Masoud Reza SOHRABI-MD

Orcid ID : 0000-0001-5688-2776

Scopus ID:18937456700


  • More than twelve years experience as Medical Researcher and clinician in Iran and Franc
  • Highly experienced in developing and conduction of research projects and clinical trials
  • Capable of working independently, as a member of a team, and leading a team
  • Effective multi-tasker, capable of adapting to a constantly changing work environment
  • Proven strong interpersonal skills interacting with a variety and diversity of physicians
  • Excellent communication within medical and non-medical environment
  • Fluent in English and French


2011-present / Executive Manager of Gastrointestinal and Liver disease research centre. Firozgar hospital Iranian Charity for Hepatic patients support
  • Developing, performing and supervise research projects
  • Participation in developing proposals, obtaining funding, following up on results with team and tracking of patient progress.
  • Assured alignment of clinical study implementation with local health authority regulation
Clinical Practice
  • Physician of Liver and fibro scan clinic
  • Responsible Physician of Iranian Charity for Hepatic patients support
  • Visited/consulted patients in different disciplines
  • Visited/consulted patient with liver disease.
  • Follow-up with patients regarding medications or various health concerns
  • Provide effective health care delivery to patients of various ages

2010-2011 / Collaborate with Dr .Frasch research group ;
Clinical nutrition courses,St. Justine research centre; UdeM , Montreal –QC-Canada
Observer ship and Assistance, Alpha medic clinic, Mc Gill University ,supervised by Dr. R.Rezae
2007-2009 / Iranian Charity for Hepatic patients support,DDRI,
  • Developing, performing and supervise the projects
  • Participation in developing proposals, obtaining funding, following up on results with team and
tracking of patient progress.
  • Assured alignment of clinical study implementation with local health authority regulation
Clinical Practice(as Internal medicine and hepatologist) :
  • Visited/consulted patient ,
  • Follow-up with patients regarding medications or various health concerns
  • Provide effective health care delivery to patients of various ages
  • Trained and supervised the student involved in our programs

2003-2007 / Diploma in Internal Medicine/Hepato-Gastroenterology, Paris University, Paris, France
  • Presented articles and recent clinical trial results at Journal Club and different medical meetings
  • Presented patient history for discussion with other specialists
  • Managed and trained medical students, instructing and providing information regarding drug administration, medical testing, medical examination and medical history taking
  • Visited/consulted patient ,
  • Follow-up with patients regarding medications or various health concerns
  • Provide effective health care delivery to patients of various ages

2002-2003 / Scholarship for Molecular Biology Fellowship, Paul Brousse Hospital, Paris, France
  • Performed DNA/RNA extractions, PCR, Gene polymorphism, Western Blot, real time PCR.
  • Conducted aproject in Gene Abnormalities in Hepatosteatosis, .

1998-2002 / General practitioner /Researcher,
Digestive Disease Research Centre, Tehran University School of Medicine
  • Participation in developing proposals, obtaining funding, following up on results with team and
  • tracking of patient progress
  • Supervised students participating in research projects
  • Visited/consulted patients in different disciplines
  • Visited/consulted patient with liver disease

1996-1998 / General Practitioner and Manager,
Out-patient clinic, Regional Health office ;Lorestan province, Iran
1997 / Clinical Nutrition ,Montreal University –Montreal CanadaDiploma of Massage therapy, Adam's Massage therapy's school .Montreal-Canada
Internal medicine, AFS diploma of Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology and Herpetology, Paris University,Paris, France
Fellowship in molecular biology, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Paul Brousse
Hospital,Paris, France.
Post doctoral information in medical research and genetic , be qualified as a master degree. Digestive Disease Research Centre. Tehran University; Tehran, Iran
Medical Doctorate degree, Tehran, Iran
Language and Sport
English and French: advance level
Massage therapist: Alpha medic ;YMCA, Point clear ,Montreal Clinical nutrition
Collaboration with Tehran's Sports committee ,research &developments
Basics of Internal medicine, hepatologyand also basics of clinical research for the student of medicine and Nursing.
Executive manager of :
First Iranian congress of EUS
Second International Iranian Congress of EUS
Tonekabon'sViral Hepatitis Congress
The first Firoozgar Hospital's Upper GI cancer Congress
Translation and writing
Translation of “Hand book of Clinical nutrition” ;Hayan Publisher –Tehran Iran
Translation of some chapters of” Harrison’s Principles of Internal medicine “Arjoman Publisher – Tehran-Iran
Writer of “The practical point of liver Diseases as Q&A” , Arjoman Publisher Tehran –Iran
Writer of " Common gastrointestinal problems for family medicines" Firoozgar Hospital ,Tehran Iran
Writer of some articles for general population, regarding gastrointestinal and liver diseases; Niki journal, Tehran –Iran
Pro Holder for Biopsy : Under revision for international Patency


Selected peer-reviewed publication and presentations.


