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Simone Sala <
Peter O. Jack <
Josie Lianna Kaye <
Andrea Marcello Bassi <

(a) (20090731) Congratulations for receiving grants from the Global Environment and Conflict Resolution Program of the CICR of Columbia University

(b) (20090813) Outline how to interface simulation models of various countries for GCEPG/GSEEED projects

(c) (20090803) Global Cooperation starting with Europe and the US

Dear Simone:
(1) Many thanks for your informative msg (ATTACHMENT I).

Dear Peter:
I am expecting a similar msg from you.

I. About our joint conference with CICR:
(2) I hope that Josie will tell us the dates of our joint conference with CICR at our next mtg with her — probably after September 9th or so. I will definitely let you know about the dates — for two days in the next spring semester at the CICR.
We will also have one or two day workshop at the Polytechnic Institute of NYU right after this joint conference to discuss the technicalities of our projects, I would be very delighted if you can also attend this workshop, too.
II. About possible creation of GUS/Lebanon:
(3) I am very happy that you agree to make the CICR grant as a seed money to create GUS/Lebanon with additional funds.
I have read your proposal (Reference (a) above) again. In the Section VI “Challenges,” you aptly mentioned the need of involvement of the stakeholders from the beginning of the research to keep them well informed about the process and the results. This is very important for them to have their ownership concept of the project, since it will foster strong motivation for creativeness -- a vital ingredient for the champion of a successful project. You will then act as a mentor/advisor.
I then strongly suggest that you should inform about your project to your Lebanese colleagues as early as possible — pls inform me their names and addresses ASAP. I hope they are one of major universities in Lebanon who can act as a secretariat of GUS consortium in Lebanon. You can then obtain their support to your constructing a simulation model of Lebanon as well as utilizing it for training the would-be decision-makers for policy analysis and recommendations. The simulation model should also be used for the resolution of any disputes for resource scarcities, e.g., water.
I am very glad to hear from you that you have already contacted with Andrea. His msg (ATTACHMENT I of Reference (b) above) says his Millennium Institute plans to construct national models of 100 countries in the next two years time. You may hope that his project would include Lebanon among those countries — when you will be in Washington DC area in this coming December, you may visit and urge him to do so.
(4) Pls visit the following;

Eldis Climate Change and Development Reporter
20 August 2009

As you see in it, there are many, many opportunities for applying your project approach.

BTW, water, food and energy are the most important items for human survival. I am very happy that you are now dealing with the former two and Peter with the energy (Reference (a) above).

For this prospective future, you definitely need to raise additional fund.
I hope you will have a fruitful meeting with Elena, since she has considerable experiences with European Commission (Reference (c) above) — as said elsewhere before, a face-to-face mtg is a MUST for any serious project.
I am looking forward to receiving your msg about your mtg with her.
III. Your possible trip to NYC in December:
(5) I would be delighted to meet with you here in NYC in December, if you can come with your supervisor. I would also be happy to arrange your and your supervisor’s visit to some of professors at the Polytechnic Institute of NYU.
(6) It would be a great idea to visit Millennium Institute in Washington, DC at this occasion, too.
Let’s keep in touch closely on the development of your project,
Hello to you and your family from my wife, Hisae.
Best, Tak


From: "Sala, Simone (NRRR)" <
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 19:42:51 +0200
To: Tak Utsumi <
Subject: RE: Free on line Learning Funded By Obama
Dear Takeshi,
thanks again for your support and for the inspiration you provided to me all across the last years.. And by the way you are right, I had a great time visiting California!
There are so many issues to discuss, as I told you in my recent e-mail. I tried to put some order among them, and here they are:
(1) Regarding your invitation to the seminar at CICR, Columbia university (see [gu-new] (20090812) for reference), please let me know when you will organize it. I would be more than happy to be present (it will depend by my schedule).
(2) Regarding your proposal to Josie (see [gu-new] (20090809) for reference), i.e. making the CICR a leading institution for natural resources scarcity and international security, I do strongly support your idea. CICR is in a perfect position to play this role, even because of its 'institutional proximity' with the International Research Institute for Climate and Society and the Earth Institute.
(3) As you said, I also think the grant received by CICR is a seed money. We should capitalize this grant to leverage additional funds (including my project, which I already mentioned to you) through which broadening the scope of the research and helping us to build a GUS in Lebanon (see your email dated July 10, 2009). MANY thanks for the material you sent to me for reference.
I also wrote to Andrea Bassi, and I really hope he would be willing to contribute to the development of the model. After this developmental phase, the generated maps will be participatory validated with the stakeholders at field level. This approach could help in creating agreements over the future management of such a scarce resource as water.
(4) Referring to my work for The Global Fund in closer detail, I am now in the process of defining its timeline. Josie told me that this is completely up to me: I should just deliver my report before the ending of the academic year. This means I may be in New York to present my research findings in (or before) April. In addition, I could be in New York in December (my supervisor has to meet the Director of the NY Natural Sciences Museum). This could be a good chance to talk with Josie and the people at CICR about the work being done till that date.
I am also considering to spend some time in New York and/or Washington to conduct part of the research there (e.g. one month for validating the model, interviewing you and other researchers from the above mentioned institutes and the Millennium Institute) in early 2010, as my university will support my travel expenses. What do you think about this chance?
I will send the work plan to you as soon as I will have discussed the timing with my supervisors at FAO and UNIMI. Please consider this open to your contributions: I would be delighted and honored by this.
(5) I sent a message to Elena (see [gu-new] (20090803) for reference), I'll let you know as she'll reply to me what will come out. Thanks for fostering our cooperation!
Many thanks again, Takeshi. I hope to hear from you soon.
All the best,

List of Distribution

Simone Sala
International Consultant for FAO on ICT for Development and Environment
PhD Candidate at GEOlab laboratory
Crop Production Department
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Milan
Via Celoria 2 – 20133
Milano, Italia
Cel: +39-333-237-2196
Office - GEOlab (Milan): +39-02-50316597
Office - FAO (Rome): +39-06-57053793
Skype: dharma1981

Peter O. Jack
Training Consultant/Director
National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)
Federal Ministry of Science & Technology
Plot 695, Port-Harcourt Crescent
Off Gimbiya Street,
Area 11, Garki, Abuja - Nigeria
Tel: 09-3142925 (Ext 102)
Fax: 09-3142924
GSM: 08023112676
GSM: 0805 5007777

PhD Candidate,
International Information Technology Policy Program (ITPP),
Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP),
College of Engineering,
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
ROK: +8210-8680-5455
NIG: +234-80-2311-2676
UK: +44-770-483-9569

Josie Lianna Kaye
Columbia University (MA), Sciences Po Paris (MA)
Assistant Director, Center for International Conflict Resolution, CICR
1325 International Affairs Building
420 West, 118th Street, MC 3369
New York, NY 10027
Tel: +1-212-854-5623
Cel: +13473239571
France: +33632343826
UK: +447891681902

Andrea Marcello Bassi
Deputy Director, Project Development and Modeling
Millennium Institute
2111 Wilson Blvd. Suite 750
Arlington, VA 22201
Tel: +1 703 351 5081
Mobile: +1 571 721 8275

* Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D., P.E., Chairman, GLOSAS/USA *
* (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A.) *
* Laureate of Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education *
* Founder and V.P. for Technology and Coordination of *
* Global University System (GUS) *
* 43-23 Colden Street, Flushing, NY 11355-5913, U.S.A. *
* Tel: 718-939-0928; Email: *
* U.S. Federal Tax Exempt ID: 11-2999676 <
* New York State Tax Exempt ID: 217837 <