Oklahoma State University Rules and Disciplinary Procedures

Rules Participants and Parents Need to Know:

I. In seeking uniformity in the conduct expected at each county, district, state, national, and international 4-H event, the following guidelines have been developed to become effective on June 1, 2013.

1.   All rules and regulations governing an activity or event will be discussed with educators, leaders and 4-H'ers prior to or at the beginning of each event.

2.   All 4-H'ers are under the supervision of any Extension worker or adult assigned to the event.

II.   4-H members accused of any of the following may be sent home immediately and will be required to appear before a review board:

- Assault or personal harm - Possession or use of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages

- Sexual misconduct - Theft, misuse or abuse of public or personal property

- Possession of weapons (does not limit the use of approved sporting arms when and where authorized).

If a question regarding any the above is raised, 4-H members consent to a search of their room and/or personal property. Failure to comply will result in violation of the Code of Conduct.

III.   4-H members accused of any of the following may be sent home and may be required to appear before the review board:

- Breaking curfew, disturbing the peace or violating the dress code - Use of abusive language

- Unexcused absence from the activities of the event - Possession of illegal fireworks

- Unauthorized use of vehicles during the event - Misuse of internet or other technology

- Unauthorized absence from the premises of the event

If the accused 4-H'er is found in violation and receives discipline issued by the review board, his or her parent/guardian will be notified, and the 4-H'er may be sent home immediately at the parents’ expense and may be suspended from participating in district, state, national and international 4H activities for up to six (6) months.

a. Participants are not allowed to drive or ride in personal vehicles during the dates of the Program unless they receive specific permission to do so from their Supervising Extension Educator or the Program Director. While we understand that some participants will drive to the event, our policy is that participants should not be driving during the event. Participants may be asked to turn their car keys in to the Supervising Extension Educators or the Program Director for the duration of the program. For events on campus – all vehicles parked on campus must have a University Parking Permit. Parking permits will be issued during on-site registration, and clear instructions will be given as to where parking is authorized. It will be the responsibility of the participant to secure a permit, properly place the permit in the vehicle, park the vehicle in an authorized space, and turn the keys into the Program Director for safe keeping during the program. Neither Oklahoma State University, nor the program staff, will be responsible for damage to vehicles or for any parking tickets, fines, or towing charges that result from violations.

b. Participants are to remain on the event site for the duration of the program unless program activities require otherwise. If a participant needs to leave campus or event site for some reason, Supervising Extension Staff must receive prior written permission from the parent or guardian, and grant specific permission.

c. Campus regulations prohibit the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other illegal substances. Participants may not possess, use, distribute, or sell alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs, firearms, weapons or fireworks.

d. Coed visitation in the residence halls is permitted in designated common areas only not in sleeping rooms. No boys will be allowed in girls’ rooms nor will girls be allowed in boys' rooms, either as individuals or groups. It is recognized that circumstances may arise for justifiable exceptions to this policy. However, in every case, permission for exceptions must be secured from chaperone in advance.

e. Participants must attend all workshops, classes, and planned social or recreational activities. Full participation is the only way a participant can gain value from the Program.

f. Participants will abide by nightly curfews and “Lights Out” announcements from the Program Director or Program Counselors. Participants must be in their OWN room at lights out and remain there until morning.

g. Participants must never misuse internet or cell phone privileges. Attempting to access unauthorized sites is strictly prohibited.

h. Participants must abide by rules and guidelines set by the instructors for each facility in use.

i. In accordance with state law, smoking and use of other tobacco products is prohibited by any one under the age of 18. Neither smoking nor any other tobacco use is permitted at Oklahoma State University or at any of its remote or affiliated sites or programs; OSU is proud to be a tobacco-free campus.

j. Any individual found tampering with any fire equipment (i.e. fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, etc.) will be dismissed from the Program immediately. Participants may not interfere with any security system or tamper with locks in participant rooms and other areas.

k. All furniture must remain unchanged and kept in place.

l. Vandalism and pranks will not be permitted. Any damages caused in rooms or common areas will be charged to the responsible party. Replacement cost will be charged to anyone who removes or damages property.

m. Participants should keep their rooms locked at all times even if leaving the room for only a few minutes. Neither Oklahoma State University, nor the event staff, is responsible for lost or stolen items. A participant should take their room key when leaving room. Those who lose a key must pay for a replacement. Leave excess money and valuables at home. Valuables, including jewelry, iPods, cellphones, electronics, etc., may be brought to the Program, but only at Participants’ own risk and can only be used at free or other authorized times.

