Assessment Plan

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism
Unit 1: The UK Travel and Tourism Industry
Academic Year: 2010 – 2012
Unit Code:K/600/8459

**After each assignment is completed your work will be assessed within 2 weeks and returned to for improvements **

Task 1 –
Task 2 –
Task 3 – / Issued:
Hand in:
Hand in:
Hand in:
Guided Learning Hours: 30

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 6 – UK Tourism Destinations

Candidates Name:

Teacher: PLW

To be completed by:

Criteria: P1


You are showing your new employer that you have a good knowledge of UK tourism. To start with you decide to show where locations of majorUK destinations, airports and seaports on a series of maps. The maps that you present for assessment must be your own work (on apre-printed outline) and not maps that have been downloaded or copied from elsewhere with locations already marked on them. Maps must be clearly labelled to identify the different types of destinations.

Pass Criteria
  • Locate significant UK traveland tourism destinations, airports and seaports (P1)

Please use the information on the next page to guide you through your maps.

Decision of grade award at this date

P1 [ ] No Award [ ]

Is this to be resubmitted?Yes [ ] No [ ]

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Assessor signature: ______Date: ______

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 6 – UK Tourism Destinations

Use the following table as guide for what should be included in your work. If any of criteria is not address you will not be awarded the grade and therefore will have to re-submit your work.

Pass Criteria
You must including the following information to gain a pass grade:
*Note – All theterm ‘significant’ refers to tourist destinations that receive quantities of visitors from the UK or overseas and have a tourist infrastructure in place to support them.*
Map 1 - Locate significant UK tourist destinations including the capital cities and at least six each of seaside resorts. (P1a)

Map 2 - Locate six significant UK cultural or historical towns/cities that attract tourists (P1b)

Map 3 - Locate six significant UK countryside or coastal National Parks that attract tourists (P1c)

Map 4 - Locate six significant UK spa towns that attract tourists (P1d)

Map 5 - Locate six significant UK islands that attract tourists (P1e)

Map 6 - Locate six significant UK airports, using their three letter codes only (P1f)

Map 7 - Locate six significant UK six seaports with a typical passenger route from each; include an example of a sea transport routewithin the UK, from the mainland to the Republic of Ireland and from the UK to Europe. (P1g)

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 6 – UK Tourism Destinations

Candidates Name:

Teacher: PLW

To be completed by:

Criteria: P2, M1, D1


You are going to be working for the travel company Lonely Planet who provide information to travellers about different destinations. You will fully investigate three different locations for three different types of customers.

Pass Criteria
  • Describe the appeal of one UK town or city destination, one seaside resort and one countryside area, eachfocusing on appeal for a different type of visitor (P2)
/ Merit Criteria
  • Assess, giving detailed examples, the strongest aspects of appeal of each destination for one type of visitor (M1)
/ Distinction Criteria
  • Use analysis of the overall strength of appeal of one UK destination for one type of visitor to identify any gaps in provision. (D1)

Please use the information on the next page to guide you through this task.

Decision of grade award at this date

P2[ ] M1 [ ] D1 [ ] No Award [ ]

Is this to be resubmitted?Yes [ ] No [ ]

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Assessor signature: ______Date: ______

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 6 – UK Tourism Destinations

Use the following table as guide for what should be included in your work. If any of criteria is not address you will not be awarded the grade and therefore will have to re-submit your work.

Pass Criteria
To gain a pass grade you must:
FAMILY Seaside Destination:
Choose a seaside destination and produce a tourist information sheet (no more than two sides of A4) that has information on the following topics on it (P2a):
  • Visitor attractions
  • Possible accommodation (at least two different types)
  • Natural features
  • Arts and entertainment
  • Sightseeing
  • Transport links

Choose a city destination and produce an exhibition display that has information on the following topics on it (P2b):
  • Visitor attractions
  • Possible accommodation (at least two different types)
  • Natural features
  • Arts and entertainment
  • Sightseeing
  • Transport links

RETIRED COUPLE Countryside Break:
Choose a countryside destination and produce a two minute presentation that has information on the following topics on it (P2c):
  • Visitor attractions
  • Possible accommodation (at least two different types)
  • Natural features
  • Arts and entertainment
  • Sightseeing
  • Transport links

Merit Criteria:
For at least three specific aspects of appeal, for eachdestination you chose, you must describe how it attracts those specific types of customer. Ifyou described the appeal of a seaside destination for families, you shouldnow consider which three aspects are particularly appealing for this type of visitor. (M1)
For example, the natural features, i.e. the safe, sandy beach, the family-friendly leisure facilities and the excellent range of family-type accommodation, particularly campsites, self-catering and holiday parks.

Distinction Criteria:
For one destination you need to answer the following question ‘How well does this destination cater for this type of visitor and where could it improve?’ Think about these target markets on a broader scale eg is it good for all types of family or just young children rather than older one? (D1)

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 6 – UK Tourism Destinations

Candidates Name:

Teacher: PLW

To be completed by:

Criteria: P3, M2



Pass Criteria
Use appropriate sources ofinformation to find out aboutthe location and appeal of UKdestinations[IE 3].(P3) / Merit Criteria
Work independently, when researching destinations using different sources of information that are clearly referenced in work that is presented clearly, logically and coherently. (M2)

Please use the information on the next page to guide you through creating a report to be displayed in the tourist information centre.

Decision of grade award at this date

P3 [ ] M2 [ ] No Award [ ]

Is this to be resubmitted?Yes [ ] No [ ]

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Assessor signature: ______Date: ______

BTEC First Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title:

Unit 6 – UK Tourism Destinations

Use the following table as guide for what should be included in your work. If any of criteria is not address you will not be awarded the grade and therefore will have to re-submit your work. Remember this is a guide and if you need to use more slides then please do so!

Pass Criteria
To gain a pass grade you must:
Detailed Bibliography –
You must keep a record of all the sources used in this unit, including websites, leaflets, brochures etc... (P3)
 / Merit Criteria
To gain a merit you must:
Independent Learning -
Complete a self evaluation of independent learning to show the resources you used (M2a)

Be observed on at least three different occasions using different sources of information each time. (M2b)

BTEC Assessment CriteriaUnit 6 – UK Tourism DestinationsUnit code:K/600/8459

NQF level 2: BTEC First

Student Name: Overall Grade:

Learning Outcomes
1Know the location of significant UK travel and tourism destinations and gateways
2 Know the appeal of UK tourism destinations for different types of visitors
3Be able to use sources of information to find out about UK destinations.

Teacher’s signature ______Date ______

Overview of Tasks

Task / Criteria Covered / Assessment Method / Functional Skills Covered / Personal Learning and Thinking Skills Covered
Task 1 – Map Presentation / P1 /
  • Produce a series of Maps

Task 2 – Review of destination appeal for different customers / P2, M1, D1 /
  • A Presentation, Factsheets and display board
/ ICT - researching organisations and presenting information / Exploring the facilities of the different UK destinations through individual research.
Task 3 – Review of sources of information used in task 2 / P3 /
  • Review of sources of information
/ ICT - presenting information about organisations