St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

January & February 2017 E-Crossings

Ask yourself this question,“When I wake up on Resurrection Sunday Morning, how will I be different?” There are many ideas that can bring you closer to God. Here are a few “out of the box” Lenten ideas. Check out Google for more ideas.

Don’t buy anything you don’t need.

If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. Take the money you would have spent, put it in a jar and at the end of Lent donate it to a worthy cause.

“Throw away” things.

Daily, go through your house and declutter, removing unneeded items. At the end of Lent, donate to a local thrift store.

Avoid Negativity.

For every negative thing said to you, reply with something positive. Say three nice things daily to your family members.

Unplug—TV, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, etc.

This is perhaps the single best way to carve out some extra time in your day for prayer and meditation.

Try “what will I add” rather than “what will I give up.”

Things such as adding stillness in our lives. Adding more giving to those in need, what ever that might be-time tutoring a child who needs help in school, giving food to a shelter or food pantry, etc. Adding more prayer, more intentional time with God.’’

Get outside!

Commit to spending at least 20 minutes a day outside – walking, meditating, taking pictures, journaling. The transition from winter to springtime provides so many beautiful, tangible reminders of the significance of hope and rebirth in the Christian faith.

Think about what you can do so that the answer to the question above comes readily.


And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3: 16-17

Welcome to 2017. Welcome to the Season of Epiphany. Welcome to another year, a very special and New Year in St. Andrew’s life. Epiphany is sometimes called “Ordinary Time” because it, along with the Season of Pentecost, occurs outside of the Church calendar’s major seasons. This year seems especially unordinary to me. Let me try to explain.

Ten months ago, or thereabouts, I wrote to St. Andrew’s that all transformational beginnings initiate themselves with endings. This principle seems to have been true in St. Andrew’s life as well as in the world around the parish during this time. Andreans are expecting the culmination of the parish’s Search Committee process to call a permanent Rector, soon hopefully. This “beginning” started more than a year ago when Fr. Peter announced his retirement.

I have been a pilgrim along the road to assist St. Andrew’s in preparing for this new season in congregational life. Not surprisingly, I too was beginning many new initiatives of my life with you. Together we have accomplished many things. We have collaborated to create exciting programs for children and youth. We have earnestly considered St. Andrew’s call to be a Jubilee Center of the Episcopal Church. Specifically, the Vestry drafted its Statement of Faith regarding the parish’s grounds and programs to be a sanctuary for peace without the presence of arms. This initiative led to Suzanne Bowers’ efforts to create the successful Faith and Fear series. The Outreach Committee and dedicated parishioners collaborated with Stephanie Larson to render aid to Syrian refugees in Greece. Open Table has witnessed the transition from one set of leaders to another. The Buildings and Grounds Committee is undertaking a thorough review of the parish’s logistic and capital assets in order to determine the parish’s needs for repairs, and improvements.

Some of these activities may seem ordinary. Yet, the season of transition that has been our shared Christian witness has led to you considering faithfully the congregation’s history, connections, leadership, identity, and future Christian mission. The intentionality of our prayer, play, work, and shared spiritual life with one another has produced good fruit for St. Andrew’s worship, mission, and programming.

I view it sacramentally splendid that we will celebrate the New Year’s arrival with Solomon Frey’s baptism on the Feast Day of the Baptism of our Lord. (Jan. 8). Solomon, his family and sponsors will guide all of us in the process of reaffirming our own baptisms’ common salvation in Jesus the Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. I’m hopeful that this baptism will be the first of many such sacramental celebrations throughout the year, including the confirmation of many young people in early March.

It is important to share such outward expressions of God’s inward and eternal Grace as the world tumbles through time and human beings continue constantly to wage war, create strife, and engage in other forms of conflict. We are Episcopalians who are being especially called this year to be agents of Jesus the Christ’s loving, liberating, and life giving movement. St. Andrew’s is especially capable of living into this mission. Amen and Amen.

This will be my last Crossings article. Let me therefore conclude by thanking you for your hard work and love while I’ve been here. Thank you for teaching me more than I taught you. Thank you for allowing me to live into my vocation in new and transformational ways. Thank you for embracing and celebrating Howie’s and my marriage and new life with one another. You have loved me (and us) from the beginning to this ending and onward to new beginnings.

St. Andrew’s and I conclude our time with one another in extraordinary ways at the conclusion of Epiphany’s Ordinary Time. And, in our shared baptism in Christ, we have proclaimed the Gospel, shared the Sacraments, and been present to God’s compassion, justice, and peace in many kind and thoughtful Ways. Your new Rector is very fortunate and my prayer for you together is that the Holy Spirit’s power and providence will be bountiful in the seasons ahead in this very special Christian Community.

Blessings and Much Love along The Way, Jim


Soup sales are underway, and will continue on the first Sunday of each month through April. If you have not signed up to make 4 quarts of soup for one of these Sundays, please consider doing so. We have lots of people wanting to purchase soup, and this is a major fund-raiser for Outreach.

