Torngat Labrador Retrievers... CKC Registered
We make an effort to satisfy all requests, however nature doesn't always co-operate with our list and you may be offered a different colour or sex of a Labrador. You will be advised when we have a puppy available for you. A $500.00 non-refundable deposit will put you on the Torngat Labrador waiting list once you’ve been approved.
Dateof Application:
Available for Interview:
Address:City: Postal Code:
Email Address: Telephone #
Owning a Labrador is a commitment of up to 15 years and must be cared for medically, mentally and maintained in a healthy environment. If after acquiring a Torngat Labrador your circumstances change and you can no longer care for your animal, you must return the animal to us.
1) Reason for dog ownership? Show [ ] Breeding [ ] Family Pet [ ]
2) Have you owned a Labrador before? Yes [ ] No [ ]
3) Are there children in the household? Yes [ ] No [ ] Ages:
4) Is everyone in the household participating in the care of this dog? Yes [ ] No [ ]
5) Who will the primary caregiver be? ______
6) Do you have a fenced yard? Yes [ ] No [ ]
7) Will someone be at home with the puppy for the first two months? Yes [ ] No [ ]
8) How long have you lived at your current address?
10) Do youRent [ ],Lease [ ] or Own [ ] your home/property?
11)Do your neighbours have dogs? Yes [ ] No [ ] Breed:
12) Are there other animals in the household? Yes [ ] No [ ]Species:
13) Are you willing to takeyour Torngat Labradorto Obedience Classes? Yes [ ] No [ ]
14) 1st Preference [ ] Black [ ] Yellow [ ] Chocolate [ ] Male [ ] Female
15) 2nd Preference [ ] Black [ ] Yellow [ ] Chocolate [ ] Male [ ] Female
16) How did you hear about Torngat Labradors?
Friend/Acquaintance…their Name:
Searching the Internet [ ] My Website [ ] Dog Show [ ]
17) What is your occupation?
Additional comments why you feel a Torngat Labrador should live with you: