HEALTHY Schools Lesson Resource Bank
Second Level – Munch & Move
Interdisciplinary Learning Project – Finding the Balance
Planning Framework Context for Learning – PEPAS
Physical Activity, Sport & Fitness Module – Fundamental Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Fundamental Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Theme / Topic / Suggested Learning ActivitiesFundamental Sport Skills & Fitness / Basketball / Dribbling & Passing
Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness / Football / Dribbling & Passing
Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness / Hockey / Dribbling & Passing
Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness / Gymnastics / Balance & Flight
Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness / Badminton / Striking & Co-operation
Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness / Bench-ball & Dodge-ball / Skills & Co-operation
Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness / Fitness / Stamina
Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness / Rounders / Throw, Catch & Strike
Fundamentals Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Theme: Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness
Topic: Basketball
Aim: To learn and develop dribbling and passing skills in basketball.
· To understand the key skills of basketball (passing & dribbling)
· To work with a partner & as part of a team
· To improve personal passing & dribbling skills
· To give constructive feedback to your partner
Before warming up explain to the children that over the next 8 sessions they will have the opportunity to practise and improve their PE, multi-sport, games and fitness.
At this point encourage the children to complete 2 stars and 1 wish for the next 8 weeks. (record 2 things they are already good at & 1 skill they would like to work on further and improve). These will be referred back to in session 8.
In 2’s – 1 Ball and 2 cones per pair.
Dribble up and around the cone. Swap with a partner. Do this 5 times each.
Activity 1
In 2’s – 1 ball and 2 cones per pair.
Dribble ball around partner and back to your cone. Pass the ball to your partner (chest pass). Partner repeats.
Throughout this activity encourage the children to peer assess their partners dribbling and offer constructive advice.
On observing good practice as 1 or 2 children to demonstrate the skill to the class.
Activity 2
In 2’s – 1 ball per 2 – Same as previous practice but use a bounce pass.
Again encouraging peer assessment between partners.
Activity 3
In 2’s – Dribble around the area/partner without the ball runs around the area. When the whistle blows, find partner and pass the ball.
Small sided games – 3v3 & progress to if appropriate 5v5 depending on space and numbers.
Fundamentals Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Theme: Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness
Topic: Football
Aim: To learn and develop dribbling and passing skills in football.
· To understand the key skills of football (passing & dribbling)
· To work as part of a team
· To improve personal passing & dribbling skills
· To give constructive feedback to your partner
· To look for and pass to team members when playing
In 2’s (1 ball per 2) – Person with the ball dribbles around the area. Partner follows them. When the whistle blows change over.
Activity 1
In 2’s – (1 ball per 2) pass the ball to each other.
Encourage peer feedback throughout this session.
Activity 2
In 2’s – 1 ball and 2 cones per pair.
Dribble ball around partner and back to your cone. Pass the ball to your partner. Partner repeats.
On spotting good practice ask 1 or 2 children to demonstrate their dribbling and passing skills to the rest of the class.
Initial games should be small sided 3v3 and the focus should be in moving into space to receive a pass and finding players in space to pass to
Games can progress to 5v5 where players will have less space and time to play. Ensure all pupils take part.
Fundamentals Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Theme: Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness
Topic: Hockey
Aim: To learn and develop dribbling and passing skills in hockey.
· To understand the key skills of hockey (passing & dribbling)
· To work as part of a team
· To improve personal passing & dribbling skills
· To give constructive feedback to your partner
· To look for and pass to team members when playing
In 2’s (1 ball per 2) – Person with the ball dribbles around the area. Partner follows them. When the whistle blows change over.
Activity 1
In 2’s – (1 ball per 2) pass the ball to each other.
Encourage peer feedback throughout this session.
Activity 2
In 2’s – 1 ball and 2 cones per pair.
Dribble ball around partner and back to your cone. Pass the ball to your partner. Partner repeats.
On observing good practice ask 1 or 2 children to demonstrate to the class.
Activity 3 - Games
Initial games should be small sided 3v3 and the focus should be in moving into space to receive a pass and finding players in space to pass to
Games can progress to 5v5 where players will have less space and time to play. Ensure all pupils take part.
Fundamentals Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Theme: Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness
Topic: Gymnastics
Aim: To develop the ability to jump and land on 2 feet. To develop the ability to make shapes in the air with control.
· To be able to jump and land on 2 feet
· To control your jumps
· To work with a partner & to take turns
· To make controlled shapes in the air
· To offer constructive feedback to peers
Warm Up Games
· Traffic lights game
· Bubble stretches
· Running around the hall and when instructed to ‘jump’ the children jump from 2 feet to 2 feet as high as they can.
Activity 1
Children get into pairs. Each group will have a station with either a bench or springboard and one mat. The groups will take turns to practice jumping onto the bench with 2 feet and off again.
· Pupils will be asked to try and make different shapes in the air. Use some pupils to demonstrate. Look for star, tuck, half turn, full turn etc. They should also always land on 2 feet
· Pupils will be asked to show the other class mates the best shape in the air. Pupils can comment on shape, balanced landings, arm or leg extension, pointed fingers or toes etc.
Follow up sessions could focus on balances and then link the balances with this lesson’s shapes in the air. This will begin to make a sequence
Bubble stretches / Animal stretches
Fundamentals Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Theme: Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness
Topic: Badminton
To learn and develop underarm shots in badminton abd to develop co-operation and working with a partner.
