[List of attendees]
Meeting Minutes, March 22, 2017
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Blackberry Run Villas
Meeting Minutes (Unapproved)
March 22, 2017
Present: / BOD Members: Dave Tallmadge, Jim Martin, Thelma Westerley, Patsy Bennett.Homeowners: Randy and Shari Heyob, Linda Slaughter, Beverly Miceli, Mary Kim, Bob Hartsock, Eileen Conlan, Claudia Boscoe, Linda Lowrey, Bruce and Sandra Madden, Linda Johnson, Gerald and Theresa Long and Gary Mavor.
Open Forum
Randy Heyob,Concerned about dead pine trees. GA Landscape. This is already being addressed with the L&I.
Mary Kim, concerned about non-residents walking through private property, outside of courtyard. She would like to see a, “No Outlet” sign at the entrance.
Shari Heyob did not see the treasurer’s report with agenda. It is posted on the AIO website.
Claudia Boscoe wants financials posted with the newsletter.
Gerald Long would like to see frequently repeated items for the ARC streamlined. This is in progress and will be available after 7Hs has approved it.
Sandra Madden was concerned the Newsletters are not posted on the AIO website.
Treasurer’s report: All expenses paid but there are 10 delinquent homeowners, reminder letters will be sent by All in One.
a. Motion – Approval for reprogramming the universal remote
for the new TV $167.00
b. Motion – Approve landscape planting done by RGS invoice
27630 for $106 for work done in fall of 2016. Protective
netting for annuals at front gate and clubhouse by GLS
invoice 36379 for $63.
c. Motion – Approve the purchase of new tv for the main
clubhouse area to replace a non-working tv $406.59 and
disposal of the old tv $10. Part of CR.
d. Motion – Approve contract and annual retainer fee with
HOA Attorney Rome & Assoc. invoice 342402 for $650.
e. Motion – Approve purchase of D&O insurance for $956.
Umbrella Insurance for $388.
f. Motion – Approve rolling over the 4/1 CD into a 6 month
CD.. Current CD value is $30194 + int. At that time transfer
$20,000 from the CD to the Reserve MMA. Reserve MMA is
currently $33084 + int.. + $20,000 for a total amount in the
Reserve MMA of $53084.
This will give the Reserve MMA adequate funds to cover
budgeted Reserve expenditures of: Clubhouse Renovation
$31673, Irrigation $8160 and landscaping $8325 totaling
$48158. The remaining $10194 will be reinvested in a 6
month CD.
All financial motions approved.
Committee reports:
Clubhouse redecoration is well under way. The committee has been working hard with the Decorator they selected. Items currently in the Clubhouse will be sold off to recoup some of the funds spent. A presentation by the decorator is planned for March 23 at 10am to let homeowners see the items chosen and the new color scheme.
Welcome: The new neighborhood directories have been delivered. Jim Martin is the welcome committee liaison and has the remaining directories for new residents.
Sandra Madden announced that there have been 4 CAC activities this year so far and all future months are scheduled
ARC Committee: There will, be the annual program at the 7Hills Clubhouse on March 30. At this time homeowners can submit a request to makes changes to their homes and the fees are waived.
Action items; Patsy Bennett is researching the replacement of the faded stop signs at the exit from the Villas. This is handled by Paulding County.
Ongoing work on the Villas, Rules and Regs. The plan is to have them in an orderly format, with an index to avoid any future confusion.. Changes have been made to Rule # 39 there are now three options regarding how you paint your garage door.
Changes had to be made to the Clubhouse Redecoration Charter to enable them to have focus and purpose of their goal. They were hindered by a low response to the RFPs they sent out.
Approval was given to pay invoice to previous landscaper, RGS, for work he did but has just now, sent us an invoice.
Approval was given to purchase a new TV for Clubhouse Cost of $406.59 to replace nonfunctioning in main area of Clubhouse plus $10. to remove said old one. Comcast bill increased by $2.
Approval was given for the payment of an invoice to reprogram the Universal remote for the new TV purchased for the Clubhouse. Cost $167.
Insurance items due have been approved and CDs are rolling over except money needed to cover the cost of Clubhouse Redecorating which will be taken from the reserve MMA. MMA is currently at $53,084. Cost of redecorating is currently billed at $31,673.00. Balance will be reinvested in a 6 month CD. Motion by Dave Tallmadge and seconded by Patsy Bennett
New business. A request was made to purchase a file cabinet for all the documents that are accumulating. Cost of $419. With free delivery. It would be placed in the exercise room where there is room and would be accessible to this and all future BOD members. Large plastic containers currently being used are taking up too much room in BOD members’ homes. BOD voted not to make this purchase. All in One, will make arrangements to have these items stored at a cost of $15. Per month. A vote will be taken at the next meeting.
Open Forum.
A homeowner, Randy Heyob is concerned about the people walking behind his house. Recommended if they are not BBR residents, he should call the Sherriff.
Jim Martin announced he will be hosting a presentation by the Paulding County Senior Citizen Group.
Gerald Long will be retiring from his volunteer position. We need another volunteer to take on the valuable chores he did. One in particular, putting the garbage cans out on Sunday for pick-up and bringing them in on Monday.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50pm.
Respectfully submitted, Thelma Westerley, Secretary.