Frantasia Festival of Out Music and Arts, 2017 Sign Up Sheet -

Thursday - Sat., August 17, 18, 19 - 7 p.m. - midnight, Livermore Falls

Proceded by 'Water in the Woods' - August 15 & 16 - A residency of creative collaboration, renewal in nature and optional

fasting for musicians on our 5 acres in North Woodstock, ME.

Please return this sheet now so that I may better honor your requests. , call 207-212-6288 or mail to: Fran Szostek, PO Box 236, Livermore Falls, ME 04254.

1. Will you participate in 'Water in the Woods'? Tuesday and Wednesday ______

2. Night(s) on which you CAN perform? ___Thurs ___Friday ___Saturday

3. Preferred night and time ______

4. Requested length of performances: Performance time (5-30 minutes) may be all on one night or divided over 2-3 nights). To perform more than 30 min. total, arrange to jump in with other scheduled artists.______

5. Please indicate which nights you plan to attend the Festival: ___Thurs ___Fri ___ Sat

6. Title of performance and what you will do:______

7. Group or stage name you wish on the flyer:______

8. Please list names of your accompanists, what they will do:______


Send bios of 100 words or less (for the group) for our program. (You may send longer versions in addition for advertising the event) AND photos in jpg format to use in advertising.

9. May I have a press member contract you for an interview?

10. Contact name:______

11. Mailing address:______

12. Telephone #______13. Cell #______

14. Email:______15. Website:______

16. Visit our website at

Dorm style lodging (single mattresses) & vegetarian meals are available at our home in Livermore Falls. Please indicate nights you would like to stay AND the number & names of those in your party.

We have a very limited number of private rooms for couples. Please specifically request if this is your preference--and let us know with whom you will be sharing.

We give priority in lodging to Frantasia performers. If we are not filled, we would be glad to accommodate guests at our home or nearby tenting sites. Please let us know.

19. Any food allergies?______

20. Preferred contact method: ____ email ___FB ___text ____phone ___snail mail