Board of Undergraduate Studies - University of Guelph Senate
2016-2017 Undergraduate Calendar
Submission Timelines & Deadlines
Note: Approved changes take effect May 1, 2016. This page of the form is for information only and doesn’t need to be submitted.
Use this form for making changes to the schedule of studies (calendar description) of a degree program, major, minor, area of concentration or emphasis.
FORM A: PROGRAM INFORMATION is required when submitting changes to degree program rules and regulations or changes to admission requirements.
If proposed changes to a Schedule of Studies includes the addition, deletion, or changes to the sequencing of courses from other academic units, evidence of consultation is required. Submit email correspondence or memo electronically with this form to the Program Committee Secretary.
Effective September 1, 2011, in accordance with the University of Guelph's Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP), programs having undergone major modifications must be reported to the Quality Council. Details regarding major modifications are found in the IQAP. For clarification as to whether the proposed revisions would be considered a major modification contact the Director, Academic Programs and Policy.
Questions? Contact the Director, Academic Programs and Policy, Administrative Secretary or your Program Committee Chair or Secretary.
Instructions for using Form D: Specialization and Program Change Template
- Copy the most current schedule of studies, and paste “unformatted” into the “Current Calendar Description” column
- To ensure accuracy, use the 2015-2016 calendar copy, NOT the 2014-2015 copy. New copy appears online in February 2015 and in draft format in November 2014. If you are unsure whether changes were made to the specialization during the previous cycle, contact the Program Committee Secretary or Chair for the most accurate calendar copy
- For changes to a small number of sections (one or two semesters, preamble only, etc.) copy only those sections and indicate skipped sections with ellipses (…)
- In the proposed revision column bold all text to be added and use the strikethrough formatting for text to be deleted
- Please ensure rationale is directly aligned with the change in the proposed revision column
Board of Undergraduate Studies - University of Guelph Senate
2016-2017 Undergraduate Calendar
Submission Timelines & Deadlines
Current Calendar Description:(copy and paste “unformatted” from 2015-2016 Undergraduate Calendar) / Proposed Revisions:
(copy and paste “unformatted” from 2015-2016 Undergraduate Calendar and bold text to be added and strikethrough text to be deleted) / Rationale:
(ensure rationale is directly aligned with the change in the proposed revision)
Approved by Program Committee: / Date:
Approved by Dean or Designate: / Date: