


June 18, 2014, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST

June 19, 2014, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST

Hampton Inn & Suites Saratoga Springs Downtown Hotel

25 Lake Avenue

Saratoga Springs, New York

Attire: Business Casual

Dial-In: 415-655-0003 (USA) / 416-915-6530 (Canada) Guest Code: 28796919

For Reference: Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards, dated July 1, 2014

NPCC Glossary of Terms, dated January 18, 2012



Name / Organization / Sector / Day(s) / Comment
1. / Kal Ayoub / FERC / Guest / 1 & 2
2. / Guy Zito / Northeast Power Coordinating Council / 1 & 2
3. / Lee Pedowicz / Northeast Power Coordinating Council / 1 & 2
4. / Gerry Dunbar / Northeast Power Coordinating Council / 1 & 2
5. / RuiDa Shu / Northeast Power Coordinating Council / 1 & 2
6. / Herb Schrayshuen / Power Advisors, LLC – Proxy for NextEra Energy, LLC / 4 / 1 & 2
7. / Jim Grant Proxy for Greg Campoli / New York Independent System Operator / 2 / 1 & 2
8. / Chris de Graffenried / Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. / 2 / 1 & 2
9. / Michael Jones / National Grid / 3 / 1 & 2
10. / Vijay Puran / NYS Department of Public Service / 6 / 1 / 2nd day via Phone
11. / Robert Pellegrini / The United Illuminating Company / 1 / 1 & 2
12. / Kathleen Goodman / ISO-NE / 2 / 1 & 2
13. / Bruce Metruck Sector 4 Proxy for Wayne Sipperly / New York Power Authority / 4/5 / 1 & 2
14. / Si-Truc Phan Sector 1 Proxy for Sylvain Clermont / Hydro Québec TransÉnergie / 1 & 2 / 1 & 2
15. / Brian Robinson / Utility Services / 5 / 1 / 2nd day via phone
16. / Brian Shanahan / National Grid / 1 / 1 & 2
17. / Joel Charlebois / AESI, Inc. / Guest / 1 & 2
18. / Chantal Mazza / Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie / 1 & 2 / 1 & 2
19. / Muhammed Ali / Hydro One Networks / 1 / 1 & 2
20. / Tom Neglia / Orange and Rockland Utilities / 1 / 1 & 2 / Via phone
21. / Randi Heise / Dominion Resources Services / Guest / 1 & 2 / Via phone
22. / Don Nelson / Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities / Guest / 1 / Via phone

Introductions and Chair’s Remarks

Guy Zito called the meeting to order at 10:00AM on Wednesday June 18, 2014.

NPCC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines

NPCC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines were read by Lee Pedowicz

Agenda Items:

1.0  Review of Agenda

RSC Draft Meeting Agenda was reviewed by Guy Zito.

2.0  RSC Meeting Minutes

2.1  Approval of Minutes: April 10-11, 2014 RSC Meeting #14-2

RSC Meeting Minutes for April 10-11, 2014 was reviewed and approved as read.

3.0  Drafting Team Members and Executive Tracking Summary

3.1  NPCC Members on NERC Drafting Teams

The spreadsheet of NPCC Members on NERC Drafting Teams March 2014 was reviewed. It was noted that the spreadsheet was unchanged since the last RSC meeting.

3.2  Executive Tracking Summary

RuiDa Shu is assigned to keep this document updated going forward.

The spreadsheet will be updated every two weeks and distributed to all RSCMembers.

3.3  NERC Project Tracking Spreadsheet (link)

Guy Zito discussed the purpose of the spreadsheet is to provide project oversight on all NERC projects.

RuiDa Shu is assigned to keep this spreadsheet updated.

