Business Meeting Minutes
51st WIFDWC 2003 Grants Pass, OR
Bart van der Kamp, Acting Chair for Everett Hansen
Previous Minutes—2002 Business Meeting Minutes are approved as circulated (moved by Walt Thies).
Treasurer Report—John Schwandt. We had 92 people register for this year’s meeting (including 8 students, 7 retirees, and 77 regular members). We also had eight spouses/guests join us. For those that need it for travel, our Federal Tax Id. number is: #91-1267879. The following is a summary of transactions for the WIFDWC account.
Combined WIFDWC and Hazard Tree Committee Account (US$)Transaction / Income / Expense / Balance
Total Account Balance as of 11/30/2002 (reported in previous Proceedings): / 5,293.33
2003 WIFDWC meeting—Grants Pass, Oregon
Registration / 18,740.00 / 24,033.33
Meeting setup, hospitality / 760.00 / 23,273.33
Hotel costs: rooms, breaks, banquet, lunches / 10,100.00 / 13,183.11
Field trip transportation & BBQ lunch / 3,600.00 / 9,583.11
Outside speaker expenses / 194.02 / 9,389.09
(For 2003 meeting alone, as of 12/31/2003, Income-Expenses =$4,289.78)
Other Account Activity
Awards / 90.00 / 9,299.09
Printing/binding/mailing of 2002 Proceedings / 1,485.82 / 7,813.27
Sale of old Proceedings / 40.00 / 7,853.27
Bank Interest/dividends/service charges / 32.34 / 12.00 / 7,873.61
WIFDWC Balance as of 12/31/2003: / 7,873.61
Hazard Tree Committee (Balance as of 11/30/2002): / 2,999.54
Hazard Tree Committee Meeting—Sacramento / 578.88 / 2,420.66
Total Account Balance as of 12/31/2003: / 10,294.27
Nominating Committee—John Muir and others presented the slate for the 2004 Executive Committee. The nominees are Ellen Goheen for Chair; Blakey Lockman for Secretary; and John Schwandt for Treasurer. For the next meeting (a joint session with WFIWC in San Diego from April 26 to 30) John Klijunas will serve as preliminary contact for local arrangements. Judy Adams to remain as Webmaster. There being no other nominations, the chair declared the slate appointed by acclamation.
Awards Committee—As the most senior member, Greg Filip becomes committee chair. Don Goheen is added as a new American member, and a Canadian member will be appointed by the new Chair.
Future Meetings—The 53nd WIFDWC in 2005 is to be hosted by Fred Baker and Jim Hoffman in western Wyoming. For the 54th WIFDWC, Alex Woods 2006 offered to host the meeting in Smithers, BC. The offer was accepted by acclamation.
Old Business______
Past Proceedings
Fred Baker reported on status of the project to publish past WIFDWC Proceedings on compact disk (CD). The Utah State University Library has offered to handle distribution, but final negotiations and approval are needed. Alternative pricing schemes for members and others were discussed. Terry Shaw offered the motion that Fred Baker and Treasurer John Schwandt develop a fair pricing schedule and arrange for distribution through Utah State University. The motion was debated and passed.
New Business______
Honorary Life Members
Several retired members were noted as not having been formally recognized as Honorary Life Members (HLM). Mike McWilliams nominated Bob Gilbertson for HLM; Bob’s nomination was approved. With discussion on the definition of “member in good standing” and need for standard procedures, further nominations for HLM were held. The motion was offered and passed that the Awards Committee review definitions and procedures for determining member status; that they report and recommend what actions should be taken.
Interim Program Chair Alan Kanaskie asked for additional ideas and suggestions for organizing a program at a joint WIFDWC–WFIWC meeting (given the different formats of the two groups).
Resolutions Committee
In discussion, we recognized it may be useful to have a special committee to accept, prepare, and propose special resolutions on a timely basis for consideration of the membership. Bill Jacobi proposed (Diane Hildebrand seconded, and motion passed) that a committee be formed with an American member, a Canadian member, and a invitation to a Mexican member), that such committee would develop procedures for drafting and proposing special resolutions. Ellen Goheen announced that upon assuming the Executive Chair, she would appoint Terry Shaw as the Resolutions Committee Chair and direct him to include a Canadian member and if possible a Mexican member.
Western Plant Board
Susan Frankel proposed a motion that the Chair contact the Western Plant Board to develop a relationship between WIFDWC and the Western Plant Board and present issues of concern (such as movement of infected nursery stock causing forest diseases) to the Western Plant Board. The WIFDWC chair would also invite participation of Western Plant Board leaders in WIFDWC and encourage working together on areas of mutual concern. The motion passed.
Nursery Pathology Committee
Diane Hildebrand proposed recognition of a Nursery Pathology Committee and that it be chaired by Bob James. Motion passed.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.