GSL Scheduling Guidelines
The scheduling of games within the GSL is one of the most important aspects of the league. The ability to complete the process in a timely and accurate manner has implications both for the current season and seasons to come. One of the first steps to ensure an accurate schedule is for all GSL organizations to adhere to deadlines for the season.
The GSL can be divided into five separate entities; Novice, Mite, Squirt-Bantam, Pre-HS Midget and Midget. Each of these groups has different needs and requirements when it comes to scheduling and their respective seasons.
The Scheduling process is never perfect, but the following guidelines should be put in place for the GSL scheduler.
· A full season schedule released prior to the start of the regular season. A date should be listed on the GSL calendar and any changes be deicide prior to July 1. The goal would be to set a league calendar every 2-3 years for planning purposes.
· All teams in a division should play the same number of games. (i.e. all Squirt North teams play the same number of total GSL games.) The number of games in a division will be impacted by: the number of playable weekends, the number of teams in a division and the NPD of the teams in the division.
· Teams be allocated 4 No Play Dates (NPD) plus the 2 dates of their respective state tournament if they commit to the District 6 Play-downs. (NPD only apply at the Mite-Bantam and Midget levels.)
· Teams from outside of Springfield (currently Amherst, FCHA and Brattleboro) should avoid being scheduled for games at 7:00 AM in the Springfield area. Additionally the teams from outside of Springfield should not provide game ice any earlier then 8:00 AM for GSL games.
· Teams can play two games in one day, however this process should be avoided if possible. If necessary for a doubleheader a minimum of 2 hours must take place between the end of the first game and the start of the second game.
· It should try to be avoided to have teams play the same opponent in back to back games, however there is the understanding that this may occasionally happen.
· Teams should be try to be scheduled on their organizations ice as opposed to “neutral” ice, however to maximize the number of games the Ice Scheduler can schedule games at neutral locations.
· Organizations should be encouraged to purchase ice between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM to play GSL games. It is understood however that some rinks require the purchase of ice at 7:00 AM. No GSL game should start prior to 7:00 AM. Additionally no GSL games should start Sunday’s after 4:00 PM.
· Prior to December 31st the GSL scheduler shall set a schedule for the GSL Playoffs. The schedule will only show the seeds not the teams participating. It is understood that in divisions of 4-9 the top four teams will advance to the playoffs. In division of 10+ the top eight teams will advance to the playoffs with the top 4 forming an upper division and the next 4 forming a lower division.
· The GSL scheduler should also try to limit situations where teams do not have any games during a weekend if the team has not taken a NPD during that weekend. Understanding however, that the number of teams in the division, the NPD of other teams in the division and the overall availability of ice can impact games of teams.
· A balanced overall schedule should be the final goal of the scheduler. A balanced schedule includes the number of home and away games a team plays, the distribution of early and late games, as well as spreading out opponents during the season. It is understood however that a variety of factors play into the schedule. Having an assistant scheduler to review the schedule prior to publication will help this. Even if there is an assistant scheduler the ultimate responsibility falls on the member organizations and their coaches to review their schedule immediately after it is publish and notify the league of any concerns. Sometimes these concerns can be resolved and other times they will not be able to be addressed.
Additionally at the Mite-Bantam level the GSL will field multiple division (North, South and East.) The North division is presumed to be the “A” division, South “B” and East “C”. It is important that every effort be made to ensure that teams are placed correctly in the appropriate division. The GSL will hold an evaluation round prior to the start of the regular season to help teams gauge the appropriate level. (Additional information on the Evaluation Round is listed below.)
The novice division was adjusted to the current format listed below for the 2010-11 season. This process has worked well over the past three seasons when all deadlines have been adhered too.
· Comprised of 3 separate sessions of 7-8 weeks each.
· There are not any no‐play dates for this age level.
· The goal will be to put 6 teams on the ice at a time playing cross‐ice, however based on number this may not be possible and it might need to be 4.
· Games will be played on either Saturday or Sunday with a preference being given to Sunday. Each team would play one game each weekend.
· The 7th or 8th week of each session will be a Jamboree organized by the hosting GSL member organization. Teams would play time shortened games during the Jamboree.
· Hosts would be determined at the August GSL board meeting for the upcoming season. In the event more then 3 organizations are interested in hosting a blind draw format will be used to determine the hosts. Hosts will be responsible for having some item for each participant.
· The first session would begin during one of the weekends of the evaluation round for Mites‐Bantams with each following session occurring approximately 7-8 weeks later depending on the calendar.
· Organizations would need to provide the number of teams by the deadline established for each session.
· The GSL would be responsible for securing ice for these games and the costs divided equally between participating teams.
· There must always be an even number of teams in this division. In the event of an odd number of total teams submitted the GSL will go back to the submitting teams to reduce or increase the number of teams by 1 to have an even number of teams. The GSL scheduler will have the final say if an agreement cannot be made by member organizations.
