Board Minutes
April 9, 2008
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of April 9, 2008
President Greg Hanon called the Regular April 9 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:01 p.m.
Present: Greg Hanon, Mike Pavlik, Sherm Voiles, Rick Hendricks, Jeff DeMarre
Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services; Betsy Minor Reid, Assistant Superintendent Research & Evaluation; Debra Barlow, Executive Director Human Resources; Margo Stewart, Executive Director Business Services; Chris Wick, Executive Director Teaching & Learning; Ann Cook, Director Communications; Kandy Rose, SEA President; Sandee Chittenden, Accountant; Erin LaVerdiere, Director Professional Development; Sarah Briehl, Director Middle Schools & CTE; Marilee Hill-Anderson, Director STARR Project; Bethy Dykman, Principal, Victor Falls Elementary; Steve Fulkerson, Co-Principal, Lakeridge Middle School; Debbie Campbell, Director, Classified Personnel; Marcie Belfield, Principal, Daffodil Valley Elementary; Don Pruett, Science TOSA; Lisa Crinklaw, 2nd Grade Teacher, Victor Falls Elementary; Linda Johnson, 3rd Grade Teacher, Liberty Ridge Elementary; Bob Lindstrom and Gene La Vaque, BLRB Architects; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.
Visitors: 0
Flag Salute
Approval of Agenda
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular March 12 Board meeting as presented: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.
Consent Items
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
a.Contract Ratifications
Sarah Laramore, Learning Specialist, Lakeridge Middle, rehire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2008-2009 school year
Kate McKenzie, Spanish Teacher, Bonney Lake High, rehire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2008-2009 school year
Kristin Schumacher, Science Teacher, Sumner High, 1.0 FTE provisional contract start date revision to March 5, 2008, from January 29, 2008, approved at the January 9 Board meeting.
Andrew Sage, Science Teacher, Bonney Lake High, rehire on a 1.0 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2008-2009
b.Offers of Employment
Elyse Juarez, Paraeducator, Crestwood Elementary, time-limited position
Jennifer Murray, Paraeducator, Mountain View Middle, time-limited position
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April 9, 2008
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Consent Items, continued
c.Supplemental Contracts
JillMcKinley, Dance/Drill Advisor, Bonney Lake High
Nick Seavello, 6th Grade Volleyball Coach, Mountain View Middle
Margo Stewart, Executive Director, Business Services, effective June 1, 2008. Margo has worked for the Sumner School District for 16 years.
No.10/07-08 Out of Endorsement Assignment Waiver
Petition to grant an out-of –endorsement waiver for an educator for the 2007-2008 school year.
f.Leaves of Absence
Nichole Beddes, Science Teacher, Sumner High, 1.0 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Karen Bunker, 1st Grade Teacher, Bonney Lake Elementary, .30 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Kristine Claunch, 1st Grade Teacher, Bonney Lake Elementary, .70 leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Mary Crowley, Title I Teacher, Daffodil Valley Elementary, .50 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Jill DeGoede, Professional Development Specialist, Daffodil Valley Elementary, 20 days leave of absence without pay for consulting with Stephanie Harvey, author of Strategies that Work, effective 2008-2009 school year
Erin Gallion, English/Spanish Teacher, Bonney Lake High, 1.0 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Julana Hardtke, 1st Grade Teacher, Victor Falls Elementary, .20 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective September 2, 2008 – December 31, 2008
Kathy Hart, Intervention Specialist, Mountain View Middle, .40 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Bobbi Marcy, Kindergarten Teacher, Daffodil Valley Elementary, .50 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Julie McKenzie, CTE Family Consumer Science Teacher, Sumner High, .40 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Kathleen Meath, Assistant Principal, Sumner High, .40 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009
Christina Wooding, 5th Grade Teacher, Daffodil Valley Elementary, 1.0 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009 school year
Christine Prestin, Social Studies Teacher, Sumner High, new request for .25 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2008-2009
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April 9, 2008
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Consent Items, continued
Mike Blaylock, Systems Coordinator, Technology Department, effective April 7, 2008
Scott Carpenter, Math Teacher, Sumner Middle, effective end of 2007-2008 school year
Jennifer Lauer, Child Care Lead, Bonney Lake High, effective end of 2007-2008 school year
Amber Wong, Social Studies Teacher, Bonney Lake High, effective end of 2007-2008 school year
Gilda Parente, Food Service Assistant, Mountain View Middle, effective April 14, 2008
h.Surplus Property
The Board authorized the District to surplus items on the District Surplus Removal Listing.
i.Out of State Travel
Middle School & CTE Director Sarah Briehl to attend the Response to Intervention Pre- conference and the Professional Learning Communities at Work Institute in San Francisco, California, June 25-28, 2008. Funding source: I-728 and professional development funds
Child Nutrition Director Karen Frank to attend the Child Nutrition Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 20 – 23, 2008. Funding source: Child Nutrition budget
Steve Colgan, Science Teacher, Sumner High, to attend the International Science & Engineering Fair in Atlanta, Georgia, May 12-16, 2008. Fund source: all expenses, including the substitute for his classes, paid for by the South Sound Regional Science Fair. Steve is currently the director.
a. Roll of Honor
Board President Greg Hanon recognized students participating in the regional science fair, state science fair and national choir competitions as well as students selected as Washington Scholars. A summary is attached.
b.School Insight: Daffodil Valley Elementary
Principal Marcie Belfield introduced students Carly Sales, 3rd grade, Kyle Sales, kindergarten, and Kelli Kline, 5th grade, who shared the reasons they enjoy attending Daffodil Valley Elementary.
