Section of Oncology

June 2012

Dear Member

We are writing to inform you that over the forthcoming weeks there will be two vacancies on the Section of Oncology Committee, which works on your behalf, and ask that you consider nominating yourself for this position.

The Committee consists of eight members and positions are open to all full members of BAUN Section of Oncology.

Committee meetings are held four times a year, two of these are held as a teleconference and reasonable expenses are paid. There is a requirement that Committee Members attend 75% of the meetings and it is advised that this is discussed with you Line Manager prior to applying.

Membership of the committee involves participation in committee meetings; helping with the organisation of Section educational meetings and working towards the aims of the Section of Oncology. There are currently two educational meetings per year, one held during the year and the second during BAUN Annual conference.

Incumbents serve a three year term of office and a committee member may be re-elected for a second consecutive term of office.

If you would like to join the BAUN Section of Oncology Committee, please complete the nomination form enclosed and return it with a résumé of no more than 250 words to include your current role, urological background and vision for the role.

If you wish to discuss the role in more detail or have any further questions then please contact Alison Lowndes at

Fully completed and signed nominations forms with your resumés should be returned by Friday 29th June 2012 to:-

BAUN Secretariat, Drumcross Hall, Bathgate EH48 4JT, Tel 01506 811077

Fax 01506 811477, email:

Yours sincerely

Alison Lowndes


BAUN Section of Oncology

NOMINATION FORM – BAUN Section of Oncology Committee


BAUN NUMBER: Confirmed (office use only)




