EWI Seminar Outline- Alison Wilde

EWI Seminars scheduled for Thursdays will take place from 11 am - 12.30 pm in the LibraryBuilding in Room L532.

6th November- Seminar 1: Disability and Media

This session will complement and build upon issues raised in the Emancipatory Research- Issues and Contexts course. Specifically, media images of disability will be addressed, relating literature on this topic to issues raised by the disabled people’s movement. Academic work on stereotypes and narratives of disability and of impairment will be examined in the first of these two sessions. The epistemological and methodological frameworks of this literature will be examined and critically evaluated and alternative methodologies will be considered.

Reading List (*indicative)

Allen, R and Nairn,G (1997) Media depictions of mental illness : an analysis of the use of dangerousness, in Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry 31(3) 375-381

Barnes, C (1992) Disabling imagery and the media; an exploration of the principles for media representations of disabled people Halifax : Ryburn*

Barnes, C (1997) Media Guidelines, in Pointon,A and Davies,C(eds) Framed: interrogating disability in the mediaLondon : BFI

Battye, L (1966) The Chatterley Syndrome in Hunt, P (ed) StigmaLondon : Geoffrey Chapman

BCIDN (2002) Positive action on disability manifesto 2002,

Biklen, D and Bogdan, R (1977) Media portrayals of disabled people ; a study of stereotypes, in Interracial Books for children bulletin 8.6 and 7,4-7

Corker, M (1998b) Disability discourse in a postmodern world, In Shakespeare,T (ed) The Disability Studies readerLondon : Cassell

Corker, M and French, S (1999) Disability Discourse Buckingham : OUP

Corker, M and Shakespeare,T (2002) Disability/postmodernity London Continuum

Crow, L (2000) Helen Keller ; rethinking the problematic icon, in Disability and Society, 15 (6)

Cumberbatch, G and Negrine, R (1992) Images of disability on televisionLondon : Routledge

Darke, P (1995) 'Link': An evaluation Unpublished consultation paper for Yorkshire Television (Leeds CDS Archive available at disability-studies/archiveuk

Darke, P (1998) Understanding cinematic representations of disability, in Shakespeare,T (ed) The disability reader : social science perspectivesLondon : Cassell*

Darke, P (2003) Now I know why disability art is drowning in the river Lethe (with thanks to Pierre Bourdieu), in Riddell,S and Watson,N (eds) Disability, culture and identityLondon : Pearson

Davis, J and Watson, N (2002) Countering stereotypes of disability : disabled children and resistance, in Corker and Shakespeare (eds) Disability/postmodernityLondon : Continuum

European Disability Forum (2003) Madrid Declaration

Evans, J (1999) Feeble monsters : making up disabled people, in Evans,J and Hall,S Visual culture : the reader London : Sage*

Foucault, M (1973) (trans. Sheridan Smith,A.M) The birth of the clinic : an archaeology of medical perception New York : Pantheon

Fraser, N (1995) From redistribution to recognition : dilemmas of justice in a ‘post-socialist’ age, in New Left Review, 212 68-93*

Fuqua, J.V(1995) There’s a queer in my soap! : the homophobia/AIDS storyline of One life to live, in Allen,R To be continued…soap operas around the worldLondon : Routledge

Gartner, A and Joe, T (1987) Images of the disabled, disabling imagesLondon : Praeger*

Gilman, S (1995) Health and illness, images of differenceLondon : Reaktion

Hevey, D (1992) Thecreatures time forgot : photography and disability imageryLondon: Routledge*

Kitzinger, J (1993) Media, message and what people know about acquired immune deficiency syndrome, in Glasgow University Media Group Getting the MessageLondon : Routledge

Klobas, L.E (1988) Disability drama in television and film Jefferson,NC : McFarland and Co. Inc

Longmore, P (1987) Screening stereotypes : images of disabled people in television and motion pictures, in Gartner,A and Joe,T (eds) Images of the disabled, disabling imagesNew York: PraegerPointon,A and Davies,C (1997) Framed : a disability media readerLondon :BFI Publications*

Norden, M.E (1994) The cinema of isolationNew Brunswick, N.J : Rutgers University Press*

