Born in 1925, graduated in 1949, University of Parma (110/110).

Professor of Orthopaedics and Chairman of the School of Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the University of Brescia, Medical School until 1997.

Author of 466 journal articles and 30 invited chapters in foreign textbooks.

Author of 10 textbooks and 7 monographs.

More than 25.000 surgical operations, 3.500 of which in microsurgery.

Honoris Causa degree at the University of Wroslaw.

Member of the Academy of Sciences of New York.

Member of 28 Italian, foreign and international scientific societies.

Member of several editorial boards of scientific journal.

Visiting professor and lecturer in many countries, all around the world.

Invited lecturer in various international congress.

Norman Paul visiting professor (Sidney - 1985).

Invited lecturer on reimplantation, Tokio 1986.

Honoured professor, Philadelphia, 2004.

Invited lecturer on spinal cord repair at the “Academie Nationale de Medicine Paris 2005”

Honorary member of the Argentinian, Australian, British, Caribean, French, Hungarian, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Venezuelan Societies for Hand Surgery and of SOFCOT (Societè Framcaise de Chirurgie Ortopedique et Traumatologie and of the Academy of Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology

“Pioneer” of the IFSSH (International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand).

Recognized “Pioneer” of world microsurgery

Founder member of: The International Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, The International Society of Microsurgery, The (French) Groupe d’ Etude des Nerfs, The Italian Society of Hand Surgery, The Italian Society for Microsurgery, The European Society for research in microsurgery, the International Society for Neuromusicology.

Founder of Giorgio Brunelli Foundation for the Experimental Research on Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration.

Former President of: The International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand I.F.S.S.H.(1995-1998), the Confederation Europèenne des Services d’Urgences de la Main, the International Society of Microsurgery, the G.A.M. (Groupe (Francais) pour l’avancement de la Microchirurgie),the Italian Society for Microsurgery (SIM).

Honorary President of the S.I.C.M. (Società Italiana di Chirurgia della Mano)

Adviser of the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) and member of the committee for evaluation of traumatic peripheral neuropaties, teacher in the training course of W.H.O. on new methods of investigation of neurological disorders (Shangai and Beijn 1982).

Visiting expert: Health Man Power at National University Hospital of Singapore on invitation of the Ministry of Health Headquarters 1999.

Honorary President of: The Italian Society for Microsurgery, The Italian Society for Surgery of the Hand, The Europeean Society for Research in Microsurgery , The Int. Academia for Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology.

Honorary Consultant of the Italian Ministry of Defence.

Author of various personal surgical techniques in surgery of peripheral nerves and of the spinal cord.

First in Italy to carry out total hip replacement (1964) and limbs reimplantation (1973).

He has one of the largest series in the world of brachial plexus surgery (more than 1.000) and of reimplantations (more than 1.000).

1st prize for poster presentation on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair at the SIROT Meeting in Sydney in 1999.

Chatwin prize 2003 for the research in the world.

Voluntary missionary surgeon on leprosy patients in Bombay (1989, 1999 and 2004).

Paul Harris award of the Rotary for charity surgery on Leprosy patients in India.

Organiser and teacher of 21 advanced courses of hand surgery and of 27 advanced courses of microsurgery.

Organiser of eight biannual International symposia on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair.

Organiser of the International Symposium “A. Narakas” on brachial plexus surgery 2005.

Research on spinal cord lesions since 1980.

Past President of the Giorgio Brunelli Foundation for Research on Spinal Cord Lesions.

Since 2001 the “Giorgio Brunelli Foundation” has a convention with the department of Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnologies of the Brescia University Medical School and the research is going on with a multidisciplinary Universitary team of Brescia as well as with the Universities of Milano, Verona , Torino, Lubeck and Barcelona.

Italian delegate to the international project: SUAW (Stand Up and Walk)

Ambassador of the International Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010.

Promotor of the E.S.C.R.I. (European Spinal Cord Research Institute).

Elected as one of the five World-Piooners of microsurgery by the W.S.R.M. (World Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery).

In 2006 has been candidate for the Nobel Prize for his research on spinal cord repair and regeneration.