Charles Michael Elavsky

Department of Film/Video and Media Studies534 Melissa Lane

College of CommunicationsState College, PA 16803

The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity(814) 574 7729

State College, PA

(814) 8652444

Fax: (814) 863 8161


2005 Ph.D. in Communications (Ethnomusicology minor)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Dissertation Title: “Producing “Local” Repertoire: Czech Identity, Pop Music, and the Global Record Industry”

Committee: Cameron McCarthy (chair), Robert McChesney, Donna Buchanan, Carol Leff

1995Cambridge Certificate for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (CTEFLA) Center for English Studies, New York, NY.

1995MA in EnglishStateUniversity of New York at Binghamton

1990 BA in EnglishStateUniversity of New York at Binghamton

1989AA in Liberal Arts,BroomeCommunity College, Binghamton, NY

Research and Teaching Interests

Social Media and Pedagogy, International Communication, Media Studies, Cultural Industries, Music as Political and Cultural Communication, Postscommunist Cultural Studies,Ethnomusicology, Popular Culture


Journal Articles:

Kumanyika, C, Elavsky, C M. ‘Microphone Czech, Keepin’ It Real: Negotiating

Authenticity, “Good Problems”, and the Individualized Politics of Cross-Cultural Production for the Global Music Industry’ Popular Communication, TBD.

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Elavsky, C. M. (2012) Because We Are. Cultural Studies↔Critical Methodologies

12: 297-300

Junco, R., Elavsky, C.M.& Heiberger, G. (2012). Putting Twitter to the Test: Assessing Outcomes for Student Collaboration, Engagement, and Success.British Journal of Education and Technology.doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01284.x

Elavsky, C. M., Mislan, C., Kumanyika, C. & Elavsky, S. (in press) Assessing Student Perspectives of Twitter Use in the Large Lecture Classroom.Technology, Pedagogy and EducationTBD.

Elavsky, C. M., Mislan, C. & Elavsky S. (2011)When Talking Less is More: Exploring Outcomes of Twitter Usage in the Large-Lecture Hall.Learning, Media and Technology 36(3), 215-233.

Elavsky, C. M. (2011) Musically Mapped: Czech Popular Music as Second ‘World Sound.’European Journal of Cultural Studies14(1), 1-22.

Elavsky, C. M. (2010) How You Gonna Save Y/our Soul: Tempering Corporate Identity in a Global Age. Cultural Studies↔CriticalMethodologies10(3), 175–186.

Schejter, A. & Elavsky, C. M. (2009) ‘…And the Children of Israel Sang This Song’: The Role of Israeli Law and Policy in the Advancement of Israeli Music. Min-Ad: IsraelStudies in MusicologyOnline 7(2).

Elavsky, C. M. (2009) United as ONE: Live 8 and the Politics of the Global Music Spectacle. Journal of Popular Music Studies21(4), 384-410.

Elavsky, C. M. (2003) Touched … From Here to Who Knows When.Studies in Symbolic Interaction: A Research Annual26, 277-292.

Refereed Proceedings:

Elavsky, C. M. (2010) Media, Democracy, and the ‘Working’ Class. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual National Conference: Selected Papers from Best Practices in Teaching Critical Thinking (pp. 10-12),Columbia, SC: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Elavsky, C.M. (1997) Implementing Post-Colonial Teaching Strategies in the Post-Communist Classroom. 1st Central European Regional Conference of the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivante: Selected Papers (pp.14-20), Ostrava, CZ: Ostrava University Press.

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Invited Book Chapters:

Elavsky, C.M. (forthcoming, 2013) Empowering Ego-Activation through Technology Integration. In D. Knowlton & K. Hagopian (Eds.), Ego and Entitlement: Engaging Millennial Students in the Higher Education Classroompp. TBD. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Elavsky, C.M. (forthcoming, 2012) Czech Republic. In L. Marshall (Ed.), The International Recording Industriespp. TBD. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.