Nursing standard (2000) The use of soap operas in nurse education: A rationale for using soap operas to introduce health issues in the classroom, in Nursing standard, 18 (29) 38-40 London : RCN

Philo, G (1996) Media and mental distressLondon : Longman

Ross, K (1997) Disability and Broadcasting; A view from the margins Cheltenham: Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education

Sancho, J (2003) Disabling Prejudice, Attitudes towards disability and its portrayal on television British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting Standards Commission and Independent Television Commission,

Shakespeare, T. (1994b) Cultural representation of disabled people: dustbins for disavowal? in Disability and Society, 9, 3 283-99*

Shakespeare, T (1999) Art and Lies? Representations of disability on film in, Corker, M and French, S (eds) Disability Discourse Buckingham: Open University Press*

Shakespeare, T (1999a) Joking Apart in Body and Society (May 1999)

Thomas, C (1999) Female forms, experiencing and understanding disability Buckingham: Open University Press

Shakespeare, T (2002) Disability/postmodernity ; embodying disability theory London : Continuum

Thomson, R.G (1996) Freakery – cultural representations of the extraordinary bodyLondon : New York University Press*

Watson, N and Riddell, S (eds) (2003) Disability, Culture and Identity London : Pearson*

Wilde, A (2004a) Performing Disability, in King, M and Watson, K (eds) Representing healthBasingstoke : Palgrave*

20th November- Seminar 2: Gender, disability and media

This session will be an exploration of some of the issues raised in media studies of gender and the ways impairments are depicted in gendered terms. Constructions of masculinity and femininity will be explored, examining assumptions of heteronormativity and issues such as stereotyping, essentialism and class. This session will draw on popular film and television genres, and news media. Seminar participants are encouraged to bring their own examples to be discussed.

Reading List (indicative*)

Fuqua, J.V(1995) There’s a queer in my soap! : the homophobia/AIDS storyline of One life to live, in Allen, R To be continued…soap operas around the worldLondon : Routledge

as carers’ debate, in Morris, J (1996) Encounters with strangersLondon: Women’s Press

Kent, D (1987) Disabled women ; portraits in fiction and drama, in Gartner,A and Joe, T (eds) Images of the disabled, disabling imagesNew York : Praeger*

Kitzinger, J (1993) Media, message and what people know about acquired immune deficiency syndrome, in Glasgow University Media Group Getting the MessageLondon : Routledge

Klein, A.M.(1995) Life's too short to die small, in Gordon,D.F and Sabo,D. (1995) Men's health and illness - Gender, power and the body (London : Sage

Knight, N (1998) Access-able, in Dazed and Confused September, 1998

Kuppers, P (2002) Image politics without the real, in Corker,M and Shakespeare,T (eds) Disability/postmodernityLondon : Continuum*

Meekosha, H (1998) Body battles : bodies, gender and disability in Shakespeare,T The Disability Reader –Social science perspectivesLondon : Cassell

Meekosha, H and Dowse, L (1997) Distorting images, invisible images ; Gender, disability and the media in Media International Australia, February*

Rodowick, N. (1982) The Difficulty of Difference, in Wide Angle 5.1: 4-1

Thomson, R.G (1997) Extraordinary bodies – figuring physical disability in American culture and literatureNew York : Columbia University Press*

Wilde, A (2004) Disabling Masculinity: The isolation of a captive audience, in Disability and Society, 19,4 355-370*

Wilde, A (2008) Disabling Femininity : The captivation of an isolated audience (forthcoming)To be made available*

December 4th - Seminar 3: Media, Cultural Studies and Disability-Frameworks for Analysis

This session will explore media studies methodologies in more depth, exploring the strengths and limitations of cultural and media theory and methodologies in the deconstruction of portrayals of disability and impairment. Discussion will include the following perspectives: the sociology of emotions, analysis of popular culture, structuralist/post-structuralist, semiotic , psychoanalytic theory .

