Meeting Minutes #4

I. Call to Order

Mercedez Jones, President, called to order the regular meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government at 4:57PM on Monday,February8, 2016 in the Commuter Student Resource Center.

II. Roll Call

The following persons were present: Mercedez Jones, Flordalia Rodriguez-Garcia, Gabriela Bedolla, Nancy Camacho, Peter Varughese, David Lin, Xiaoyan Hu, Jashaun Bowns, Pari Shah, Kiana Narvaez, Pooja Baxi, Christian Goddard, Ahmad Albanna, Ryan Chiu, Sun Choi

III. Approval of the minutes from last meeting

Motion to remove David’s name from the minutes from last week. Approved.

Motion to approve the minutes. Approved.

IV. Approval of the agenda

Motion to move committee reports before guest speakers. Approved.

Motion to limit reports and associated questions to 5 minutes. Approved.

Motion to add Coalition for Peace to Guest Speakers. Approved.

Motion to approve the agenda. Approved.

V. Ceremonial Induction(s): None

VI. Reports


Advisor / Dean DuJuan Smith
Student Member of Board of Trustees / Jauwan Hall
President / Mercedez Jones / Will have meeting to see what’s covered under Campus Care and what’s not, and will make sure that all students who go to Campus Care services will receive survey in which they can voice any concerns that may have.
UIC Student Sports Day – Thursday, Feb 11th – student orgs will be there to support student intramurals and co-curricular sports, and athletics
We are going to Springfield not on the 10th, but now on the 17th. Obama won’t be there this time, but this is a good opportunity to have all students’ voices heard in front of our state’s government!
Had the ComEd Meeting and had to miss kiosk hours, and would invite the Assembly’s discretion to present a strike.
Vice-President / Flordalia Rodriguez-Garcia / I will be participating in the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affair’s Search Committee, who will have its first meeting on Friday, February 12.
Met with Anthony and Samir, who expressed their interest in the USG membership process. I will be working with them diligently in the near future.
Speaker of the Assembly / Gabriella Bedolla / Will be doing another Robert’s Rules training session on Friday at 3:15PM. Trained Kiana this week.
Treasurer / Christen Lee / Student orgs: please come talk to me if you need funding for your trips!
Pleased to note that we will now have buses and food for our trip to Springfield!
Director of SIC / David Lin / Smoking Policy Student Dialog: Confirmed Feb 17, 3-4PM at SCE 613. Meeting with Susan Taggetz: the dorm elevator inspection sign should be changed out during the next inspection.
Meeting with Carol and Kelly to put together a guide to be passed out during Student Orientation. Flagpole initiative in the works: Flor has talked to the Veteran Center, who wishes to run it by Dean Wright.
Director of IRC / Asha Binbek / Debate Watch Party for the Democratic Debate on February 11th! Please come out and tell your peers!
Exploring a campaign called “What Does Chicago Means to You?” for outreach into the surrounding Chicago community.
Director of URC / Sun Choi / Chancellor informed me that he has contacted the new provost to work on the consolidated tutoring website, as he had expressed interest in this initiative at his first “Chancellor’s Office Hours” session last week.
Small lobby day on Feb 16-17 hosted by the Young Invincibles.
Director of CRC / Christian Goddard / Assistant Editor of UIC News informed me that the USG monthly piece is in the works, and will become biweekly in the future as it becomes more readily available and popular among the student body.

VII.Guest Speaker(s): UIC Divest, Coalition for Peace.

VIII. Resolution Proposals.

  1. Resolution 2016-4S-201: Gender Inclusive, Single Stall Restroom in Student Services Building.
  2. Resolution 2016-4S-800: Funding for Alpha Kappa Psi.
  3. Resolution 2016-4S-302: University of Illinois at Chicago Divest.

IX. New Business. None.

X. Service hours: None

XI. Items for discussion. None.

XII. Public Forum and announcements.None.

XIII. Voting in New Members: None.

XIV. Adjournment. There was a motion to adjourn. Speaker Bedolla adjourned the meeting at 7:42PM. Minutes submitted by Secretary Ryan Chiu.