Elavsky, C.M. (2012) You Can’t Go Back Now: Incorporating ‘Disruptive’ Technologies in the Large Lecture Hall. In J. Hendricks & H. Noor Al-deen (Eds.), Social Media: Usage and Impact pp. TBD. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Elavsky, C. M. (2007) Moving Beyond the Wall(s): Theorizing Corporate Identity for Global Cultural Studies. In C. McCarthy (Ed.), Globalizing Cultural Studies: Interventions at the Intersections of Language, Identity and Power pp. 41-60. New York, NY: Peter Lang Press.

Published Book Reviews:

Elavsky, C.M. (Forthcoming). Review of Nadia Kaneva’s, Branding Post-Communist Nations: Marketing National Identities in the “New” Europe. In Media, Culture, and Society, TBD

Encyclopedia entries:

Elavsky, C. M. (forthcoming, 2012).Charity Rock. In C. H. Garrett (Ed.), In Grove Dictionary of American Music,second edition. (TBD). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Elavsky, C. M. (2008). Culture Industries. In Wolfgang Donsbach (Ed.), In The Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Communication. (Vol. 3, pp. 1137-1141). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Elavsky, C. M. (2008). Music Industry. In Wolfgang Donsbach (Ed.), In The Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Communication. (Vol. 8, pp. 3170-3175). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

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Elavsky, C. M. (2009) Moving Beyond the Wall(s): Theorizing Corporate Identity for Global Cultural Studies.Policy Futures in Education 7(2), 230-243.

Journal Articles under Review

Elavsky, C.M. Realigning Large Lecture Learning.Communication Teacher[Peer-Reviewed; 9 pages].

Book Prospectus under Review:

Elavsky, C. M. Between the Bloc and a Hard Place: Pop Music, Postcommunist Identity and the Cultural Politics of the Global MusicIndustry.

Posters/Papers presented at technical and professional meetings:

Poster presented at conference

Elavsky, C.M. (2010, August). (Back) Channeling Collaborative Learning in a Large Lecture Classroom: How to integrate new social media applications to facilitate student-directed engagement and learning. Poster Session presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Refereed conference papers

Elavsky, C. M. (August 2010) Media, Democracy and the ‘Working’ Class. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Schejter, A. and Elavsky, C. M. (May 2009) ‘…And the Children of Israel Sang This Song: The Role of Israeli Law and Policy in the Advancement of Israeli Music. Presented at the International Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. [Presenter]. [Top Three Paper – Law and Policy Division)

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Refereed panel presentations

Elavsky, C.M., (November, 2012). “I'm Sorry Dawg, It Just Didn't Work For Me": Affective dissonance in Reality TV Fundraising. Presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.

Elavsky, C.M., (March, 2012). Global Communication Pedagogy as Hybridized Collaborative Engagements.Presented at the2012 Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology, State College, PA

Elavsky, C. M., Kumanyika, C. Mislan, C. and Elavsky S (May, 2011). Disrupting or Developing Discourse? Twitter and The Micro-Processes of Learning Community in the Media Studies Classroom.Presented at theInternational Communication Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.

Elavsky, C.M. (March, 2011). You Can't Go Back Now: Social Media and Democracy in a Large Lecture Format.Presented at the2011 Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology, State College, PA.

Elavsky, C.M. (October, 2010).Don't Look Back?: The ‘Life’ and ‘Death’ of the ‘Music Industry.’ Presented at the Union for Democratic Communications Conference, State College, PA.

Elavsky, C. M.. (November 2009). What Idol Really Gives Back: The Politics of Cultural Production in American Idol. Presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

Elavsky, C. M (May, 2009). ‘Pískej si, Pískej’: The Post-Communist Transition of Czech Music Culture.Presented at the Channels of Transition Conference, Telč, Czech Republic.

Elavsky, C. M (May, 2009). What American Idol Gives Back: Commercial Incentives for Global Charity. Presented at the International Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

Elavsky, C. M (March, 2009). What is Normale?:BMG, Buty, and the Negotiated Production of Czech Musical Identity.Presented at the Living Cultures - Contemporary Ethnographies of Culture Conference, Leeds, England.