· Games would be played with 3 skaters on the ice, using the small nets, no goalies and each team must supply a coach in a helmet on the ice for each game.
· All teams scheduled will be responsible for setting up and tearing down the bumpers for each game.
· The expectation is that the participants in this division are first year hockey players no older then the cut off date for Mite age players.
The division became 100% cross-ice during the 2011-12 season as the GSL adopted the philosophies of USA Hockey’s ADM program.
· Teams in the Mite division will play fewer games then teams in the Squirt-Bantam division. A goal of approximately 20 games for teams in this division will be in place.
· Games are played cross-ice using the full size nets. However if the rink where games are being played has rink dividers the games can be played as half ice games.
· During games there are a maximum of 4 skaters and a goalie on the ice. Teams can agree to play with 3 skaters and a goalie, but both coaches must agree.
· One official is used for each Mite game. One timekeeper is used for the two cross-ice games being played on a single sheet of ice. The timekeeper will sound the horn every 2 minutes to indicate it is time to change skaters. The scores will not be posted.
· All teams scheduled will be responsible for setting up and tearing down the bumpers for each game.
· No standings are kept at this level. At the conclusion of the regular season a Jamboree will be held where teams will play multiple opponents in a non-tournament format.
This is the start of division that standings are kept and the season ends with a playoff.
· It is understood that teams will play the same number of games in each division.
· The goal for total games will be around 26 games per team. This number may be higher or lower based on the number of teams in a division, NPD of those teams and the number of playable weekends in the season. This is strictly a goal.
· All teams in a division will play each other and every effort will be made to play each team a similar number of times. However it is understood that due to NPD, number of playable weekends and number of teams there could be a difference. The difference should never be more then +/- 2 games. (i.e. Team A may play Team B 5 times, but only play Team C 3 times.)
· The GSL Scheduler should pay especially close attention to teams playing the same opponent in back to back games at the Bantam level based on the physical nature of this age level.
The primary goal of this division is to provide an environment that allows players that are considering playing high school hockey a place to increase their skills.
· One division will be formed for this division unless there are at least 6 teams to form an “A” and 6 teams to form a “B” division.
· Teams in this division will be responsible for scheduling their own games. The GSL will host a scheduling meeting prior to the season to allow teams to schedule games. It understood that all teams should play all the teams in the division prior to scheduling a team a second time.
· There are not any NPD allocated for this division as teams schedule their own games.
· There are not playoffs or a championship for this division, however standings will be kept.
· Games will end in this division the weekend of Thanksgiving to allow players to go to the high school tryouts.
· The season will start playing games in early September and will be listed as part of the league schedule of important dates.
· The goal is to have each team play 14 games, however this number is dependent on the start date of the division, the number of teams and playable dates.
· Teams can schedule games on any day of the week, however preference should be made to schedule games on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The latest start time for Friday and Saturday night games should be 9:30 PM and the latest start time for Sunday games should be 4:00 PM.
This division starts play after the first of January each season. Many of the players in this division typically did not make their high school varsity team and are looking for an arena to continue developing their skills.
· One division will be formed for this division unless there are at least 6 teams to form an “A” and 6 teams to form a “B” division.
· Teams in this division will be responsible for scheduling their own games. The GSL will host a scheduling meeting prior to the season to allow teams to schedule games. It understood that all teams should play all the teams in the division prior to scheduling a team a second time.
· The number of games per team in this division will be set each year based on the number of teams, available ice, NPD and playable weekends.
· Teams can schedule games on any day of the week, however preference should be made to schedule games on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The latest start time for Friday and Saturday night games should be 9:30 PM and the latest start time for Sunday games should be 4:00 PM.
· Standings are kept in this division and a divisional final that matches the top two teams are played as part of the GSL championships.
· There must be a minimum of 4 teams committed to this division to ensure the division will be formed.
· Teams are allocated 2 NPD for this division.
· All teams in a division will play each other and every effort will be made to play each team the same number of times. However it is understood that due to NPD, number of playable weekends and number of teams there could be a difference. The difference should never be more then +/- 2 games. (i.e. Team A may play Team B 5 times, but only play Team C 3 times.)
GSL Evaluation Round
The Evaluation Round is an important part of the GSL Scheduling process. The proper placement of teams in a division helps ensure an enjoyable season for players, coaches and parents. It is understood that member organizations hold the primary responsibility for correctly identifying what division their teams belong in.
· The evaluation round will take place over two weekends as noted on the GSL calendar. It is important that teams make every effort to get all their players to attend these games. However it understood that other fall sports commitments might impact attendance. Player attendance should be taken into consideration prior to final placement of teams for the regular season.
· The goal is for teams to play 4 shortened games each weekend of the evaluation round. Teams are encouraged to score in these games as it helps to determine the proper placement of teams.
· It is understood that if an organization has two teams in a division and the organization has already noted as one being stronger then the other (“A” vs. “B”) that these teams should not play each other during the first weekend.