Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held in
Ysgol Llangynnwr School, on Thursday 16th April 2009 at 7.00pm
PRESENT: Councillor D. Valentine (Chair).
Councillors A. West, G.P. Bevan, R.O. Griffiths, D.I. Davies, S. Howells, E.A. Jones, D.E. Williams, J.A. Green.
APOLOGIES: Councillors C. M. Jones, S.H. Thomas, L.K. Carmody and R.S. Thomas.
IN ATTENDANCE: India Pollock, Carmarthen Journal
PC. M Richardson
With apologies for absence tendered by the Council Chairman, the Vice Chair, Cllr D Valentine chaired the meeting.
PC Richardson provided a detailed report on his involvement in the community including dealing with bogus traders and a ‘paintballing’ incident at Llangunnor Park.. He advised that the Mobile Police Van Caller Station would be available in the area and also during the next few weeks the speed monitoring unit MINT would be operational on various roads in Llangunnor. Members drew notice to a lot of graffiti at various places in the Pensrn area and the regular gathering of youths in the Sticle path underpass causing rowdiness and smashing glass bottles. PC Richardson agreed to follow up the complaints. He also provided details of the next PACT meeting to be held at Ysgol Llangynnwr School at 7.00pm on Wednesday 29th April.
Cllr Valentine expressed her pleasure with regard to the event held at Ysgol Llangunnor School to celebrate Hannah Gleeson’s success at the Special Winter Olympics held in Ohio, USA. She had presented Hannah with the Council Certificate in recognition of her achievements. The Vice Chair confirmed that the Chairman’s reception and dinner would be held at the Boar’s Head, Lammas Street after the Council’s AGM on 7th May.
Members were reminded to declare any pecuniary interests and appropriately record in the attendance register.
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the following meetings as a correct record:
the Monthly Council meeting held on 19th March 2009;
the Planning Committee meeting held on 19th March 2009
Matters arising:
i) Minute 106 – Chief Constable: correct note iii) to state that it is proposed that the Carmarthen Police Station would close at 2.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. RESOLVED: request the MP to appeal for the hours to be same as for Llanelli Police Station, which is noted to be open from 8.00am to 8.00pm.
ii) Minute 109 iii) – Mobile Youth Sevice – matter in hand.
iii) Minute 109 iv) – Green rubbish bunkers, Llangunnor Rd. Awaiting response from County Council but meanwhile noted more rubbish being left near the bunkers. RESOLVED: Formally request a reply from the County Council.
iv) Minute 116ii) – Boat moored in Tywi River: Clerk advised by the Admiral of the Port that ownership is unknown. RESOLVED: Cllr Griffiths will raise the matter at the next Riverside Development Committee meeting.
13 applications received for grant aid.
RESOLVED: £50 each to: Carmarthen CAB, Carmarthenshire Age Concern, Cwlwm - Papur Bro Caerfyrddin, Dyfed Powys Crime Prevention Trust [Bobby Van Scheme]; Carmarthen District Youth Opera and Carmarthen Women’s Aid Ltd.
Clerk reported that the 2007/8 Auditor, Mr L Llywellyn was prepared to audit at the same fee - £150. RESOLVED: refer to AGM.
Clerk reported that Mr E Williams, Pantycelyn, Heol Capel Dewi [‘handyman’] had agreed to continue providing cleaning and handyman services on the same basis as for the year 2008/9 – Bus Shelters - £57 per month: Park - £70 per month and all other work on a negotiable basis. RESOLVED: Agree to the financial arrangements.
[Cllr DE Williams declared an interest in this item and left the room.]
Clerk reported that arrangements for health and safety training are being awaited from the County Parks Officer. An incident of ‘paintballing’ the pavilion had been reported to the Police by a Member and the perpetrators that were apprehended agreed to paint the pavilion rather than face a court case. Hitting golf balls on the park and aiming at adjacent properties has been referred to the Police, and the County Council Parks Officer has been requested to review the sign barring the playing of golf in the Park.
Riverside Development Committee:
Cllr Griffiths will be attending the next meeting on 20th April 2009 and will raise the matter concerning the ‘protest boat’ moored in the river and the need to remove litter on the Llangunnor side of the river.