Under Presse
  1. Trace Element and HeavyMetals In Colorectal Cancer; ComparisonbetweenCancerous vs. Non-Cancerous TissuesBiological Trace ElementResearch
  1. Effect of Cuscuta (Koshos) Syrup on liver Enzymes (ALT & AST); A Clinical trial on Non-AlcoholicFattyliverdisease.Herbalmedicine
  1. Amirkalali B, Sohrabi M,RahimiMoghadam P, etal
The Association of Nicotinamide PhosphoribosyltransferasePolymorphismwith Markers of HepaticInjury and De Novo Lipogenesis in NonalcoholicFattyLiverDisease. Hepat Mon. 2017 ;17(6):e13570

Amirkalali B, Sohrabi M,RahimiMoghadam P, etal

The Association of Nicotinamide PhosphoribosyltransferasePolymorphismwith Markers of HepaticInjury and De Novo Lipogenesis in NonalcoholicFattyLiverDisease. Hepat Mon. 2017 ;17(6):e13570

Gholami A, Khazaee-Pool M, Rezaee N, Amirkalali B,sohrabi M et al.

Household Food InsecurityisAssociatedwithHealth-RelatedQuality of Life in Rural Type 2 Diabetic Patients.Arch Iran Med. 2017 Jun;20(6):350-355. doi: 0172006/AIM.006

Amirkalali B, Sohrabi M, Esrafily et al.
Association between NicotinamidePhosphoribosyltransferase and de novo Lipogenesis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Med PrincPract. 2017;26(3):251-257.
Khoonsari M., Mohammad HosseiniAzar M. , Ghavam R.Sohrabi M.(Corresponding Author)
The commonclinical manifestations thatcouldfacilitate the diagnosis of patients with Non-AlcoholicFattyLiverDisease. Iranian Journal of Pathology 2017, 12(2):99-105
KarbalaieNiya MH, Basi A, Koochak A, Sohrabi M, et al.
Sensitive High-Resolution Melting Analysis for Screening of KRAS and BRAF Mutations in Iranian Human Metastatic Colorectal Cancers.AsianPac J Cancer Prev. 2016 Dec 1;17(12):5147-5152.
SafarnezhadTameshkel F ,Sohrabi M, Reza M,
Mutation Analysis of KRAS and BRAF Genes in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: a First Large ScaleStudyfrom IranAsianPac J CancerPrev. 2016;17(2),603-608
Safarnezhad F, Karbalaeinia M, Sohrabi M et al.
Polymorphism of IL28B genes in HCV genotype 1 patients treated by PegInterferone and ribaverine.
Iranian Journal of Path 2016
Nobakht H, Boghratian A, Sohrabi M,et al
Association between Pattern of Gastritis and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Patients withHelicobacterPyloriInfection. Middle East J Dig Dis. 2016 Jul;8(3):206-211.
Motamed N, SohrabiM(Correspondent author), Poustchi H,et al
The six obesity indices, which one is more compatible withmetabolic syndrome? A population basedstudy.DiabetesMetabSyndr. 2016 Aug 23. pii: S1871-4021(16)30180-1

Rakhshani N, ArasteM,ImanzadehF,PanahiM,SohrabiM,et al

HirschsprungDiseaseDiagnosis: Calretinin Marker Role in Determining the Presence or Absence of Ganglion CellsIranianJ.Path 2016;11(4),409-415