Bird, B., Baukus, C. M., Elavsky, C.M., Hagopian, K., Haigh, M., Parsons, P. & Schejter, A.(October, 2008).Communicating an Integrated Future of Public Engagement. Presented at the 9th National Outreach Scholarship Conference, State College, PA. [Presenter]

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Bird, B., Baukus, C. M., Elavsky, C.M., Hagopian, K., Haigh, M., Parsons, P. & Schejter, A. (June, 2008). Public Scholarship and the Land Grant University: a Case Study and an Ongoing Quest for Answers. Presented at the “Beyond the Academy" Conference, Arlington, VA.

C. M., Elavsky, Bird, B., Baukus, C.M., Hagopian, K., Haigh, M., Parsons, P. & Schejter, A. (June, 2008). Connecting Critically with the Community: The University’s Role in Fostering Media Literacy and Civic Engagement.Presented at the 4th National Media Reform Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

C. M., Elavsky, Bird, B., Baukus, C.M., Hagopian, K., Haigh, M., Parsons, P. & Schejter, A. (May, 2008). Public scholarship at Penn State: A multidimensional program of education, scholarship and civic engagement. Presented at “Bridging Scholar/Activist

Divides in the Field of Communications,” an ICA Half-Day Pre-Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Elavsky, C. M. (March, 2008) The Music Industry and Media Studies. Roundtable Discussion at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, Philadelphia, PA. [Panel Member].

Elavsky, C. M. (October, 2007). Global Music Media Spectacles and Cause Communication as Brand. Presented at 7th Union of Democratic Communication Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Elavsky, C. M. (September, 2007). Saving Our Selves or Shilling through Spectacles?: Live Earth as Global Music Activism Media Event. Presented at the 7th annual Global Fusion Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Elavsky, C. M. ( May, 2007). I Am A Gypsy”: The Anxieties of Identity in Czech Popular Music Production. Presented at the 57th annual International Communications Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Elavsky, C. M. (April, 2007). United as ONE: Live 8 and the Politics of the Global Music Spectacle.Presented at the International Association for the Study of Popular Music - US Branch Annual National Conference. Boston, MA.

Elavsky, C. M. (November, 2006). The Bloc Rockin’ Beat: Locating Central Europe within International Communications Studies.Presented at the 92nd annual National Communication Association Convention, San Antonio TX.

Elavsky, C. M. (June 2006).Moving Beyond the Wall(s): Theorizing Corporate Identity for Global Cultural Studies.Presented at the6th International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Urbana, IL.

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Elavsky, C. M. (February, 2006). From Timmins to Tuticorin: Tracing Shania Twain within the Global Imagination.Presented at the International Association for the Study of Popular Music - US Branch Annual National Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.

Elavsky, C. M. (November, 2005). ’We Have A Plan’: Developing Global Priorities in BMG’s Corporate Culture.Presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.

Elavsky, C. M(October, 2004). Between the Bloc and a Hard Place: Czech Pop/Rock Musicians, 'Second World' Sounds, and the Barriers of Entry to 'World Music.’Presented at the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM); US Branch Annual National Conference, Charlottesville, VA.

Elavsky, C. M (June, 2004). Confining Cultural Repertoires: BMG-Czech Republic and the Cultural Politics of Global Music Production within the Bertelsmann Music Group. Presented at theFifth International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference,Urbana, IL.

Elavsky, C. M (November, 2001). Shania Twain as Prototype: Linking the Transnational `Wal-Mart' Generation to the Global Imagination of World Relations.Presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.

Elavsky, C. M (April 2000). The More Things Change, The More They Remain the Same: Transnational Corporate 'Control' of the Eastern European Music Landscape.Presented at theMidwest Slavic Association Annual Conference, Urbana, IL.

Elavsky, C. M (November, 1999). Ahoj, jsem Radek: Radek Pastrnak, Buty, and the new face of the Czech Republic.Presented at the International Association for the Study of Popular Music - US Branch Annual National Conference, Murfreesboro, TN.