RESOLVED: approve the monthly income and expenditure schedule presented by the Clerk Expenditure: E Williams Bus Shelters (March 09) 57.00
Playing Field (March 09) 70.00
I. W. Davies Salary – April 09 456.18 Office Allowance - April 09 70.00
IT Allowance – April 09 20.00
Office Support – April 09 152.06 Bowen & Weaving 1x Certificate Frame 8.00
Llangunnor School Environmental Project 100.00
Chairman’s Donation
Capel Babell Chairman’s Donation 200.00
Capel Philadelphia Chairman’s Donation 200.00
Un Llais Cymru/ Membership renewal 258.00
One Voice Wales
Carmarthenshire Membership renewal 81.50
Tourist Association
Carmarthenshire Domain name renewal 70.00
Tourist Association [Llangunnor.org/Llangynnwr.org]
RESOLVED: receive the monthly schedule of correspondence and action agreed as follows:
i) Welsh Assembly Government:
Response to the Home to School Transport appeal. - Clerk reported that the response clearly refers the matter to the County Council. RESOLVED: In view of press reports that MP’s are appealing for the overhaul of the rules relating to school transport, invite Mr Adam Price MP, to attend a Council meeting.
ii) Un Llais Cymru/One Voice Wales
Confirmation of 2009/10 membership and request for nominated representative. RESOLVED: refer selection of representative to the AGM.
iii) Carmarthenshire County Council
Confirmation that the County Speed Limit Working Party will review its rejection of designating Penymorfa and Penymorfa Lane a 20mph zone.
Response to the request for the winter road gritting of Penymorfa. RESOLVED: appeal to the County Council to reconsider the request when reviewing its winter road gritting priorities in the Autumn.
Response to complaint about parked vehicles obstructing access to the public service bus by Yr Aelwyd, Tregynnwr. RESOLVED: Note the action taken by the Housing Officer and request that a raised pavement be incorporated in front of the bus shelter for ease of access. Involve the County Disability Officer.
Confirmation that the County Speed Limit Working Party has recommended that the 40mph speed restriction in Heol Capel Dewi be extended to point just past Tywi View Residential Park.
Notice of ‘Armed Forces day’ 22nd June 2009. RESOLVED: Noted that Ysgol Llangunnor School will be organising an event.
Noted that appeal for the replacement of the GIVE WAY sign with a STOP sign at Stephen’s Way junction with Pensarn Road has been referred to Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru/Welsh Assembly Government
Noted that a 10mph restriction between the Morrisons and Pensarn roundabouts will be applied for 20 weeks from 4th May 2009 whilst installing new traffic lights at the Pensarn roundabout.
Confirmation that the broken fence in Llangunnor Road between the junction with Old Llangunnor Road and the Carmarthen Decorating Centre is privately owned. RESOLVED: Appeal to the owner to carry out repairs for health and safety reasons.
iv) Financial Appeals: Dogs Trust; Carmarthen Womens Aid Ltd. – considered under agenda item 12 above.
v) Really Welsh Daffodils: Noted offer of daffodil bulbs for autumn planting. RESOLVED: Chairman to consider.
vi) Elector, Nantycaws: Objecting to the glass bottle bank. RESOLVED: Note the letter and advise that the facility and location is subject to review in June.
vii) Trinity College, Carmarthen: Noted its newly granted University status and its invitation for the submission of individuals for an ‘Community Achievement Award’.
viii) Information Commissioners: Noted Update on the Freedom of Information Act
ix) OFCOM: Noted advice that problems associated with the broadband cabling network in the area should be referred to BT via the Assembly Member to establish future plans for replacing the network.
x) Carmarthen Town Council: Invitation to the Chair and guest to attend the Carmarthen Town Mayor Installation Ceremony at the Guild Hall on Friday 8th May 2009. RESOLVED: Accept.
xi) Carmarthenshire Partnership: Notice of Annual Forum at Llanelli on 22 April 2009 - Vice Chair will be attending.
xii) Noted all other correspondence and promotional material received.
i) Refer to County Council:
Rusted posts of the ‘Fly tippyng’ enforcement signs in Penymorfa Lane
Malfunctioning of lighting in the A40 underpasses.
Damage to green verges in Nantycaws made by utility company.
Eroded surface of A40 road at the Pensarn and Pont Cynnwr roundabouts
Newly erected Anti GPS sign at Login seems to be inappropriately positioned.
Request update on the appeal via public petition for the introduction of a 40mph speed restriction at Nantycaws.
Complain that mowing the Tregynnwr housing estates results in exposed litter and grass cuttings on pavements and doorsteps.
Suggest that a glass bottle bank could be located by the garages between 17 and 18 Bron y Dre in preference to a previous position identified in Y Talar.
Request regular sweeping of the underpass along Sticle path due to smashed glass bottles.
Request removal of redundant utility pole between Elder Grove and Glanffynnon.
v) Road verge river erosion – B4300 Heol Capel Dewi.
Cllr DE Williams referred to a site meeting called at 2.00pm on 27th April 2009 to update interested parties on the Capel Dewi B4300 road verge river erosion by Cystanog corner and the continuation of the installed temporary traffic lights. Cllr Williams informed Council that he would be attending the meeting in his capacity as another interested party.
RESOLVED: Cllr A West and Clerk to represent Council.
iii) Agenda
Cllr Griffiths proposed that the following items be considered at the next Council meeting:
a) The appearance of the Morrison and Pibwrlwyd roundabouts
b) Bus Shelters in Llangunnor Road.
RESOLVED: Members seconded the proposal for inclusion on the agenda.