Reading list

Abercrombie, N and Longhurst, B.(1998) Audiences London : Sage

Alasuutari, P (1995) Researching culture : Qualitative method and cultural studiesLondon : Sage Publications

Bakhtin, M (1981), Holquist, M (ed) : (Trans.Emerson,C & Holquist,M) The dialogic imaginationAustin: University of Texas

Barthes, R (1972) Mythologies St Albans : Paladin

Barthes, R (1976) (trans.Miller, R) The pleasure of the textLondon : Cape

Bourdieu, P (1984) (trans. Nice, R) Distinction, a social critique of the judgement of tasteLondon : Routledge

Bourdieu, P (1991) (ed.Thompson,J.B, trans,Raymond,G and Adamson, M) Language and symbolic powerCambridge : Polity Press

Brunsdon, C and Morley, D (1978) Everyday television : ‘Nationwide’London : British Film Institute

Chouliaraki, L and Fairclough, N (1999) Discourse in late modernityEdinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

Dines, G and Humez, J.M (1995) Gender, race and class in media : a text readerLondon : Sage

Douglas, M (1966) Purity and Danger : an analysis of pollution and tabooLondon : RKP

Douglas, M (1970) Natural symbols : explorations in cosmologyLondon : Crescent Press

Dyer, R (1977) Stereotyping, in Dyer, R (ed) Gays and filmLondon: BFI

Eco, U (1992) Overinterpreting texts, in Collini,S (ed) Interpretation and over-interpretationCambridge : Cambridge University Press

Eco, U(1993) Misreadings London: Picador

Fairclough, N (1992) Introduction, in Fairclough, N (ed) Critical language awarenessLondon : Longman

Fairclough, N (1992a) Discourse and social changeCambridge : Polity

Fairclough,N (1995) Critical discourse analysis- the critical study of languageLondon:Longman

Fairclough, N and Chouliaraki, L (1999) Discourse in late modernityEdinburgh : Edinburgh University Press

Fiske, J (1987) British cultural studies, in Allen,R (ed) Channels of discourse, reassembled London : Routledge

Fiske, J. (1989) Television Culture London: Routledge

Foucault, M (1981) The order of discourse, in Young, R (ed) Untying the text : a poststructuralist readerLondon : RKP

Geertz, C (1973) The interpretation of culturesNew York : Basic Books

Glasgow University Media Group(GUMG) (1976) Bad newsLondon : RKP

GUMG (1980) More bad newsLondon : Routledge and Kegan Paul

Hall, S (1980) Encoding/decoding in Hall,S et.al (eds) Culture, Media, Language : working papers in cultural studies 1972 – 79London : Hutchinson and CCCS : University of Birmingham

Hall, S (1997) Representation – cultural representation and signifying practicesLondon : Sage

Neale, S (1990) Questions of genre, in Screen, Vol.31.No.32

Stevenson, N.(1995) Understanding Media Cultures: Social theory and mass communicationLondon: Sage

Street, J (1997) Politics and popular cultureCambridge : Polity Press

Tester, K (1997) Bored and Blasé ; Television, the emotions and Georg Simmel, In Bendelow, G and Williams, S. Emotions in social life : mapping the sociological terrainLondon : Routledge

Zizek, S (2001) Enjoy your symptom! Jacques Lacan inside Hollywood and out

New York : Routledge

Zizek, S (2002) Looking Awry : An introduction to Jacques Lacan through popular culture Cambridge, Mass ; MIT Press

December 11th - Seminar 4: Anti-oppressive Perspectives in Media Studies Research-Transformative Methods and Techniques in Practice

This session will be based upon considerations from disability, gender and media studies. My own effort to synthesise anti-oppressive methods with data collection and analysis will be examined. This session will also examine research methods and techniques and the quality of the participants involvement in research contexts. I will examine the possibility of participants ‘gain’ and any potentially oppressive features of the research process. Drawing on examples of my own project we will explore the compatibility of ‘conscientization’ (critical consciousness) with the production of useful knowledge. Literature for this session is focussed upon focus groups and documentary research (including diaries) but the session can explore alternative research methods according to the participants’ interests.

