Ref: RH
Application No: / 3/2015/1030
Site: / 7 The Dales, Langho, BB6 8BW
Development Proposed: / Remove current conservatory and construct single storey garden room along rear of property. Remove hip roof to rear of garage and align with new extension.
Target: / 29/01/2016

CONSULTATIONS: Town/Parish Council

Wilpshire Parish Council: No Objection

CONSULTATIONS: Highway/Water Authority/Other Bodies


CONSULTATIONS: Additional Representations

No representations have been received in respect of the proposed development.
Ribble Valley Core Strategy
Policy DMG1 – General Considerations
Policy DMH5 – Residential and Curtilage Extensions
National Planning Policy Framework
Section 7 – Requiring Good Design
This application seeks consent to remove the existing conservatory and construct a single storey garden room along rear of the property and to remove the hip roof to rear of the garage and align with new rear extension at 7 The Dales, Langho. The application property is a two storey detached dwelling within the modern residential estate off Longsight Road, within the Settlement boundary of Langho. The property is faced with red brick, roof tiles and brown UPVC window frames and doors. The main issues to be considered as part of this application include the design of the proposals, its impact on the visual appearance of the surrounding area and its impact on neighbouring occupiers.
Ribble Valley Core Strategy Policy DMG1 provides specific guidance in relation to design and states that extensions should be designed to complement the original dwelling in terms of its scale, massing, style, features and building materials. Furthermore, new development should make a positive contribution to the local character and distinctiveness of the building. The application proposes the demolition of the existing conservatory which currently projects 4.85m from the rear elevation and is 3.85m wide. The eaves height of the existing conservatory is 2.457m and the ridge height is 4.361m. This will be replaced by the erection of a garden room which will be erected on the footprint of the existing conservatory measuring 4.85m x 3.85m with the addition of a 1.9m x 2.9m extension creating a ‘L’ shape rear extension across the whole of the rear elevation. The removal of the hip roof to the rear of the garage allows the roof to be aligned with the proposed rear extension creating a continuation of the roof line.
The proposed rear extension and the alignment of the two rooflines creates visually a single storey wrap around extension to the main dwelling. The proposed section of the rear extension which will be sited on the existing footprint of the conservatory will have an eaves height of 2.457m and a ridge height of 3.6m with a 26 degree roof pitch. The additional rear extension will be set down with a ridge height of 3.45m and an eaves height of 2.457m. As a general rule any extension should be subordinate to the original dwelling. The rear extension would appear subservient to the main dwelling by virtue of its scale and design and would not result in undue harm to the appearance of the dwelling or streetscene.
The removal of the existing conservatory and the alignment of the two rooflines would improve the visual appearance of the dwelling and would be more in keeping with the property. The window and door openings proposed are designed to reflect the existing openings in terms of proportions and style and are considered appropriate. The proposals would be faced with materials to match those used in the construction of the existing dwelling.
With regards to the potential impact on the residential amenity of the occupiers of nearby dwellings, there is a large garden to the rear of the dwelling. The properties adjacent to the application property and to the rear of the dwelling are screened by a high wooden fence. The replacement extension would be erected at the same height as the existing conservatory resulting in no change to the loss of light or privacy of neighbouring properties. Furthermore, it must be noted that the element of glazing facing this property would be significantly less than provided by the existing conservatory. With regards to the above, the proposed development would not have an unacceptable harm on the amenities of neighbours through loss of light, privacy or outlook.
A protected species survey has been submitted which found no evidence of bats using the property and concludes that the proposed works are unlikely to cause disturbance to bats, result in the loss of a bat roost or cause injury or death to bats.
In conclusion, it is considered that the proposed development would not result in harm to the appearance of the existing building, the character of appearance of the conservation area of the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers. Accordingly, it is recommended that the application be approved.
RECOMMENDATION: Approved with conditions