TO: Members of the TLAC (Teaching & Learning Advisory Council)

FROM: Judy Puncochar, Chair

RE: Meeting of the TLAC, Friday, November 10, 2006, 8:30AM in Whitman Commons


I.  Call to order – Welcome!

II.  Additions to/Adoption of Agenda

III.  Approval of and corrections to the Minutes of October 20, 2006

IV.  Reports, Updates, & Topics for Discussion:

a.  Chair – Judy Puncochar

i.  Thank you to Carolyn Lowe (10/20/06 meeting on peer coaching)

b.  Treasurer – Carol Steinhaus - budget update

c.  List of discussion topics:

i.  TLAC Monthly Teaching Engagements

1.  TLAC poster with scheduled events (Keith)

2.  Other

ii. Teaching Excellence Awards (Jill) with Bob Marlor & Keith Ellis

iii.  TLAC Website – Keith doesn't mind overseeing the website

iv.  Grants

v. Advising discussion

vi.  Other

d.  Residual items

i.  Volunteers & Planning (or do we remove these ideas from our agenda?)

1.  Preserve an ongoing history, including photos of award winners for teaching excellence, plus text of provost’s speech at ceremony

2.  Replace Spotlights with videos of faculty.

3.  Make website more easily accessible by listing under “Faculty” on NMU homepage

4.  Video-streaming of faculty talking about teaching and learning

5.  Link TLAC website to include university-wide resources relevant to teaching & learning (e.g., Teaching Enrichment Tips)

a.  Packet for new faculty (e.g., tips resources on CD for new faculty & adjuncts (e.g., http://www-instruct.nmu.edu/it/Faculty/laptopuse.htm)

b.  Syllabus template on TLAC website

6.  Peer review (Russ Prather & Carol Steinhaus) – Pair with a faculty colleague for feedback on teaching

7.  Peer coaching (Carolyn Lowe's 10/20/06 visit with TLAC)

V.  Good of the Order

VI.  Tentative Meeting Dates & Times – Sep 8, Oct 20, Nov 10, Dec 8, Jan 26, Feb 9, Mar 16, & Apr 20 at 8:30am in Whitman Commons (room 136)

VII.  Adjourn

cc: Provost Fred Joyal