Elavsky, C. M (June, 1997). CzechIdentity and the Present Predicament in Czech Popular Music.Presented at theCzech and Slovak Musicology Associations Annual Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia,

Elavsky, C. M (May, 1997). Cultural Identity and Popular Music. Presented at theMusicology Symposium on Music in the Modern Period, Brno, Czech Republic.

Elavsky, C. M (April, 1997).Representations of Cultural Identity in Czech Popular Music.Presented at thePalacky University Cultural Studies Symposium, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

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Invited presentations

Elavsky, C.M. (October, 2012). A Place in the World:Conceptions, Connections and Cultural Boxesat McDaniel College Global Initiatives Program

Elavsky, C.M., Stein, M. Seaman, J. (October, 2012). The Value of Social Learning. Presented at the National Leadership Forum, Dallas TX.

Elavsky, C.M., Junco, R. & Tinti-Kane, H. (April, 2012). Social Media and Student Engagement. Presented at the Cite Conference, Orlando FL.

Elavsky, C.M. (August, 2011). New Media, Evolving Pedagogies. Presented at the Network of Trainers Summer Event 2011, University Park, PA.

Elavsky, C. M. (July, 2011). “Globalization Panel” for the 4th Annual Learning Design Summer Camp, Sponsored by Teaching and Learning with Technology, a unit of Penn State Information and Technology Services, University Park, PA.

Elavsky, C. M. (April, 2011). “Social Media in News and Politics.” Presented at the Social Media Day at Penn State Symposium (sponsored by the Penn State Chapter of the Social Media Club, in conjunction with the student group PRSSA, and the Smeal College of Business), University Park, PA.

Elavsky, C. M. (September, 2008).Constraining the Corporate Media Reach. The Pennsylvania Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Festival. Kempton, PA.

Grants, Honors, Awards

George W. Atherton Award for Excellence in Teaching, The Pennsylvania State University, 2013

Teaching and Learning with Technology Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University Department of Education Technology Services, 2011-2012

Global Studies Global Classroom Award, Center for Global Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, 2011

College of Communications Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award, 2010-2011

Education and New Technology Grant,The Pennsylvania State University Department of Education Technology Services, 2010-2011

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2010 Best Practices in Teaching of Critical Thinking Competition, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Denver, CO., August, 2010

G.I.F.T. (Great Ideas For Teaching) Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Denver, CO., August, 2010

President’s Fund Award, The Pennsylvania State University College of Communications, 2009-2010

Faculty Travel Grant/Student Group Travel Grant, The Pennsylvania State University Global Funds Program for Faculty and Student Group Travel, 2009-2010

Dean’s Excellence Award for Teaching, The Pennsylvania State University College of Communications, 2007-2008

University of Illinois List of Teachers Rated as Excellent (Top 10% of Student Evaluations), Spring, 2004; Fall, 2004;Spring,2005

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program Scholar, 2002-2003

Title IV Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (Russian and East European Studies), 1999-2000, 2000-2001

Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Fellowship, 2000

Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Fellowship, 1999

Committee on Institutional Cooperation Traveling Scholar - Indiana University, 1999

Committee on Institutional Cooperation Foreign Language Enhancement Program Scholarship, 1999

Teaching Experience

The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, University Park

Assistant Professor

Media and Democracy (Honors Section)– Fall, 2012

Ethnography in Communications Research (Graduate Course) – Summer 2013

Cultural Industries (Graduate Course) – Fall, 2011

Media and Democracy – Fall, 2007 - present

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Popular Music as Communication – Fall, 2007; 2008, 2009, 2011

