

A.  The Congress

B.  The Speaker of the House

C.  The President of the Senate

D.  The Cabinet

E.  The President of the United States

_____16. Who makes federal laws?

A.  The President

B.  The Vice President

C.  The Congress

D.  The Supreme Court

E.  The Bureaucracy

_____17. What are the advisors to the President called?

A.  The Senate

B.  The Cabinet

C.  The Legislature

D.  The House of Representatives

E.  A and D are both correct

_____18. How many U.S. Senators are there in total?

A.  435

B.  535

C.  50

D.  100

E.  None

_____19. How often do the voters chose members of the United States Senate?

A.  Every 2 years

B.  Every 4 years

C.  Every 6 years

D.  Every 10 years

E.  Never; they are chosen by their States’ legislatures

_____20. Who currently represents Texas in the United States Senate?

A.  Newt Gingrich

B.  John Cornyn

C.  Kay Bailey Hutchison

D.  John Adams

E.  B and C are both correct

_____21. How many voting members are there in the United States House of Representatives?

A.  535

B.  435

C.  100

D.  50

E.  2

_____22. What is the term of office for members of the House of Representatives?

A.  2 years

B.  4 years

C.  6 years

D.  10 years

E.  11 years

______23. Which of the following represents the 14th District of Texas (where AHS is located) in the U.S. House of Representatives?

