SEP Montana Youth Camp | 406-458-8604 |


SEP Montana is a summer youth camp based in the Helena, Montana area. Our 120 +/- kids and 60+ volunteer staff are mostly local people from a variety of backgrounds and organizations: parents, law enforcement, nurses, pastors, professional, etc. Kids are taught wholesome values and given leadership opportunities in a safe and friendly outdoor youth camp setting. Many of these kids cannot afford a summer camp experience. Can you sponsor a child for camp, or help with some of our camp needs? Cost is only $175/child.

(For tax receipting purposes, all donations will be entered into the general fund unless you specify otherwise.)

Item Needed Value # Total Amount

_____ Supporter (< $100) ______$_____

_____ Copper Sponsor $100.00 _____ $_____

_____ Bronze Sponsor $250.00 _____ $_____

_____ Silver Sponsor $500.00 _____ $_____

_____ Gold Sponsor $1,000.00 _____ $_____

_____ Platinum Sponsor $2,500.00+ _____ $_____

Total $_____

Your Name:





Please attach your check made out to SEP Montana Youth Camp to this form.
Mail: SEP Montana – PO Box 7602 – Helena MT 59604 | Drop Off: 614 N Last Chance Gulch – Helena, MT
406-458-8604 –

SEP Montana is chartered non-profit ministry of
Generations Ministries of Grace Communion International [a 501( c )( 3 ) non-profit]. Tax ID: 46-1930923

Sponsorship Levels:

Platinum: ($2500+)

-Everything from below plus:

-Promotional graphical banner on the web site

-Promotional banner on dorm at SEP Montana

Gold: ($1000-2499.00)

-Everything from below

-Ability to insert promotional fliers into end of camp packets that go home with all campers (supply 100 promo pieces to fit into a 8"x10" packet)

Silver: ($500-999.00)

-Everything from below

-Framed 8X10 color photo of camp denoting your sponsorship level

Bronze: ($250-499.00)

-Everything from below

-Logo on web site with listing (if available)

Copper Sponsor: ($100.00)

-Everything from below

Supporter (Any amount/donation)

-Listing of name on web site

-Listing of name in sponsors page of camper packets that go home with each camper at the end of camp

-8X10 Color photo of camp denoting your sponsorship level