Theresa Molinelli, Ed.D.

Director, Educational Services

Moreland School District Sexual Health Middle School Program

Parent Notification Letter

February 13, 2017

Dear Parent/Guardian:

The Moreland School District offers a comprehensive course of study on sexual health for 7th grade students. This course uses up-to-date and medically accurate health information to address many of the health issues students face, or may face, in their lifetime. The Moreland School District highly recommends that all 7th grade students participate in this course, but understands that values regarding this topic vary among families.

This sexual health course is guided by several state laws (EC 51933) including teaching that abstinence from sexual intercourse is the only 100% effective protection against unwanted teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). While abstinence will be emphasized, other forms of prevention and their effectiveness will also be discussed as required by state laws. The curriculum was developed by the Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group Curriculum Review Sub-Committee and the Positive Prevention Plus Curriculum Board, in full compliance with the California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329). The curriculum will be taught during 7thgrade science classes mid-May 2017 through June 9, 2017.

It is a state requirement that parents or guardians be notified prior to instruction and be offered the opportunity to withhold their child’s participation by submitting an opt-out notification form. If you wish to do so, please complete the attached form and return it to your child’s school office by Friday, April 28, 2017. Students not participating in the instruction will be given other academic assignments to be completed during the class period in a location to be determined by the school’s administrators.

The Moreland School District invites you to learn more about the curriculum, to review the class materials, and to hear from the health experts during two parent information meetings. Both events will be held at the Moreland Community Center, from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. on the following:

  • Wednesday, March 1st: Comprehensive Sexuality Education & Positive Prevention Plus Curriculum Overview
  • Parents will receive an overview of the state law, walk through of lessons, and the opportunity to talk to a Positive Prevention Plus curriculum specialist.
  • Thursday, March 23rd: Creating an Ongoing Dialogue on Sexual Health with Your Child at Any Age & Stage
  • Parents will learn about the social and emotional needs of teens and learn how to establish a healthy dialogue with their children as they become fully literate about a variety of sexual health topics.

Babysitting will be available for both of these parent education evenings. Please see the attached flyer with additional information regarding these upcoming parent education evenings.


Theresa Molinelli

Director, Educational Services

Board of Trustees

Brian Penzel · Julie Reynolds-Grabbe · Heather Sutton · Robert Varich · Karen Whipple

4711 Campbell Avenue · San Jose, California 95130-1790

(408) 874-2952 · Fax (408) 874-8367 ·