Purdue University Student Chapter of School of Civil Engineering

550 Stadium Mall Drive

American Congress on Surveying and Mapping West Lafayette, IN 47907

and http://Cobweb.ecn.purdue.edu/~acsm

Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors

Chapter Meeting – January 13, 2009 (7pm)

Present Members:

Jacob Hoffman, President

Steve Seiler, Vice President

Jason Gaspar, Treasurer

Mike Conley, Student Representative

Melonie Fuoss, Secretary




Mad Mushrooms Pizza

Ski Trip

Ski Trip was moved to January 31, 2009. A sign-up sheet was passed around and an estimate of four members will be in attendance. Plans to carpool are to be further discussed by the attendees as well as other issues regarding the trip. Lift tickets will be free for members.

End of the Year Banquet

No update on the end of the year banquet.

National Convention

The National Convention that will be held Feb. 20-23 in Salt Lake City Utah was discussed. A sign-up sheet was passed around and approximately six members will be attending. It was decided that the cost of plane tickets will need to be paid by each attendee upfront then will be reimbursed as the club gains funds.

Kathy Banks from the Civil Engineering Undergrad office spoke with Jacob Hoffman, Brittany Scherer and Jason Gaspar about funding for the convention. She proposed that the Civil Engineering School donate $1000, CESAC donated $1000 and BOD of ISPLS donate money as well. Brittany Scherer will talk to the CESAC president about the donation to the club. Jacob Hoffman and Jason Gaspar will speak with the BOD of ISPLS at the ISPLS Convention on January 14, 2009.

The hotel reservations will be made by Nate Plooster and it was decided that two rooms will be needed. All attendees are in charge of reregistering themselves for the convention. The students that choose to participate in the competition are aware that they need to start preparing. Any further plans relating to the convention and competition will be discussed among attendees. The National Convention will also be further discussed at the upcoming officers meeting on January 27, 2009.

Thank you notes

Steve Seiler, Head of the Public Relations Committee, reported that the club is currently up-to-date with thank-you notes for any donations received.

Treasurer’s Report

Approximately $2,100.00 is available, however that does not include the hotel costs incurred for the ISPLS Convention which is approximately $400.

Blunder Newsletter Update

It was expected that donations would come from alumni, companies and contacts that were sent the Fall Semester Blunder Newsletter, however, it was concluded that we have not raised any money from sending out the Blunder. Many Blunder Newsletters that were sent out came back as returned mail and need to be resent.


New fundraising ideas were brainstormed at the meeting. Ideas included a golf outing and additional silent auction items at the ISPLS Convection that will be held Wed. Jan. 14 at 6pm in the Purdue Alumni Room. The item to be offered at the silent auction was for a pair of students to work for a day for any bidding company. A pair of Undergraduate students and a pair of Graduate students were to be auctioned.

Exponent Fundraiser

Thank you to all the members that helped the club raise money by working for the Exponent on Sunday, January 11, 2009. It is not yet known how much money was made. It will be discussed at the officers meeting on January 27, 2007.

ISPLS Convention (Jan. 14-16)

We will be staying at the LaQuinta Hotel located next to the Marriot Hotel where the convention will be held. Officers Jacob Hoffman, Jason Gaspar and Steve Seiler will be the first to arrive at the hotel so they are in charge of checking into the rooms and receiving hotel key cards.

For the slideshow in the alumni room, transportation for all the items and equipment needed was arranged.

All transportation for items and merchandise for the booth were arranged as well as its operation and setup.

Next Meeting – Officers Meeting January 27, 2009 @ 7pm