Reading List 9 (*indicative)

Barnes, C and Mercer, G (1997) Doing Disability ResearchLeeds: The Disability Press*

Dines, G and Humez, J.M (1995) Gender, race and class in media : a text readerLondon : Sage*

Fairclough, N (1992a) Discourse and social changeCambridge : Polity

Fairclough, N (1995) Critical discourse analysis- the critical study of languageLondon:Longman*

Freire, P (1970) (trans. Ramos,M.B) Pedagogy of the oppressedNew York : Seabury


Hammersley, M (1997) On the foundations of critical discourse analysis, in Language and communication 17 (3) 237-248

Hobbs, D and May, T (eds) Interpreting the field : accounts of ethnographyOxford : Oxford University Press

Kirk, J and Miller, M.L (1986) Reliability and validity in qualitative researchLondon : Newbury

Kreuger, R.A (1994) Focus groups : a practical guide for applied researchLondon : Sage

Kreuger, R.A (1998) Moderating focus groupsLondon : Sage

Mann, P.H (1973) Methods of sociological enquiryOxford : Basil Blackwell

Mason, J (1996) Qualitative Researching London :Routledge*

Morgan, D.L (1993) Successful focus groups : advancing the state of the artLondon : Sage

Morgan, D.L (1997) Focus groups as qualitative researchLondon : Sage

Morgan, D and Kreuger, R.A(1993) When to use focus groups and why, in Morley,D (1980) Morgan,D.L (ed) Successful focus groups : advancing the state of the artLondon : Sage

Morgan, D.L ,with Scannel, A (1998) Planning focus groupsLondon : Sage

Morrow, R.A, with Brown, D.D (1994) Critical theory and methodology London: Sage

Padilla, R.V (1993) Using dialogical research methods, in Morgan, D.L (ed) Successful focus groups : advancing the state of the artLondon : Sage

Plummer, K (1983) Documents of life – an introduction to the problems and literature of a humanistic method Oxford : Basil Blackwell

Silverman, D (1993) Interpreting qualitative data : methods for analysing talk, text and interactionLondon : Sage

Stanley, L and Wise, S (1993) Breaking out again: feminist ontology and epistemologyLondon : Routledge and Kegan Paul*

Stanley, L and Wise, S (1983) Breaking out: feminist consciousness and feminist research

January 8th -Seminar 5 : Film, Comedy and Disability (Alison Wilde and Deborah Williams)That joke isn’t funny any more: Impairment, disability and audience in the films of the Farrelly brothers

This paper traces the evolution of the representational strategies taken in the depiction of disabled characters in the films of the Farrelly Brothers. In particular, it explores some of the paradoxes of deliberate attempts to raise disability concerns in accessible forms of mainstream comedy. Focussing on such films as Me, Myself and Irene, Something about Mary, Kingpin,and Stuck on You, we will highlight cinematic devices which grapple with the multiple and fluid identities of disabled characters, and will examine the roles disabled actors play. We will also discuss the engagement with audiences and their psycho-emotional attachments. This will be followed by an exploration of the ways that these films play withand manipulate disabled and non-disabled viewer’s prejudices and audience reactions, exposing the cultural misrecognition of disabled people in mainstream attitudes. Finally we raise important questions about the industry’s resistance to the increasingly social and political disability related content of these and other genres.

Reading list

This seminar will be informed by the prior discussions of media and disability. As such, no further reading is required as this topic will be confined to the study of this particular form of disability imagery and comedy.

January 29th -Seminar : Investigating the Value of Media Research. Can and should media research be valuable to marginalised groups?

If so, how? This final session will address a range of issues which have emerged throughout the seminars, bringing together several seminar themes and examples from a wide range of media research on marginalised groups.

Reading list (*indicative)

Barnes, C and Mercer, G (1997) Doing Disability ResearchLeeds: The Disability Press*

Dines, G and Humez, J.M (1995) Gender, race and class in media : a text readerLondon : Sage*

Fairclough, N (1992) Introduction, in Fairclough,N (ed) Critical language awarenessLondon : Longman*

Fairclough, N (1992a) Discourse and social changeCambridge : Polity

Fairclough, N (1995) Critical discourse analysis- the critical study of languageLondon:Longman

Pointon, A and Davies, C (1997) Framed : a disability media readerLondon :BFI Publications*

Stanley, L and Wise, S (1983) Breaking out: feminist consciousness and feminist researchLondon : Routledge

Stanley, L and Wise, S (1993) Breaking out again: feminist ontology and epistemologyLondon : Routledge and Kegan Paul