· To work co-operatively with partner, taking turns
· To develop hand eye co-ordination
· To be able to control the shuttle
· To be able to hit underarm shots over the net
Cleaning Room
- Divide the children into 2 equal teams
- Mark out an area about the size of a badminton court and place a bench/rope/net in the middle to seperate the two sides
- Divide the shuttles evenly on either side
- The object is for each team to keep throwing the shuttles over to the other side of the court so that when the time limit expires (1 – 2 mins) there are more shuttles on the other side.
- The team with the least amount of shuttles on their side at the end win
Keepie Uppie – 1 shuttle per person, in a space, try to keep the shuttle in the air for as long as you can.
On observing good practice ask 1 or 2 pupils to demonstrate to the class.
What are they doing to be able to keep the shuttle under control?
In 2’s – (5 shuttles per 2) – No1 feeds the shuttle to No 2. No 2 has to try and hit the shuttle over the net. (swap after 5)
· The feeder dart throws the shuttle to no 2 (No1 doesn’t need a racket.)
· The throw should be high and aiming towards the partners racket.
· Let the shuttle land on the other side of the net, pick up the shuttles once all 5 have been thrown and hit.
· Stand side on to net when hitting the shuttle
Progression Activities
Same practice again but this time try to hit soft shots over the net
Same practice again but try to hit hard shots over the net.
Fundamentals Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Theme: Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness
Topic: Benchball & Dodgeball
To develop skills in benchball and dodgeball & to learn co-operation and working as a team.
· To take part in benchball
· To take part in dodgeball
· To identify the skills required for each game
· To work as part of a team
· To demonstrate good sportsmanship
(Equipment needed – hoops, bibs (optional for taggers)
Depending on the size of the group, 1 or 2 taggers are needed.
All children including the sharks run around the area
When ‘Sharks’ is shouted by the instructer, the sharks try to tag the fish (other children)
The fish can try and hide in the caves (stand in the hoops on the ground)
When ‘safe’ is shouted the fish can swim in the sea again with the sharks.
Bench Ball
(equipment needed – 2 benches, ball, bibs)
- Divide the children into teams of 6-8
- Need two benches placed at either side of the court/hall
- One person from each team is chosen to stand on a bench at the opposite side of the hall from their team.
- The objective of the game is to try and pass the ball to the player on your team standing on the bench. When the player on the bench catches the ball the person who threw the ball joins them on the bench. The team who gets 5 players on their bench first wins the game.
Afterwards discuss the skills required to be successful in this game.
(equipment needed - 3 dodgeballs)
- Divide the children into 2 teams
- Place each team at either side of the court/hall
- Place the dodgeballs in the middle of the court/hall
- The objective of the game is to try and get all of the other team out before your team get put out.
- You can get someone out in 2 ways – you can hit them chest or below with the ball – you can full catch a ball that someone has thrown.
- If you catch a ball and get the thrower out you also get one of your players back in.
- The game finishes when there is no one left in on a team.
- Start the game by shouting go
Allow the winner to share some dodging techniques used.
Fundamentals Sports Skills & Fitness 2
Theme: Fundamental Sport Skills & Fitness
Topic: Fitness
To learn what is meant by stamina & to develop stamina through a fitness circuit
· To be able to explain what is ment by stamina
· To identify ways to improve stamina
· To complete the circuit recording how they feel afterwards
· To identify how to make the circuit harder
Spiders and Flies
- Pick 4 children to be spiders. The rest of the children (flies) run around the hall.
- The 4 spiders stand on their mats/hoops (this is their web)
- When you shout go the spiders have to run and collect as many flies as they can
- Spiders can only colllect 1 fly at a time and take it back to their web.
- Spiders can’t steal flies from other webs.
- The winner is the spider who has collected the most flies.
Fitness Circuit – 6 stations
1. Sit ups
2. shuttle runs
3. press ups
4. bench jumps
5. tricep dips
6. star jumps
- Do each station for 30 seconds with a 20 second rest as they change round.
- At the end of the circuit ask the children how they feel – warm?, tired?, out of breath?,
- Explain what is meant by stamina – cardio and muscular
- Ask children if they know how to make the circuit harder? – add a station, work for longer, decrease the rest time.
- Do the circuit again but make it harder by worling for 40 secs with a 20 second rest.
- At the end of the circuit again ask the children how they feel. Are they more hot/tired this time?
Games of the coaches or pupils choice
Ask the children to think of games that require stamina.
The coach or children can select any fun games or activities they want but they should focus on activities that require and develop stamina.
Cool down
The children will have been very active and should be given a chance to slowly bring their breathing, heart rate and temperature down by taking part in very low intensity activities such as walking and slow movements.
The intensity of cool down activities can be controlled by controlling the movements of the group by doing activities such as the traffic light game or Simon says.
Pupils should also finish with a stretch. This can be done through specific muscle stretches or in a more fun way by doing some of the animal stances from junior yoga or playing the bubble game.
Simple cool down activities can be based on circle games where the class form a circle and only some of them are active at any one time, therefore most of the class are cooling down for most of the game. Example include:
· Duck, Duck, Goose
· Clock in the tower
· Pinball
· Head catch
Plenary – Allow the children to refer back to the Learning Intention and Success Criteria for this lesson and decide if these have been met.
Fundamentals Sports Skills & Fitness 2