4.0  Open Action Items

4.1  Open Action Items List

Item / Description / Owner / Due / Status
4.1 / Coordination with the Compliance Committee to develop Joint Activity Action List / Greg Campoli/Guy Zito / RSC Meeting / Update:
Coordinate with Greg Campoli/ Guy Zito will verify if a joint CC meeting is necessary.
4.2 / New York Adoption of More Stringent/Specific NPCC Criteria – determine more stringent criteria and submit filing / Gerry Dunbar / April 2014 / Update: The more stringent draft criteria are currently under review by NPCC Staff and the expected filing date will be in third quarter of this year.
4.3 / NPCC outreach program development – discussion item: members provide input and opportunities for development of an outreach program / RSC / RSC Meeting / Update: Ongoing
4.4 / Project 2010-17, BES - Follow up with Drafting Team to identify established set of criteria for when an entity can request an exclusion and what should be provided / Guy Zito / Update:
This item will be removed from the Open Action Item list.
4.5 / Revise the Directory Development Manual to address cost effectiveness / G. Dunbar / Update:
NPCC BOD requested revisions to incorporate cost considerations.
Posting of revised Manual approved by the RSC and Manual posted to the Open Process through August 8th, 2014.
4.6 / Project 2007-06 - System Protection Coordination – share concerns raised at the RSC meeting with the Standard Drafting Team [At the February RSC meeting there were concerns regarding: coordination between entities; tracking and notification of 10% or greater change in fault current at an interconnecting bus; need for a common tool to facilitate data exchange.] / Guy Zito / Update: Ongoing
4.7 / Follow up with NERC on current RSAW development process / Guy Zito / Update:
RSAWs will be posted on a regular basis.
4.8 / Update NPCC Members on NERC Drafting Teams based on feedback received at the April 2014 RSC meeting / Update:
This item will be removed from the Open Action Item list.
4.9 / Update executive tracking summary.
·  Project 2007-02 Operating Personnel Communications Protocols: COM-002-4 Final Ballot
Project 2010-05.1 was updated under the Reliability Standards tab but was missing from summary of changes. The summary of changes should be corrected. / Update:
This item will be removed from the Open Action Item list.
4.10 / Update the RSCMembers email list to include both Primary and Alternate RSC members / Update:
The RSCMembers email list was revised with Primary and Alternate contacts. This item will be removed from the Open Action Item list. See Agenda Item 10.0 for reference.
4.11 / Project 2010-02, the use of the term “Facilities” rather than entities defined by the functional model was not supported by the RSC. Provide alternate language for consideration / Helen Lainis / Update:
This item was tabled for discussion at a future RSC Meeting.

5.0  Items Requiring RSC Discussion / Approval

5.1  NERC Weekly Standards Bulletin

Guy Zito mentioned that this is for information and is available on the NERC website.

5.2  Project 2014-01 – Standards Applicability for Dispersed Generation Resources

Michael Jones from National Grid requested a discussion regarding a cut-off time for submission of comments.

Members of the RSC suggested having a cut-off time for comments. When comments are submitted close to the submission deadline it makes it difficult for people to be able to review and submit revisions.

Michael Jones suggested three business days before the comment submission deadline to be the cut-off. Any comments after the deadline will have to be submitted by an individual entity directly to NERC. Three days before comments are due NPCC will send out the comments to the RSCMembers.

Kathleen Goodman suggested enforcing this three day policy. The RSC can schedule a conference call to discuss the comments before submission. Conflicting comments will be sent in independent of the RSC submission.

5.3  Project 2010-02 - Connecting Facilities to the Grid - FAC-001-2 and FAC-002-2

Herb Schrayshuen provided an update on Project 2010-02.

FAC-001-2 is posted for its final ballot.

FAC-002-2 has added LSE to the standard.

Generator interconnection requirements: FERC has provided rules and requirements for all generator interconnections. This standard does not provide all the rules and requirements for interconnecting a generator. The standard is a duplicate effort since FERC already has set rules and requirements.

5.4  Project 2007-17.3 - Protection System Maintenance and Testing - Phase 3 (Sudden Pressure Relays) - PRC-005-X

The meeting participated in a webinar conference call from 11:30AM -12:30PM on Project 2007-17.3 (PRC-005-x) Protection System Maintenance and Testing – Phase 3 (Sudden Pressure Relays).

Guy Zito mentioned that this version of PRC-005 is temporarily assigned the number “PRC-005-X” because PRC-005 will be modified by two drafting teams simultaneously.

Separating the changes is necessary for the SDT to petition applicable governmental authorities for the applicability changes on a separate timeframe from the other technical changes in this version of PRC-005-X.

FERC Order 758 to add reclosing and sudden pressure relay. PRC-005-3X is only adding the sudden pressure relay, it is building upon the standard. Adding more responsibility to BA, one requirement is added for BA. This standard will be balloted on July 18th, 2014.

Online live voting of the standards concept was conducted during the webinar.

5.5  NERC Bulk Electric System Update

Guy Zito discussed that the BESnet tool will send out notification to entities.

Once the BES definition is in effect there are some transmission lines from the A10 list that could be covered by the exception or inclusion process via the BES definition, radial lines for example. Registering those lines through the BESnet tool for exception or inclusion will still be necessary.

There will be a two year timeframe to get new BES assets in compliance. Good faith rule: report it before the year ends. The members of RSC recommended all entities should watch the video of the BESnet tool found under the RAPA section.

