STRIDERS Event Descriptions

Read about each event so you can sign up for ones that sound fun!

High Jump

Girls take off on one foot and jump over a horizontal bar. The bar is moved higher each time the girl jumps over it. Winner will be the girl who clears the greatest height. Girls will land on a high jump mat.

Standing Long Jump

Girls stand at a starting line with the feet slightly apart. She takes off and lands using both feet, swinging the arms and bending the knees to provide forward drive. The longest of three tries is recorded.

Jump Rope

Using jump ropes with no ball bearings, girls will be measured on how many single jumps they can do within one minute. Kinder and 1st grade girls may lay the rope on the ground and jump from side to side. Both feet jump together, single jumps over the rope, no additional hops. Girls will be allowed to warm up before the timing begins. Jump ropes will be provided

Softball Throw

The girl approaches the throwing line by either running or walking and throws “over handed” a leather covered softball. The girl makes 2 throws with the better of the two recorded as her official distance. Each girl may have one practice throw.

Shot Put

Each girl will stand behind the throwing line. Keeping the shot close to the neck, the girls will step back and turn before “putting” (or throwing with a pushing motion) the shot as far forward as possible. The girl makes 2 throws with the better of the two recorded as her official distance. Each girl may have one practice throw.


Each girl will race along a straight 100m course, spaced evenly hurdles. Place finishes are determined by recorded time.

Water Bucket Relay Race

The girls will be divided into two teams and each girl will be given a cup. An empty bucket marked with a fill line sits at the end of each line. The first girl on each team will pour a full cup of water into the next girl’s cup, trying not to spill any water. The second girl in line pours that water into the next girl’s cup, and so on down the line. The last girl in line pours the water from her cup into a large bucket at the end of the line. Play continues until one team fills their bucket to the mark. The team that fills their bucket first is the winner. The number of participants is not fixed.

Obstacle Course

Girls must navigate a series of physical obstacles while being timed. Challenges may include running, jumping, crawling, and balancing.

Sack Race

Girls stand on the starting line and place both legs inside a sack. When the race begins, girls jump forward toward the finish line as fast as they can. The winner is the first one across the finish line.

STRIDERS Event Descriptions

Read about each event so you can sign up for ones that sound fun!

Running Events

The girls can participate in 50 meter, 100 meter, 200 meter, or 400 meter running events. The girls will stand at the starting line. At a signal from a starter, either by a voice start or a starting gun, they will race to the finish line. Place finishes are determined by the recorded times. Due to the limited experience level of most girls, there should not be preliminary races. All place finishes are based on one run only.


Girls can participate in the 4x100 relay, or the 4x200-meter relay, or both. Each relay team will consist of four runners (“4x”). A baton is passed from one girl to the next girl as a portion of the race is completed. All girls on the team must be in the same age group, but not necessarily the same troop. The first runner will stand at the starting line. The other girls on the team will be placed 100 or 200 m apart. At a given signal, the first girl will race to the second and pass the baton. The baton is passed until the 4th girl has it. She runs to the finish line. Times are noted by timers at the finish line and will be recorded as the 4th girls cross. Place finishes are determined by the recorded times. There are no preliminary races.

Adaptive Events

These events can be modified to allow inclusion of all girls within the same events. Girls participating with an “adaptive” element will be awarded ribbons appropriately, not competing against the general able-bodied population. Eligible girls can participate in as many field events as they would like to. Eligible girls could be in wheelchairs, use walkers, have a temporary cast, or have other special needs to be considered.

Any of the events can be modified on a personal, individual basis – please note on your registration form if a special need should be considered!

The 2014 STRIDERS Invitational has an Olympic theme in honor of the 2014 Winter Olympics! We encourage your troops to create a poster or banner, and stay for the Closing Ceremony to carry their banners! We will have paper banners and markers at the event check-in for your troop to decorate the day of the event if you need them.

SWAPS are encouraged, too! We are anticipating a lot of Girl Scouts at this STRIDERS Invitational, and SWAPS make it fun and easy to meet new friends!

Even if girls from your troop don’t want to participate in the running events, encourage them to come out and cheer on their troop-mates!! Older Girl Scouts can also volunteer for service hours!

Cheering on friends and volunteering are both considered “participation”!

For older girls interested in volunteering for service hours, please have them contact:

Natalie Meador 832-233-9359 or

Jennifer Leach 281-536-6940


Girl’s Name: ______Check if you an older girl who wants to help

Troop Number:______Leader’s Name:______

Phone Hm: (______)______Parent’s Cell:(_____) ______

Girl Scout Level (Daisy, Brownie…):______

T-shirt size (circle one): YS YM YL S M L XL


Please circle the Traditional Events you want to try on April 5 (at least 2),

then rank those you circled (1st choice, 2nd, 3rd…):

  200m (halfway around track)
  400m (one time around track)
  100m Relay (4 runners)
  200m Relay (4 runners) /   High Jump
  Standing Long Jump
  Softball Toss/ Shot Put / Does your daughter have special needs?
Let us know a little about her and we’ll adapt her events!


______/ ______-______-______/ ______

Don’t forget to include with this form:

Permission slip (F-204)

  Medical form (may be a copy)

  Registration fee

·  If signing up with troop, ask leader about fees and deadlines.

·  If signing up as an individual, please send forms and $15 fee to the address below; deadline is March 17; early registration is $10 if received by March 11th. All checks to be made payable to: “Buffalo Trail Community”

EVERYTHING DUE TO NATALIE MEADOR BY MARCH 17th! (mail, or drop in the blue “GS” tub by back door)

Natalie Meador
7623 Pagewood Ln
Houston, 77063