Meeting Recessed: 6:24 p.m.
Meeting Reconvened: 6:36 p.m.
a.Four Steps to Graduation: Culminating Senior Project
Executive Director Teaching & Learning Chris Wick summarized the culminating project experience, the final step in the four steps to graduation. The District began requiring the senior project in 1992, but this is the first year the senior project is a State requirement.
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April 9, 2008
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Reports, continued
b.Reading Adoption Update
Professional Development Director Erin LaVerdiere introduced teachers Lisa Crinklaw, 2nd grade, Victor Falls Elementary, and Linda Johnson, 3rd grade, Liberty Ridge Elementary, who described their positive experiences working with Harcourt, the reading demographics of their classes and interventions for students who need extra reading support.
c.2008-2009 SY Budget Update
Executive Director Business Services Margo Stewart and Accountant Sandee Chittenden reviewed the budget calendar and briefed the Board on the 2008-2009 budget development process, including a draft budget based on 221 fewer students and possible expenditure reductions of $2 million.
d. Community Summit Report
STARR Director Mariliee Hill-Anderson thanked Calvary Community Church and all those who participated in the Town Hall Meeting on intervention strategies to Keep Kids Alcohol Free and the 15th Annual Community Summit, which included seven “breakout sessions” about topics of local significance. Both events were held on Thursday, March 27.
e.EBAT Middle School Athletics
Athletics Director Tim Thomsen gave a briefing on EBAT (Every Body A Teammate), a new initiative for a no-cut philosophy at the District’s middle schools. Four years in the making, EBAT would allow athletic opportunities to be provided for the maximum number of students and would promote positive character and citizenship.
Audience Comments
Sumner Education Association (SEA) President Kandy Rose updated the Board on SEA activities.
Superintendent Comments
Dr. Mendoza announced he had recently enjoyed suiting up and participating in a Sumner High School gym class.
Board Member Comments
President Greg Hanon congratulated Margo Stewart on her retirement and thanked her for her many
years of service and contributions to the District.
Unfinished Business
a. Policy Revision: Child Nutrition – Second Reading
Moved by Mike Pavlik to adopt revised Policy 8225 Child Nutrition: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
New Business
a. Instructional Materials Adoption - First Reading
CTE & Middle School Director Sarah Briehl and Science TOSA Don Pruett presented to the Board instructional materials to be used in the Sumner School District for first reading.
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April 9, 2008
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New Business, continued
b. Value Analysis: Lakeridge Middle School and Victor Falls Elementary School
BLRB architects Bob Lindstrom, project architect for Lakeridge Middle, and Gene La Vaque, project architect for Victor Falls Elementary, reviewed the cost summary, cost estimates and cost savings data from the value analysis. Moved by Mike Pavlik to accept the value analysis for Lakeridge Middle and Victor Falls Elementary as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
c. Voucher Approval
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the vouchers as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
General Fund Vouchers #32979-#32980 in the total amount of $119,403.18
General Fund Vouchers #32981-#33042 in the total amount of $135,068.97
General Fund Vouchers #33043-#33044 in the total amount of $43,695.57
General Fund Vouchers #33045-#33081 in the total amount of $108,438.17
General Fund Vouchers #33082-#33083 in the total amount of $8,308.67
General Fund Vouchers #33084-#33124 in the total amount of $193,768.01
General Fund Vouchers #33125-#33126 in the total amount of $46,800.66
General Fund Vouchers #33127-#33168 in the total amount of $150,328.37
General Fund Vouchers #193234-#193446 in the total amount of $5,027,131.78
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #8002-#8004 in the total amount of $10,931.22
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #8005-#8005 in the total amount of $152.32
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #8006-#8012 in the total amount of $480,089.19
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #8013-#8014 in the total amount of $2,162.90
ASB Fund Vouchers #6178-#6185 in the total amount of $27,671.78
ASB Fund Vouchers #6186-#6200 in the total amount of $63,337.49
ASB Fund Vouchers #6201-#6204 in the total amount of $4,131.53
ASB Fund Vouchers #6205-#6207 in the total amount of $10,555.08
Private Purpose Trust Fund Vouchers #2079-#2079 in the total amount of $100.00
Private Purpose Trust Fund Vouchers #2080-#2080 in the total amount of $92.76
Information Only
a.Upcoming Board Meeting
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 7, at 6:00 p.m. and will be
held at Sumner High School.
b. Special Board Meeting
A Special Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 30, at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in the
Board room.
c.Budget Status Report
The budget status report for March was included for Board information.
Meeting Recessed for Executive Session: 8:18 p.m.
President Greg Hanon announced an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective
bargaining. No Board action was anticipated.
Meeting Reconvened: 8:40 p.m.
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April 9, 2008
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Moved by Mike Pavlik that the meeting be adjourned: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned: 8:41 p.m.
Gil Mendoza, Secretary
Board of Directors
Greg Hanon, President
Board of Directors