Clifford Bridge Road
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Our ref: LAN/671
25 November 2010
Mr K Descinok
What Do They Know
By email only:
Dear Mr Descinok
We write further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, and provide our response as set out below.
- I will be obliged if you will clarify your reply of 1 July 2010:-
a) The dates of the burst water pipes you refer to.
The temporary car park at the rear of the hospital flooded in 2007 which was due to a blocked drain. There has been localised flooding due to the occasional pipe burst which did happen in the Arden Centre in July 2006.
b) The date when the linear accelerator bunkers were flooded.
The linear accelerator bunkers flooded on 16 April 2007. As this is a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) hospital, responsibility lies with PFI contractor – therefore there has been zero cost to the Trust in undertaking repairs or impacts on services.
- What are the long standing and residual contracts with the originalScandinavian developers of the hospital? It is noticed that thisfirm has submitted a planning application this week with regard toa farmer's access gate off Faber Road.
The Trust has aPrivate Finance Initiative (PFI) contract running for a duration of 35 years, commencing 2006 with Coventry & Rugby Hospitals Company Plc (CRHC). Please approach CRHC at:- Coventry & Rugby Hospital Company Plc, FM Building, Clifford Bridge Road, Coventry CV2 2DX, should you require further information in relation to the farmer’s access off Faber Road.
- With regard to the proposed Blue Light Route -
Is it intended that this will serve the proposed new car park onthe East of The Hospital as well and what are the traffic studiesand status of positive consultation with Coventry HighwaysDepartment with regard to the access off the A4082 (and with theHighways Agency with regard to the A46)?
What is the cost expected to be?
The rear access to the site for Blue Light vehicles will also serve the hospital’s proposed rear car park. However, only Blue Light vehicles will be able to go around to the front of the hospital. Extensive transport studies over a number of years have been carried out to evaluate traffic problems and to come up with the best possible solutions. These have been discussed with the Council and the Department of Transport. A detailed transport assessment has been prepared and this has been passed to the Council for consideration. Access directly off the A46 was dismissed by the Department of Transport.
Concerning costs, until the Trust has completed a tender exercise we are unable to provide information on costs.
- How is the Hospital intending to replace the staff housing situatedoff site that it has put up for sale? I understand there are sixstaff houses in the area of Dorchester Way advertised already andit is proposed more in the area of the hospital are proposed to besold.
The Trust owns a number of off-site houses. The Trust Board has agreed that this is not a part of the core business and we have a plan in place to sell them all over a numbers of years. As the Trust housing stock is reduced, staff will make their own arrangements for renting or purchasing.
- Are there plans to increase the hospital's emergency departmentfollowing reports that its capacity is fulfilled?
As a dynamic department, we are constantly reviewing all issues, including capacity, which may affect the department of Emergency Medicine. However, at the present time, we have no plans to extend the physical infrastructure of the present Emergency Department.
- Details, with names, of the salaries and eligible expenses of thetrustees will oblige.
We would be grateful if will kindly clarify the period required. In the interim, we can confirm that whilst the Trust holds this information, the information is exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), because the information is accessible to you, as it is already in the public domain. It is published in the Trust’s annual accounts which can be accessed via
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:Sharon Wyman, Complaints Manager, UHCW, Clifford Bridge Road, CoventryCV2 2DX.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Linda Nelson
Freedom of Information Officer