Contact Judy and Rob Hontz with any questionsat 570-568-0855 or


Sunday, January 8th

Episcopalians celebrate traditionally the Feast Day of the Baptism of Our Lord on the First Sunday after the Epiphany. This year’s celebration occurs on Jan. 8th and will be a very special day here at St. Andrew’s .

This particular feast day establishes the Sacrament of Baptism as Jesus himself is baptized by John, his cousin. We recall and offer thanks for God’s Saving Grace through Baptism for all of us. Pope John Paul initiated notably a custom in the Roman Catholic Church that the Celebration of Our Lord’s Baptism as a gracious, holy time to baptize infants. That’s what will happen here on the 8th as Solomon Frey will be baptized into Christ’s life, death, and resurrection as well as become redeemed through the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ and the newest member of St. Andrew’s.

We invite everyone to come and celebrate this very special day for Solomon, his parents, sibling, and sponsors. Children are especially invited to observe and share in the baptism as it takes place.

Father in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are baptized into his Name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Savior; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

Epiphany Service

Sunday, January 8, 10 AM

As we have the last few years, we will observe the Feast of the Epiphany on the Sunday closest to the actual date of January 6, which is January 8 this year. At the 10:00 AM service, we will observe the arrival of the Magi or Wise Men to the stable in Bethlehem as they follow the star to where the young Christ child lay. The significance behind the visit of the Magi is the revelation of Christ as "Lord and King " to the non-Jews, or Gentiles. The Wise Men were the first Gentiles to publicly recognize the divinity of Jesus by way of their offerings of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Adult Study Group at Country Cupboard

January 10 & 24, February 14 & 28 at 8:30 AM

The adult study group continues to meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at Country Cupboard Restaurant. All adults are welcome to attend. You may purchase anything from "just coffee" to a full breakfast. Everyone pays for their own meal. Please meet in the lobby so that we can be seated together.

Annual Parish Meeting Reports Due January 16
Please email to:

Annual Parish Meeting

Sunday, January 22, 11:30 AM

Join us for our annual parish meeting following the 10 AM Holy Eucharist. We will begin with a pot luck lunch followed by the meeting. Please bring a dish to share.

There will be one service this day at 10 AM so that all can join in the meeting.

We will elect four new vestry members to serve for three-year terms.

Open Table Resumes

January 25 & February 22, 4:30-5:30 PM

Watch for signup sheets and volunteer to be blessed by helping those in need!

Souper Bowl

Sunday, February 5

Be a Souper Bowl Champion

Everyone is part of the championship team when they assist the youth of St. Andrews celebrate the Souper Bowl of Caring.

On Sunday, February 5, soup pots and the grocery cart will be ready and waiting for your contribution. Toss a dollar in the pot or a food item in the cart and you join the efforts of youth across the country working to end hunger.

The Souper Bowl of Caring is a nation wide, youth led effort conducted on Super Bowl Sunday to demonstrate that small efforts can have a big impact.

This year, the youth of St. Andrews will collect money for the Eastern Union County Food Bank. They will be asking for specific food items for the February Open Table meal. Stay tuned for more details on which food items will be needed.

Remember-February 5 is GAME ON DAY!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

Tuesday, February 28, 5:30-6:30 PM

Saint Andrew's will celebrate Shrove Tuesday, with our annual pancake supper. We will be serving pancakes and sausages from 5:30 until 6:30 PM. Not only is this a great opportunity to eat without having to cook or clean up, it is also a great way to feast before the fast of Lent. If you would like to help, please sign up in the Narthex after February 1, or email Terri at .

Ash Wednesday Services

March 1, Noon & 7 PM

The Liturgy for Ash Wednesday (The Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes) will take place at St. Andrew's at 12:00 noon and 7:00 PM. This is one of the days in our liturgical calendar when Christians are expected to share in the Holy Eucharist. Please make every effort to begin the Season of Lent in this way. In addition, Ash Wednesday (along with Good Friday) is a day of fasting (BCP, p. 17). For those who are medically able, consider choosing to fast this day.

February 15 - Deadline
March & April Crossing’s Articles


The 2017 flower chart is posted in the Narthex. Please sign up by writing your name and the occasion you wish to provide flowers (In honor of/In memory of/In celebration of/In thanksgiving for, etc.). Please write clearly. Cost is $45 for two vases.


January – June

The new Hospitality Hour sign up is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex. The fellowship hour is held each Sunday following the 9 AM & 10 AM services. There is a separate sign up sheet for each hour. Responsibilities are rather simple: providing a light refreshment and drinks, making coffee and tea, cleaning up, and putting things away when finished.


Saturday, March 18, 6 PM

The St. Patrick’s Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 6 pm in the Canterbury Room. The menu will include corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, Irish soda bread, in addition to “green”desserts. As always, we’ll have limericks and joules. This is a BYOB, adult church member only event.

Contact the Hontzs with any questions 570-568-0855 or


Thank you to all the youth, teachers, and parents for making the annual Christmas Pageant a great success. I hope everyone enjoyed it and had a wonderful Christmas. We will resume Church School on January 8 with a focus on Jesus's parables and the important wisdom he taught through these stories.