COST 623 7th Management Committee Meeting
Strasbourg 19th and 22nd September 2001
Notes from John Boardman
1.Welcome: the Chair welcomed especially Milos Stankoviansky representing Slovakia.
Present: Mike Kirkby (UK), Jean Poesen (Bel), Anton Imeson (Neth), Jerzy Rejman (Pol), Lillian Oygarden (Nor), Aaron Yair (Isr), Katharina Helming (Ger), Jussi Baade (Ger), Milos Stankoviansky (Slo), Adam Kertesz (Hun), Zoltan Szalai (Hun), Dino Torri (Ita), Veronique Auzet (Fra), Christian Valentin (Fra) Anne Koeina Boulef (Port), John Boardman (UK – Chair); Guest: Eric Roose (Fra)
2.Apologies: Anita Veihe (Den), Seppo Rekolainen (Fin), Sirkka Tattari (Fin), Francesc Gallart (Spa)
3.Notes on the previous MC meeting had been circulated by the Chair (JB) . There were no official Minutes from the Secretariat.
4.The agenda was agreed
5.News from the Secretariat. The new COST 623 Scientific Secretary (Emil Fulajtar) attended the 22nd September meeting and introduced himself to the MC.
JB tabled paper showing 19 member countries of COST 623.
6.Mid term Evaluation of COST 623. The Chair reported that he had presented the report to the COST Technical Committee (TC) on the Environment in Brussels on 11th September 2001. The report had been very favourably received. The idea to develop a follow-up Action was welcomed. The issue of what criteria are used to evaluate proposals was raised – JB to find out. The only critical note was that the TC pointed out that the report said little about scientific achievements of the Action. The TC asked that a one-page summary be prepared for the COST web site. The Chair asked WG Co-Chairs to prepare a very short (e.g. three bullet points) summary of their WG’s achievements to forward to the MC Chair.
7.STSM. JB reported that 6069 out of 10350EUR had been awarded to four applicants. He encouraged others to apply! A request for an extension of the time period for the STSM has been made to Brussels.
8.WG reports.
WG1 reported that papers from the Almeria meeting were to go to ESPL and that papers from the current Strasbourg meeting would also be published.
A proposal for EU funding (ISMAEL) was being prepared for submission in October: this arose from COST collaboration and was developed at a COST
Small Group Meeting in Leuven in June.
WG2 reported that a selection of papers from the Oslo meeting would be submitted to ‘Nordic Hydrology’ and papers from the Thetford wind erosion meeting to ‘Catena’. Papers from the Gully Symposium in Leuven had been submitted to ‘Catena’.
WG3 reported on meetings planned in the future (see below).
9.Future Meetings
Socio-economic factors and soil erosion, 14-16 February 2002 in Brussels (Boardman/Imeson/Poesen); WG2 and MC. Confirmed
Datasets on soil erosion in Europe, 28 February-2 March 2002 in Helsinki (Baade/Rekolainen); WG3. Confirmed
Land use and climate scenarios applied at regional scales, 18-19 April 2002 in Utrecht; (Jetten/Kirkby); WG1, Possible
Land use management, erosion and carbon sequestration, 24-28 September 2002 in Montpellier, (Roose/Baade); WG3, Confirmed
Soil erosion patterns: evolution, dynamics and connectivity, 10-12 October 2002 in Muncheberg, (Helming/Auzet/Poesen); WG1, WG2 and MC; Confirmed
Dispersion, soil erosion and piping, January 2003 in Almeria (Faulkner/Poesen et al); WG2 and MC; Confirmed
Model comparisons for Global change scenarios (with GCTE), March/April 2003 in Belfast (Favis-Mortlock/ Jetten/Kirkby); WG1; Confirmed
Final COST623 Plenary Conference, 28-30 May 2003* in Budapest (Kertesz/ Auzet/Poesen/Baade); all WGs and MC; Confirmed
Present-day processes and long-term landform evolution, no date in Israel (Yair/Auzet); WG1; Possible
*Date to be confirmed
10.There was no further business.
11. Date of next meeting of MC: 14.00 16th February 2002 (Brussels)