Disciplinary Procedures:

Each participant has a reasonable expectation to enjoy a positive program experience. Therefore, the misbehavior of one participant, or a group of participants, will not be permitted to impact negatively on the program experience of others. Most programs are short in duration, so prompt action is required when problems occur. Parents and participants should be aware of the disciplinary policy.

First Offense: Participants failing to adhere to program rules, or exhibiting behavior clearly intended to annoy or endanger other participants, will be formally warned by event staff and informed that subsequent misbehavior will result in additional disciplinary action.

Second Offense: Subsequent misconduct will result in counseling by the staff in charge of the event and a warning that further misconduct will result in a Review Board Hearing or removal from the Program. At this point, the County Educator or Supervising Staff will contact the parent or guardian to advise him/her of the situation and the possible need for picking the child up from the event if there is further misconduct.

Third Offense: Any further inappropriate behavior will result in expulsion from the event and may result in not being able to attend other programs in the future.

If the 4-H'er is found in violation of the Code of Conduct and receives discipline issued by the review board his or her parent/guardian will be notified immediately; the 4-H'er will be suspended from participation in district, state, national and international 4H activities for a period for up to twelve 12 months and may be sent home immediately at parent’s expense.


STAFF NOTIFICAITON PROCEDURES: at state, regional, national, international events; If a 4-H'er is found in violation of the Code and is to be sent home, the person in charge of the event will notify the appropriate County, District or State 4H Office.

REVIEW BOARD: The person in charge of the event will appoint a review board at the beginning of the event. The review board will consist of the following:

At least one Extension Educator, up to two Volunteer Leaders and three 4H members (The person in charge of the event or delegation shall serve as chairman.) The review board may be convened by the person in charge of the event/delegation, or at the request of the affected 4-H'er.

APPEAL PROCEDURES: If a 4-H'er wishes to appeal the decision of the review board, he/she must appeal in writing through their County Extension Office. Appeals must be filed within 30 days following notification of punishment. As necessary, the State 4-H Leader shall appoint an appeal board, no sooner than 30 days following the date of notification of the disciplinary action. The appeal board who hears the appeal of the 4H member shall consist of:

- 2 4-H members MAY be included based on the situation - A County Extension Educator

- A 4-H Volunteer - District 4H Specialist

Realizing these guidelines are not “all inclusive”, the Extension Service reserves the right to make adjustments to policies.

It should be understood this procedure is intended to provide a reasonable and consistent method for dealing with the type of behavior that can be disruptive to a program, but is not so egregious as to warrant immediate dismissal from the program. It in no way precludes immediate dismissal from the program for more serious disciplinary problems or violations of campus or 4-H program regulations. A serious disciplinary problem is defined as one in which the program staff determines that a child is engaging in inappropriate behavior that includes, but is not limited to the following: actions which put the participant, other participants, or program staff member’s safety in jeopardy; physical, emotional, or electronic harassment/harm against self, program staff or fellow program participants; inflicting physical or emotional harm on self or others, vandalism or destruction of University property; theft of University property or the property of another participant; consistently disrupting the program; possession of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or weapons; fighting; sexual harassment; or behavior that is serious enough to warrant a third offense.

Parent and Student Pledge:

As a condition of participation in 4H events, we agree to be bound by the terms of the 4H Code of Conduct. We understand the reason for this agreement is to insure conduct and behavior that will result in every 4H delegate receiving the full benefit of enjoyment and educational experience from this event and is not intended to place undue restriction upon any individual. I/we understand the disciplinary procedures described above. I/we understand failure to demonstrate proper conduct during the program or event may result in early dismissal without any refund of fees paid to attend. We pledge to abide by all program rules and to exercise good behavior and proper respect for others.

DATE OF EFFECT: I agree to this pledge of conduct through DECEMBER 31, 20 _____ or until such time that I am asked to complete a new or revised Code of Conduct.

4H Member Signature ______Date ______

Parent or Guardian Signature ______

County Extension Educator ______County ______

(NOTE: Failure to have the bonafide signatures above shall be sufficient reason to disqualify a member from further participation in a 4H event. Please return entire page by designated date.)

Address ______Phone ______

Where Parent or Guardian may be reached ______

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