ATTENDEES: Juliet Hiller, Janice Beecroft, Sherman Woo, Tara Bertoia, Tasnim Vegdani, Melisa Chow, Samara Najei, Robyn Richards, Jennifer Sullivan, Andrea McRobbie, Zerlina Thompson, Susan Andrews, Melody Hewitt, Sarita Naider, Sankar Bhavan, Beth Blanchette.

7:05 Meeting Begins

Motion to accept minutes for the September 14 2015 meeting Motion: Robyn second Samara

Motion to accept agenda for the October 13 2015 meeting Motion Janice second Robyn.

Chair Report: Susan Andrews

Welcome back pizza night was well attended and thank you for everyone who attended and volunteered. Great night and a successful fundraiser.

Run for the Cure TEAM SHAWNA- It was a beautiful day and there were 26 people running for team Shawna both adults and children. An amazing experience for all who attended.

Principal’s Report: Ernie Kashima (Absent) given by Lisa Parsonson

Head Teacher Lisa Parsonson spoke about the introduction of the new curriculum in the school district. Burnaby school district has opted for a “soft” start to the new curriculum. Teachers for this school year have the option to adopt some of the new, or not, or a combination of the new and old curriculum. . Parent input is encouraged at this time at every level of education from elementary to secondary. Details about the new curriculum can be found at

Armstrong is looking into booking a free parent information night sponsored by TELUS about online safety.

Earthquake release on October 15 is at 2pm. Parents are encouraged to try to pick up their kids so we can have a realistic practice drill.

Hallowe’en activities are being planned for each class and there will be an assembly and a parade of costumes for grades K-5. Grades 6 and 7 are away at camp. A morning assembly was requested in the gym.

Treasure’s Report:Katrina Craig (Absent) given by Susan Andrews

September financial results and bank reconciliation were submitted for review. If there are any questions Katrina can be contacted by email at the PAC email address, or in person at the next PAC meeting.

Motion to approve increase by $80.00 the total budget for pumpkins purchases this year to an increase in price. Motion Janice second Zerlina vote: unanimous

Motion to approve an increase by $130.00 the total budget spend for Emergency Preparedness to $380.00 for additional safety vests and folding tables for the improvement of Armstrong School’s emergency release procedures. Motion Jennifer Second Andrea vote: unanimous.

Motion to remove Susan McCormack and add Jennifer Sullivan as signatory on PAC bank accounts. Motion Janice Second Melody vote: unanimous

Fundraising: Zerlina Thompson

So far to date $2400 has been raised by the PAC fee and paid by school cash on line. There are some outstanding PAC fees and Susan Andrews will send a reminder email.

Welcome back pizza night was profitable and will net a profit.

School Wear fundraiser coming before Christmas – Armstrong Elementary Hoodies and T’s to be put on Sale.

Coffee Fundraiser coming in December.

Carnival is being planned for May and the Girl Guides have volunteered to run some activities for us. A suggestion to involve the high school kids for set up and take down for volunteer hours for them. It was also suggested to contact the Scotiabank, as they will come and volunteer as well and match the funds we raise.

SPC: Melisa Chow, Andrea McRobbie nothing to report

DPAC: Janice Beecroft

The main focus of the DPAC meeting was on the Ministry of Educations new curriculum. A new curriculum is being introduced into to Schools and will have full implementation by 2017. There will be changes from K to 12 and some graduation requirement will be changing. Parents and educators are working together at many levels of the education process to get a better product.

For more details please visit the DPAC website or BCDAC website

The Burnaby School Board has just done a transfer of computer programs from BCesis to BCmyed. DPAC and a parent group is meeting with the School Board to discuss some of the security issues about the access to the information in the system and who owns it. For more information visit the DPAC website and review the minutes.

DPAC has monthly speakers that are available for the public to come and hear. On November 25th a world class speaker on education, Dr Zhau Yung will be speaking at MJ fox theatre. To get tickets you must preregister on line. For more information visit

Photographer Liaison: Melisa Chow

School photos will be on Wednesday Oct 21 2015. We will order roughly the same amount of yearbooks as last year approx. 250. We need to find a way to work with the students and staff to get as many candid shots throughout the year as possible.

Family Photo Night: only 7 families booked in so we will have to move the night to only one night. Susan will send out a reminder on list serve and hopefully we will get more. We need a minimum to hold the fundraiser.

Fun Lunch: No new business

Garden Committee: Shona Neufeld Melody Hewitt

No new business

Kindergarten Playground Completion Project: Janice Beecroft

Janice has set up a meeting with the School Board building department to find out what kind of equipment is approved for the site. Swings have been refused for the area before so we need approval before we purchase equipment.

Traffic Safety Committee

Sherman Woo has been in contact with Universal Flagging for information regarding used safety equipment for crossing guards.

Parent volunteers have not heard back from Mr. Kroeker regarding a volunteer timetable.

8:05 meeting adjourned.