A.  John Cornyn

B.  Pete Sampras

C.  Ron Paul

D.  Rand Paul

E.  Mark Curtis

_____24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent?

A.  The people of the State from which he/she was elected

B.  The people who reside in his/her congressional district

C.  The people of the United States

D.  The members of his/her party

_____25. Why do some States have more representatives than others?

A.  The States’ population is larger

B.  The State pays more taxes to the federal government

C.  The State is one of the original 13 and is entitled to an additional representative

D.  The State is located on the Atlantic Ocean

E.  The State used to be an independent nation so it is entitled to additional representatives

______26. How many years is the term of office for the President?

A.  2 years

B.  4 years

C.  6 years

D.  8 years

E.  10 years

_____27. During which month are presidential elections held?

A.  October

B.  November

C.  December

D.  January

E.  February

______28. What is the name of the current President of the United States?

A.  Ronald Reagan

B.  George H. W. Bush

C.  William Jefferson Clinton

D.  George Walker Bush

E.  Barack Obama

_____29. What is the name of the current Vice President of the United States?

A.  Gerald Ford

B.  Richard Cheney

C.  Joseph Biden

D.  George Bush

E.  Ron Paul

______30. If the President is killed, who would take over the office?

A.  The Vice President

B.  The Speaker of the House

C.  The President Pro Tempore of the Senate

D.  The Secretary of State

E.  Non one; we would have a special election to fill the position

______31. If the President and Vice President are both killed, who is next in line of succession?

A.  Speaker of the House

B.  President Pro Tempore of the Senate

C.  Secretary of State

D.  Secretary of the Treasury

E.  Secretary of Defense

______32. Who serves as the commander-in-chief of the armed services?

A.  Secretary of Defense

B.  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

C.  The President of the United States

D.  Secretary of War

E.  Secretary of the Army

_____33. Who must sign all bills before they can become law?

A.  The Congress

B.  The Speaker of the House

C.  The Ways and Means Chairman

D.  Chairman of the Senate

E.  The President of the United States

_____34. Who has veto power?

A.  The States

B.  The Congress

C.  The Senate

D.  The Supreme Court

E.  The President

______35. What is the main role of the Cabinet?

A.  Elect the President

B.  Advise the President

C.  Regulate trade

D.  Collect taxes

E.  Impeach and convict the President

______36. Which of the following is one of the Cabinet Departments today?

A.  Armed Services

B.  War

C.  State

D.  Environmental Protection

E.  Solicitor General

_____37. What does the judicial branch do?

A.  Review laws for constitutionality

B.  Explain what laws mean and who they apply to

C.  Resolve disputes among the other branches

D.  Judicial Review

E.  All of the above are roles of the Judiciary

_____38. What is the highest court in the United States?

A.  Court of Appeals

B.  District Court

C.  Court of Appeals

D.  World Court

E.  Supreme Court of the United States

_____39. Who is the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

A.  John Roberts

B.  Warren Buffet

C.  Warren Burger

D.  Earl Warren

E.  Antonin Scalia

_____40. How many justices serve on the Supreme Court?

A.  5

B.  9

C.  15

D.  21

E.  2

_____41. Which of the following is a power granted by the Constitution to the federal government?

A.  Declare war

B.  Regulate divorce

C.  Tax exports

D.  Regulate marriage

E.  Regulate the sales of alcoholic beverages

_____42. Which of the following is a reserved power of the States?

A.  Declaration of War

B.  Commanding the military

C.  Providing public education

D.  Signing treaties

E.  Sending and receiving ambassadors

_____43. Who is the current Governor of Texas?

A.  Greg Abbott

B.  George Bush

C.  Rick Perry

D.  David Dewhurst

E.  Ron Paul

_____44. Which of the following is the capitol of Texas?

A.  Austin

B.  Beaumont

C.  Corpus Christi

D.  Dallas

E.  Ennis

_____45. What are the two major political parties in the U.S. today?

A.  Whigs and Labor

B.  Democrats and Whigs

C.  Democrats and Republicans

D.  Republicans and Labor

E.  American Independent and Green

_____46. Which political party is the current president a member of?

A.  Republican

B.  Green

C.  American Independent

D.  Democratic

E.  Populist

_____47. Who is the current Speaker of the House?

A.  Tip O’Neal

B.  Newt Gingrich

C.  Denny Hastert

D.  Nancy Pelosi

E.  John Boehner

______48. Which of the following describes one of the amendments regarding voting rights?

A.  Citizens over the age of 18 can vote

B.  No poll taxes may be charged to vote

C.  No discrimination based on race for voting may occur

D.  No gender discrimination in voting may occur

E.  All of the above represent amendments dealing with the right to vote

_____49. Which of the following is an obligation of citizens?

A.  Serving on a jury

B.  Voting

C.  Obeying the laws

D.  Paying taxes

E.  All of these are obligations of citizens

_____50. Which of the following is a right only given to American citizens?

A.  Voting

B.  Paying taxes

C.  Freedom of religion

D.  Freedom of speech

E.  Right to an attorney

_____51. Which of the following is a right granted to anyone residing in the United States?

A.  Freedom of Expression

B.  Freedom of Religion

C.  Right to petition

D.  Right to assembly peaceably

E.  All of the above are rights granted to all persons

_____52. What do we pledge allegiance to when we say the Pledge?

A.  The United States of America

B.  The people of the States

C.  The Constitution and laws of the United States

D.  The Bill of Rights

E.  All of the above are correct

_____53. What is one promise that you make when you take the oath of citizenship for the United States?

A.  To give up loyalty to other nations

B.  To defend the Constitution and laws of the nation

C.  The obey the federal laws

D.  To serve in the US military as needed

E.  All of the above are correct

_____54. What is the earliest age at which you may vote for President of the United States in all 50 States?

A.  16

B.  18

C.  21

D.  25

E.  35

_____55. Which of the following is a way that you can participate in American democracy?

A.  Join a political party

B.  Run for office

C.  Vote in an election

D.  Join a community organization

E.  All of the above are correct

_____56. What is the last day you can pay your federal income taxes?

A.  January 1st

B.  May 17th

C.  April 15th

D.  November 6th

E.  February 14th

_____57. When do all males residing in the United States have to register for the draft?

A.  April 15th

B.  On their 18th birthday

C.  On their 21st birthday

D.  Prior to graduating from high school

E.  When they get a driver’s license

_____58. Why did colonists come to America?

A.  Freedom of religion

B.  Political liberty

C.  Economic opportunity

D.  Escape religious persecution

E.  All of the above are correct

_____59. Who lived in America prior to the arrival of European immigrants?

A.  The French-Canadians

B.  Native Americans

C.  The Spanish

D.  African-Americans

E.  The Chinese

_____60. Which of the following represents the largest group of people who were enslaved in the Americas?

A.  People from Spain

B.  People from Asia

C.  People from Africa

D.  People from Cuba

E.  People from the Dominican Republic

_____61. Why did American colonists fight the British in the Revolutionary War?

A.  They imposed taxes without representation

B.  They quartered of troops in private homes

C.  They cut off our trade with other nations

D.  They impressed our sailors into their navy

E.  All of the above are reasons for the Revolution

_____62. Who is the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

A.  Thomas Jefferson

B.  James Madison

C.  George Washington

D.  Alexander Hamilton

E.  Adam Smith

_____63. When was the Declaration of Independence officially adopted by the Second Continental Congress?

A.  September 11, 2001

B.  December 7, 1941

C.  August 4, 1865

D.  November 11, 1919

E.  July 4, 1776

_____64. Which of the following was one of the original 13 colonies?

A.  Alabama

B.  Mississippi

C.  Texas

D.  Georgia

E.  Hawaii

_____65. What happened at the Philadelphia Convention of 1787?

A.  They wrote the Articles of Confederation

B.  They elected George Washington Commander-in-Chief of the Army

C.  They wrote the Declaration of Independence

D.  They wrote the Constitution of the United States