World Media Systems –Spring, 2007; Summer, 2008, 2009, Spring, 2012 - Present

International Mass Communications – Fall/Spring, 2005 - present

The Political Economy of Communication – Spring, 2006; Fall, 2006

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


Introduction to the Mass Media – Fall, 2004

Social and Cultural Foundations of the Mass Media – Spring, 2004; Spring, 2005

Business and Technical Communication – Fall, 1998; Spring, 1999

University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


Introduction to Communication Studies – Fall, 1996; Spring, 1997

Cultural Theory - Fall, 1997; Spring, 1998

Transnational Popular Culture (linked course with Binghamton U.) - Fall, 1997

Popular Music as Social Practice – Fall, 1997

American Life and Institutions – Spring, 1996; Spring, 1997; Spring, 1998

American History – Fall, 1996; Fall, 1997

Academic Writing – Spring, 1996; Spring 1997

Supervision of graduate and undergraduate dissertations, and theses required for degrees; types of degrees and years granted


Erika Polson - Ph.D. (Spring, 2009)

Doug Tewksbury- Ph.D. (Fall, 2009)

Chenjerai Kumanyika – Ph. D (Spring, 2013)

Cristina Mislan – Ph.D. (ABD)

Janelle Applequist – Master’s Thesis, Ph.D. (Second Year Student)

Supervision of other undergraduate research.

Michelle Karth - Schreyer’s Honors Thesis (Spring, 2013)

Melinda Karth - Schreyer’s Honors Thesis (Spring, 2013)

Lauren Bieniek– Schreyer’s Honors Thesis (Spring, 2009)

Creig Smith - Schreyer’s Honors Thesis (Spring, 2009)

Tara Stowe- (Spring, 2008)

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Betheny Fehlinger - (Spring, 2008)

Membership on graduate degree candidates’ committees

Kalen Churcher – Ph.D (Spring, 2008)

Patrick Baxter – MA (Spring, 2008)

Nate Frederick – Ph.D (Spring, 2009)

Murali Balaji – Ph.D (Fall, 2009)

Chris Tuala - – MA (Spring 2010)

Jonathan Obar – Ph. D (Summer, 2010)

Kathleen Keuhn – Ph.D (Summer, 2011)

Nicole Lawrence – MA (2012)

Caryn Winters – Ph.D. (Fourth Year Student)

Sarah Worley – Ph. D. (Third Year Student)

Brian McAuley – Ph.D. (First Year Student)

Aaron Heresco – Ph.D. (ABD)

Kelly Chernin –MA(Second Year Student)

Courses and/or programs developed

Comm 597, Cultural Industries, 3 credits.

This course considers the development of social theory and research methodologies as they intersect scholarship related to conceptualizing the cultural industries, processes of cultural work, and meaning as it is manifested around cultural products.

PSU 009, Popular Music as Communication, 1 credit.

This course, considers the technological, cultural, historical, geographical, and political factors related to how music operates as a form of cultural communication and commodity, specifically addressing music industries, musicians, audiences, and the creation of meaning.

Comm 110, Media and Democracy, 3 credits.

This course explores the role of the mass media in fostering democracy and democratic practices, as well as civic awareness and engagement more broadly. Conceptions of democracy itself, the media’s theoretical and practical relationship to nurturing its principles, the role of government and its relationship to the media in constructing political knowledge, conceptions of representative democracy, and an informed populace,

as well as how culture impacts the mass media, how the mass media both contribute to and are shaped by culture, and what civic responsibilities and obligations you have within this framework, are all considered.

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Comm 410 Extension; Study Abroad Option, Prague, Czech Republic; “CzechMates,”1 credit

COMM 410 currently addresses the relationship between culture, media systems, and the formation of societal dynamics and values and incorporates the story of the Czech Republic’s transition to capitalism as a means to formally illustrate these relationships.

The short-term study trip Czech Mates augments these foregoing course objectives by having the students tour international media operations (news, music, TV, advertising, telecommunication industries etc.) and engage Czech professionals interpersonally, exploring firsthand the dynamics of media production in a local/global context, granting opportunities for further interpersonal/intercultural engagement regarding the exchange of ideas and perspectives related to the dynamics of global communication, international relations, globalization, and global civic engagement, and providing an immersion experience in Czech culture,