The State of the World's Refugees: Human Displacement in the New Millennium

UNHCR. March 2006. £16.99. 340pp. ISBN-10: 0-19-929095-4.

Includes chapters on changes to asylum, refugee security, responding to refugee emergencies, protracted refugee situations, rethinking durable solutions, internal displacement and enhancing responsibility sharing. Published by Oxford University Press:

Beyond Firewood: Fuel Alternatives and Protection Strategies for Displaced Women and Girls

Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children. March 2006. 56pp. ISBN 1-58030-047-2. Online at

Presents findings of a project to investigate methods for reducing the vulnerability of displaced women and girls to gender-based violence during firewood collection. The project set out to assess alternative fuel options, firewood collection techniques and other protection strategies, appropriate to the local context and in all phases of an emergency. Based on desk reviews of various IDP and refugee situations worldwide

and site visits in Darfur and Nepal. Contact: WCRWC, IRC, 122 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10168, USA. Tel: +2 212 551-3000

Child Protection in Emergencies

Save the Children Sweden and The International Save the Children Alliance. 2006. 56pp. ISBN 13: 978-91-7321-196-3. Online at

Save the Children believes that child protection activities should target a range of actors, systems, processes and institutions. This report presents the problems, general principles and recommendations for working to achieve the goal of child protection in emergencies. Contact: Save the Children Sweden, S-107 88 Stockholm, Sweden. Email: Phone: +46 8 698 9000.

Refugees in a Global Era

by Philip Marfleet. 2006. 344pp. ISBN 0-333-77784-0. £19.99.

Examines the histories and changing patterns of migration and the refugee experience of displacement, flight and the search for asylum. Identifies the conflicts and contradictions inherent in the global system and analyses refugee policy in Europe, North America and Australia. Philip Marfleet is Director of the Refugee Research Centre at the University of East London, UK. Order via Palgrave Macmillan ( for US/Canada).