Motamed N, Maadi M, Sohrabi M,et al.
Rural Residency has a Protective Effect and Marriageis a Risk Factor for NAFLD.
Hepat Mon. 2016 Jun 19;16(7):e38357
Kochak A, Rakhshani N, Karbalaei nia M, Sohrabi M et al
Mutation analysis of Kras and Brafgenes in metastatic colorectal cance ,the first large scalestudy of Iran.AsianPac J CancerPrev. 2016;17(2):603-8
Motamed N, Sohrabi M, Khoonsari M, et al
Fattyliver index Value for non-alcoholicfattyliverdisease: A population basedstudy.
World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Mar 14;22(10):3023-30
Razavi SM, Khodadost M, Sohrabi M(Corresponder), et al.
Accuracy of endoscopicultrasonography for determination of tumor invasion depth in gastric cancer.AsianPac J Cancer Prev. 2015;16(8):3141-5.
Ajdarkosh H, Sohrabi M(Corresponder ), Moradniani M, et al.
Prevalence of gastricprecancerouslesionsamongchronicdyspeptic patients and relatedcommonriskfactors. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2015 Mar 19
Zamani F, Sohrabi M
Clinical, Endoscopic, and Histopathological Aspects of Sigmoid Actinomycosis; A Case Report and Literature Review.Middle East J Dig Dis. 2015 Jan 7(1): 19
Sohrabi M, Zamani F, Ajdarkosh H. et al.
Prevalence of colorectal polyps in the average-risk population undergoing colonoscopic screening in a presumed low-risk area; a prospective study. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev Jan2015
Hemmasi G, Sohrabi M (CorresponderAuthor), Zamani F, Ajdarkosh H et al.
Prevalence of Colorectal AdenomaAmongAverage –risk Population; Aged 40-50 vs.50-60.
EJCP Nov2014
Zamani F, Sohrabi M, AlipourA,et al
Prevalence and riskfactors of cholelithiasis in amol city, northerniran: a population basedstudy.Arch Iran Med. 2014 Nov;17(11):750-4.
Rakhshani N, Kalantari E, Bakhti H, Sohrabi MR, Mehrazma M.
Evaluation of HER-2/neuOverexpression in GastricCarcinomausing a Tissue Microarray.
AsianPac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(18):7597-602.
Keyvani H, SohrabiM(joint first author),ZamaniF,et al
A population basedstudy of Hepatitis B virus in Northern Iran, AmolHepat Mon. 2014 Aug 17;14(8):e20540
Rahmati A, Shakeri R, SohrabiM, Alipour A, et al.
Correlation of tissue transglutaminaseantibody withduodenalhistologicmarsh grading.Middle East J Dig Dis. 2014 Jul;6(3):131-6.
Ajdarkosh H, HemmasiG ,Zamani F, Sohrabi M, ,et al
ProphylacticPancreaticStentson Prevention and Severity of Post-EndoscopicRetrogradeCholangiopancreatography pancreatitis.GMJ.2015;4(2):67-71
SohrabiMR,AjdarkoshH,KeyvaniH,et al
Hepatitis E virus, CouldbeConsidered as an Etiology of CryptogenicCirrhosis?
Int.J.Pre. Medicine 2014
Zamani F, Sohrabi M,PoustchiH,et al.
Prevalence and riskfactors of Hepatitis C virus infection in Amol city, northern Iran:
A population basedstudy (2008-2011).Hep.Monthly 2014
HemmasiGh ,ZamaniF, Khonsari MR,Sohrabi M .et al
Association between Helicobacter pylori and Serum Leptin in Iranian Dyspeptic Patients
Middle East J Dig Dis 2013;5:
Ajdarkosh H, Khansari MR, Sohrabi M et al
Thyroid Dysfunction and Choleduocholithiasis Middle East J Dig Dis2013;5:141-5.
Pouralijan-Amiri M, Siavoshi F, Latifi-Navid S, MozdaraniH ,Sohrabi M, Malekzadeh R.
Helicobacterpylori-inducedGenotoxic Damage in Human B Lymphocytes GOVARESH 2013. 17(4):274-279.
Khansari M, Sohrabi M, Zamani F.
TheUseage of Opioids and their Adverse Effects in Gastrointestinal Practice: A Review.
Middle East J Dig Dis. 2013 Jan;5(1):5-16. Review.
Ajdarkosh H,sohrabi M, Zamani F
ERCP and itscommoncomplication ,ArevewarthicleGovaresh No4(2012)
Ajdarkosh H,sohrabi MR, Zamani F
ERCP and itscommoncomplication ,ArevewarthicleGovaresh No4(2012)
Zamani F., Sohrabi M, HatamiKh. et al.
Unusual Location of Varices Presenting with Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Case Report GOVARESH,Vol 17, No 2 (2012)
Merat S, Adubi M, Kazemi R,Sohrabi M, et al
Liver histology change in alcoholic steatohepatitis after one year of treatment with probucol.DigDisSci . DOI 10-1007/06-20-2007
Safaralizadeh R, Siavoshi F, Malekzadeh R, Sohrabi MR, et al.
Antimicrobial effectiveness of furazolidone against metronidazole-resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori.EastMediterr Health J. 2006 May-Jul;12(3-4):286-93.

Merat S, Sohrabpour A, KhaleghiS ,SohrabiMR,et al

A ComparisonbetweenPegylatedInterferon Alpha-2a and Standard Interferon in CombinationwithRibavirin in Treating Patients withBleedingDisorders and ChronicHepatitis C GOVARESH,Vol 10, No 2 (2005)

