Present: Mrs P Cropper - Chairman
Mr D Acton - Honorary Secretary
Mr D Poultney - Honorary Treasurer
Mr R Chapman
Mr N Garnett
Mr D Glover
Mr A Gordon
Mr P Iveson
Mr P Jones
Ms C Milican
Mr J Wilkes
Mr T Withers
Councillor G Craig
Apologies: Councillor Mrs Pittaway
Councillor B Tudor
The minutes were accepted as a true record.
The Service Level Agreement had yet to be signed.
Pat Cropper advised that Claire Tarplee had been offered £150 to help fund her winter athletics programme.
David Acton advised that Stacey Hawkins, to whom funding had been provided for her attendance at the World Kickboxing Association Championships in Spain, had achieved 2 Gold and 1 Bronze medal.
The Chairman reported the following issues:-
· Clubs should approach Severn Trent to find out whether they are eligible for a water rebate.
· Details of a Volunteering Action Group will be announced in the near future.
· A Sport England Club Survey is to be published this week.
· A telephone survey to find out participation levels in sport was being undertaken in accordance with national indicator 8. Concern was expressed that a telephone survey was unlikely to capture the full picture of participation.
· Progress was being made with regard to a Solihull Leisure Card with recommendations of the Task and Finish Group going before the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Board on 17 November and onto a Cabinet session thereafter.
· A scheme to identify ‘talented athletes’ is being launched in conjunction between Solihull Council and Parkwood Leisure. Applications to be made between January-March 2010 with the scheme to be rolled-out during April.
· Solihull College in conjunction with County Sports Partnership are holding a Young Volunteers conference on Tuesday 24 November where there will be an opportunity for Clubs to recruit a young volunteer.
· Details regarding the ‘Lets Get Moving’ scheme, part of the National Activities Plan, can be found on the Department of Health website http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/publichealth/healthimprovement/physicalactivity/DH_099438
· The BBC are looking for sporting events will which will have unusual catering requirements, that can be filmed, to be included in a programme to be shown in 2010.
The current account stood at £4682-85 although £350 had been allocated to three recipients with Rachel Jennings and Val Lines not yet having presented the cheques they received at the Sports Awards evening in the summer. As neither lady was present to receive their cheque David Acton and Jeff Wilkes offered to chase matters.
Applications had been received requesting funding for Alex and Jon Hollway, and Thomas White. The applications were incomplete in that they did not have details or signatures of referees, and Jon Hollway had received funding as recently as January 2008.
The Hollway brothers agreed to withdraw their application and would submit a new request when they were ready to undertake the Level 2 Hockey coaching course.
Thomas White had experienced difficulty, due to recent postal strikes, in getting his referees to sign the application. It was agreed to consider his application once completed.
Comment was made that we receive very few applications asking for assistance with Coach Education programmes. It was agreed that the criteria needed to be re-considered to allow Clubs to apply on behalf of their coaches living outside the borough.
Jeff Wilkes advised that there was national funding available to help with Coach Education and Pat Cropper offered to find out whether any monies would be available that we could utilise.
Andy Gordon and Doug Poultney were still in the process of reviewing the application forms and guidance notes.
· Future meetings dates were considered and it was agreed to opt for March 8th, June 7th and 6th September 2010.
· Sports Awards Evening for 2010 is 8th July – Andy Gordon offered to bring details of possible contenders to future meetings.
· Claire Milican advised that Sustain were promoting two events, to run on the 24 and 26 November, to help Clubs/Organisations with ‘Funding for a Sustainable Future’.
· Pat Cropper highlighted the benefits of the ‘Just Giving’ website for Clubs and/or individuals trying to raise money.
· Ray Chapman advised he had not had a response to the letter he sent to the Solihull Schools Sports Federation in June but would try and make contact.
The next meeting is to be held at 7-30pm on Monday 7 December.