5.6  Project 2012-13 - NUC - Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination

Guy Zito reported that Project 2012-13 had a ballot result of 97.36% approval. The standard incorporates additional relay set points and aggregation agreements.

5.7  Project 2013-03 - Geomagnetic Disturbance Mitigation

Guy Zito discussed the standard during the meeting. The RSC Members will verify with their organizations their positions for this standard. Initial ballot will close July 30th, 2014.

5.8  NERC State of Reliability Report Finds Bulk Power System Performance Level Remains High

Guy Zito discussed the NERC SOR and the data/analysis within the report.

5.9  Project 2010-05.2 - Special Protection Systems - Phase 2 of Protection Systems

Guy Zito discussed that the Special Protection Systems term will be replaced by Remedial Action Scheme. There is no common understanding of what constitutes Special Protection Systems from region to region. There are 43 standards that contain SPS and they will have Remedial Action Scheme incorporated. The definition is posted for Remedial Action Scheme. NPCC Directory 7 will need to be revised.

5.10  NERC RAPA Meeting

Action Item: Send an email to John Siedel and follow up on the SPS template from NERC PC. NPCC staff will follow up with Phil Fedora on this item.

5.11  NPCC RCC Meeting Minutes

There was confusion and uncertainty regarding the BES and self-notifications at the RCC meeting in June 2014. There were many questions regarding how NPCC can address the confusion and uncertainty with BES. As a result, NPCC is doing an informational webinar on June 25th, 2014 on the effect of the revised BES definition on compliance obligations within NPCC.

6.0  NERC Reliability Standards

6.1  Currently Posted Projects

Project / Comment Period / Ballot Period / Standards Developer / 6/18/14
Project 2007-11 Disturbance Monitoring - PRC-002-2 / 6/23/14 / Steve Crutchfield / 1:00 PM
Project 2008-02 Undervoltage Load Shedding & Underfrequency Load Shedding - PRC-010, PRC-020, PRC-021 and PRC-022 / 4/16/14 6/23/14
(I) / Erika Chanzes
Lacey Ourso / 1:15 PM
Project 2010-05.1 - Protection System: Phase 1 (Misoperations) - PRC-004 / 6/30/14
(F) / 6/30/14
(A) / Scott Barfield / 1:30 PM
Project 2014-02 - Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards Version 5 Revisions / 7/16/14
(F) / 7/16/14
(I) / Marisa Hecht
Ryan Stewart / 1:45 PM
Project ​2014-03 - Revisions to TOP/IRO Reliability Standards / 7/2/14
(F) / 6/17/14
(I) / Ed Dobrowolski / 2:00 PM
Project 2013-03 - Geomagnetic Disturbance Mitigation / Luis Marti / 2:30 PM
Comments: (I) – Informal; (F) – Formal
Ballots: (I) – Initial; (A) – Additional; (F) – Final

·  Disturbance Monitoring:

Lee Pedowicz said that the initial ballot only gathered 41 percent approval. In response to comments, the Standard Drafting Team reduced the number of requirements in the standard by two. The SDT made changes to the initial Implementation Plan from three steps to two steps so entities will have six years to be 100 percent complete. Some individual entities believe the standard might not have reliability benefits. The goal is to retire the NPCC standard and use PRC-002-2. PMU is suggested (equipment not mandated by the standard) as a less costly way of collecting the data for dynamic disturbance recording. The standard is open for ballot until June 23rd, 2014. Lee Pedowicz responded to technical questions from the RSC members.

Guy Zito will send out a notification on behalf of RSC to vote for the standard. Majority of RSC members present recommend affirmative vote for this standard.

·  UVLS:

Erika Chanzes and Lacey Ourso from NERC both called in to the meeting and discussed Project 2008-02. This standard has been active for a year with two informal comment periods. The Special Protection System definition revision has been posted since last week.

UFLS has two members of the UVLS SDT team members to assist. Due to the differing approaches, the comment and ballot periods will be separate so they are not overlapping. Comment period closes on June 23rd, 2014.

·  PRC-004:

Scott Barfield from NERC called in to the meeting and discussed Project 2010-05.1. The project is currently posted for comments and ballot. Ballet closes on June 30th, 2014. There will be an additional ballot if it passes, then be posted for final ballot during the last week of July.
The majority RSC members recommend an affirmative vote for this standard.

·  CIP Version 5:

Marisa Hecht and Ryan Stewart from NERC called in to the meeting and discussed Project 2014-02. The BES cyber asset survey ends on July 14th, 2014. TFIST will be making comments on the survey. The SDT did not add any additional requirements to the standard itself. There will be a webinar on June 19th, 2014.