Mikaeli J, SohrabiMR, ZiadAlizadeh B.
Assessment of Immunization Rate of Hepatitis B Vaccination among Health Care Personnel in Tehran.GOVARESH,Vol 9, No 4 (2004)
LatifiNavid S, Siavoshi F , MokhtariAzad T, Sohrabi MR, Malekzadeh R,
Neutralization of Helicobacter Pylori Cytotoxicity on Vero Cells by Omeprazole
GOVARESH,Vol 9, No 3 (2004)
Merat S, Malekzadeh R,Sohrabi MRet al
Probucol in the treatment of non–alcoholics’steatohepatit: A double-blind randomized controlled study. Journal of Hepatology 2003,(3).
Merat S,Malekzadeh R,SohrabiMR,et al
Probucol in treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: An open labelled study.
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology; 2003; 36(3).
Yaghoobi M, Mikaeli J, Montazeri G, Nouri N,Sohrabi MR, et al
Correlation between clinical severity score and the lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation
pressure in idiopathic achalasia. The American Journal of Gastroenterology; 2003; 98(2).
Sobhani I,Sohrabi M
Gastric Cancer and Helicobacter pylori Govaresh, 2003(3).
Ansari R,Sohrabi M, Roohi S, et al.
Assessment of Colonic Transit Time (CTT) in patients withchronic constipationArch Irn Med 2001; 4(1): 5-9
Presentations (oral & posters)
1)SohrabiM ,MasoudrezaSohrabi*,MahbobehHosseini , et al .The impact of colonoscopy in female and youngadult; profile of colorectal adenoma among patients reffered to a tertiaryhospital.Iranian Internal medicine Congress14-17May 2016. The second International GI cancer Congress 14-16 oct 2015
2)Sohrabi M,Mirasgarie M,Gholami al .Assessment of trace elements: Zinc,Chromium,Manganence and Tin in uppergastrointestinal cancer .The second International GI cancer Congress 14-16 oct 2015
3)Sohrabi M, Salehpour D, Karbalaeinia M et al. Screening of trace elements in colorectal cancer :Iron,Zinc,Tin and chromeThe second International GI cancer Congress 14-16 oct 2015
4)Sohrabi M, Motamed N, PoustchiH. et al .The Six Obesity Indexes, Which One is more associatedwithmetabolic syndrome? A population BasedStudy.The 15th international congress Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Nov24-27 ,2015
5)SohrabiM,RakhshaniN,Jamshidifar J et al.SerratedPolyps; Result of a ReferralHospital in TehranThe 15th international congress Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Nov24-27 ,2015
6)SohrabiM;Therole of Noninvasivemethods in Viral Hepatitis.ViralHepatitiscongress .Tonekabon 2015,Iran
7)Sohrabi M; Viral hepatitisNursing Education Program,Tonekabon2015,Iran
8)Sohrabi M, Zamani F, Ajdarkosh H, et alPrevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Amol, A population based study12th International Iraniancongress of Gastrointestinal and liverdisease (ICGH12),Tehran.Iran23th conference of Asia and Pasific Association for study of the live (APASL) 2013,Singapore
9)SohrabiM,ZamaniF, Khansari MR, et al . Epidemiology of viral hepatitis B in North of Iran; A population basedstudy in Amol city
12th International Iraniancongress of Gastrointestinal and liverdisease (ICGH12),Tehran.Iran23th conference of Asia and Pasific Association for study of the live (APASL) 2013,Singapore
10)Sohrabi M, Hemassi GH, Zamani F, et al. The Clinical Presentation of Iranian Celiac Disease12th International Iraniancongress of Gastrointestinal and liverdisease (ICGH12),Tehran.Iran
11)Amirkalali B, SohrabiM,ZamaniF,etal. Prevalence of non-alcoholicfattyliverdisease (NAFLD) and its best predictors in north of Iran, Amol, 12th International Iraniancongress of Gastrointestinal and liverdisease (ICGH12),Tehran.Iran
12)ZamaniF,SohrabiM,Ajdarkosh al. Colonoscopy screening in average-risk population. 12th International Iraniancongress of Gastrointestinal and liverdisease (ICGH12),Tehran.Iran
13)Sohrabi M,B Kaliszan; N Bouarioua; JC Soulé , Intérêt du dosage des 6-TGN en pratique clinique chez les patients ayant une MICI traitée par AZA/6-MP. Uneanalyse retrospective
55th French congress of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.Paris 2006
14)Latifi N; Siavoshi F;Sohrabi M; Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in distal esophagus and its etiologic role in esophageal injury 15th International workshop on Gasterointestinal pathology and helicobacter; September2002 Athena
15)DerogarSR;SohrabiM,Shafighi SA;et al.Comparison of anthropometric and physical examination finding in patients with gasteroentestinal disorders.International Congress of Clinical Nutrition, June 2002, London.
16) Sohrabi M, Derogar SR; Derakhshan M;Do cirrhotic patients need nutritional consultation to control of their compilation? 17th International Congress of Nutrition, Aug 2001, Vienna
17)Yoonesi A;Sohrabi M,Derogar SR.Software development for recording and analysing nutrition data for Iranian Diet.17th International Congress of Nutrition, Aug 2001, Vienna.
18)Montazeri G; Sohrabi M,Malekzadeh R; Comparison of the clinical and manometric finding in classic and vigorous achalasia. 7th European Gastroenterology Week 1999 Rome