Anatomy & Physiology I

Peripheral Vascular System

  1. Arteries & Veins

a)  Arteries are high or low pressure vessels (circle correct answer).

b)  Arteries always carry blood away from the heart. True or False

c)  Veins always carry deoxygenated blood. True or False

2. Varicose veins

a)  What are varicose veins?

b)  What causes varicose veins?

c)  What happens to the blood when varicose veins occur?

3. Hemodynamics

(velocity of blood flow)

a)  What is the velocity of blood flow?

b)  What is circulation time?

(volume of blood flow)

a)  What is cardiac output?

b)  Name 2 factors that influence cardiac output.

(blood pressure)

a)  What is blood pressure & what causes it?

b)  If heart rate increases cardiac output does blood pressure rise or fall?

c)  Does pressure fall or rise in systemic circulation with distance from left ventricle?

d)  How much does blood volume have to decrease for blood pressure to drop?

e)  Does water retention increase or decrease blood pressure


a)  What is resistance?

b)  What are 3 variables that affect resistance?




c)  The 3 variables above make what?

d)  How do arterioles control blood pressure?

(venous return)

a)  What is venous return?

b)  Venous return depends on ______difference from venules (16mmHg) to right atrium (0mmHg)

c)  If tricuspid valve is leaky will it cause a build up or loss of blood on venous side of circulation?

d)  What is a skeletal muscle pump?

e)  What is a respiratory pump?

4. Syncope

a)  What is syncope?

b)  What are 4 causes of syncope?

5. Input to the Cardiovascular Centre – Match the appropriate definitions with the correct #.

1-higher brain centres




______input during physical activity

______anticipation of competition, increase in body temperature

______monitor concentration of chemicals in the blood

______changes in pressure within blood vessels

6. What does a carotid sinus massage have to do with syncope?

7. What is shock and how does it affect homeostasis?

8. Pulse points-label the specific diagrams with the correct name

a) b)


c) d)


e) f)


g) h)


9. Which arteries branch off the aorta to supply the heart muscle?

10. Venipuncture

a)  Where is venipuncture normally performed in adults?

b)  Where is it performed in infants?

11. Label the following diagrams and use the answer key on the back page to check your answers.


Aorta- ascending superior vena cava

aortic arch inferior vena cava thoracic brachiocephalic

abdominal subclavian

common carotid internal jugular internal carotid external jugular

external carotid vertebral

vertebral axillary

brachiocephalic brachial

subclavian cephalic

axillary basilic

brachial medial cubital

radial radial

ulnar ulnar

superficial & deep palmar arches great cardiac

coronary hepatic

common hepatic hepatic portal

splenic splenic

gastric superior mesenteric

superior mesenteric inferior mesenteric

renal renal

inferior mesenteric common iliac

common iliac external iliac

external iliac internal iliac

internal iliac femoral

femoral greater saphenous

deep femoral popliteal

popliteal anterior tibial

anterior tibial posterior tibial

posterior tibial peroneal

dorsalis pedis

Arteries of the Brain

·  arterial shunts called the connect the posterior cerebral arteries and the middle cerebral arteries. There are two (2), a right and a left.

·  An anterior communicating artery (only 1), joins the right and left anterior cerebral arteries

·  Together these vessels form an arterial anastomosis called the ______

·  An anastomosis functions to provide alternate routes for blood to reach an area if an occlusion occurs. (ie blood clot)