SPFL WEIGH-IN Guidelines - 2016

The SPFL will hold three scheduled weigh-ins per season.

Please have the players ready to be weighed in the minimum clothing allowable (T-shirt, shorts, socks). It is imperative that players /coaches be on time. Any player not present will be classified as a striper.

A representative/coach of the school must be present to oversee the players to be weighed.

Team rosters must be fully completed and signed by the proper parties otherwise the players for that school will not be weighed.

If you have any questions regarding who is required to attend a weigh-in, please review your team’s roster posted on the SPFL website. Weights of any players required to attend will be highlighted in yellow on the posted rosters. Players required to wear a stripe will have their weights highlighted in gray.

1st Weigh-in - SATURDAY 8/20/2016

The following are the times allotted for each member school. All varsity players 110 -to- 135lbs and JV players 90 -to- 105lbs must attend.


Visitation 6:30 to 6:40

IC 6:40 to 6:50

Sacred Heart 6:50 to 7:00

St. Francis 7:00 to 7:10

St. Cletus 7:10 to 7:20

St. Michael 7:20 to 7:30

Ss. Peter & Paul 7:30 to 7:40

St. John of the Cross 7:40 to 7:50

Team United 7:50 to 8:00

St. Joseph 8:00 to 8:10

8:10 to 8:20

Any late player(s) who miss(es) their allotted team time must wait until all schools are weighed.

Any player not present will be classified as a striper on the official roster to include the first game.

Any player required to attend the remaining weigh-ins must be present during the allotted time frame. If they miss or are late, that player(s) will be classified as a striper until the next official league weigh-in.

The SPFL Board will only consider scheduling an alternative weigh-in in the event of a school related conflict. Schools must notify the Board of any such conflict prior to the scheduled weigh-in.

2nd Weigh-in: Monday, September 12th 5:00 to 5:30 at Visitation (After 3rd game)

Only those players recorded from the initial weigh-in weighing ≥95 lbs for JV players and ≥120 lbs for varsity players need attend 2nd weigh-in.

3rd Weigh-in: Monday October 3rd 5:00 to 5:30 at Visitation (After 6th game)

Only those players recorded from the previously recorded weigh-in weighing ≥98lbs for JV players and ≥125 lbs for varsity players need attend 3rd weigh-in.