Present: Chairman Cllr. Mr S Jones (SJ) Cllr. Mr D Goodwin (DG)

Ms D Groves – Clerk (DG) Cllr. Mr S Fletcher (SF)

Cllr. Mrs J Slack (JS) Cllr. Mrs P Wyatt (PW)

Cllr. Mr J Fothergill (JF) BCllr. Mrs S Bragg (SB) BCllr. Mr D Poole (DP) PCSO Mr P Inman (PI)

01 / Welcome and Apologies for absence
Meeting was opened at 7.38pm. Cllr. Mr Jones welcomed all those present. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Mr Steed and CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke
02 / To Receive Police Report
Police report received and presented by PCSO Mr Phil Inman (covering 23rd December to 9th January 2015) 57 incident reports (incidents are not necessarily crimes) ASB x 3, Burglary x 6, Damage x1, Concern for Safety x7, Other theft x 3. Calls to 101 are helped when you quote the date and incident number. Poster will be displayed re the consideration by RBC to demolish the bus shelter outside the Community Centre in Round Avenue to reduce Anti-Social Behaviour. Your comments/concerns about the proposed demolition should be addressed to Paul Collett, Project Officer for Community Safety on 01788 533 817 or by email on RBC are sensitive to the change and its impact, especially on the elderly and the disabled. RBC would like to hear your input. The process will run until 20th February 2015. If you have any comments on this proposal, please contact Paul Collett. It has also been suggested by RBC that the Parish Council might like to consider providing an alternative bus shelter further down on Round Avenue, nearer to Edinburgh Way, this has not yet been discussed/agreed by your Parish Council and will be considered as and when necessary and after the consultation/proposal to demolish the existing bus shelter.
03 / To Invite Members of the Public to speak on matters of concern
2 members of the public were present. Street Light 1H was not working. This is a RBC St. Light and BCllr. Mrs Bragg agreed to report the fault. / SB
04 / To Receive Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or other Interest
None received.
05 / To Approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11th November 2014
Cllr. Mrs Wyatt pointed out an error re the next PC meeting in the minutes, reported as Tuesday 14th January instead of Tuesday 13th January. Proposed by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Slack to accept the Minutes of 9th December 2014 (with date corrected) as a true record, 4 votes in favour with 1 abstention and 1 against - Cllr. Mr Fothergill not present at the meeting and Cllr. Mrs Wyatt against.
06 / To Receive progress reports on outstanding items not covered later on the Agenda
1.  CSW Broadband Project – Cabinets 22 Lawford Heath Lane and cabinet 93 at the junction of Tee Tong Road/Teeswater Close will be included in the superfast BB upgrading from January 2015 – well done to everyone involved in highlighting the lack of BB in these areas to the project leaders together with taking the time to hand deliver leaflets urging residents to respond to the consultation. This outcome would not have been achieved without efforts made by Cllrs. Mr Jones, Mr Fothergill, Mr Fletcher and the Clerk. Mr Fothergill thanked all those involved on behalf of residents in Tee Tong Road/Teeswater Close. Ongoing efforts on behalf of other parts of the village that do not yet have access to superfast BB will continue.
2.  Playdale “Orbit” roundabout fault (floor sticking) has been reported as case no. 55 and will be looked at in January 15 – for info.
Post Meeting Note: This has been chased up by the Clerk resulting in an engineer visit that has now unjammed the roundabout. Handyman has checked the workings and has confirmed the repair.
07 / To Receive Borough/County Council Reports
Due to the Xmas break there was nothing much to report from Borough Councillors other than the bus shelter issue which was discussed earlier in the meeting.
CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke submitted the following report:
There will be a transport seminar in March to discuss and agree transport priorities locally. So feedback to CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke if there are any local schemes you want to propose please. Can you let CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke have your feedback as soon as possible? Sorry for not getting this out sooner but it is not down to CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke, there has been a lot of debate at County and we are still not sure what budgets are likely to be available.
Also please could you let CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke know if there are any potholes that need to be brought to the attention of the County Council?
CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke has asked for the open hours for the Hunters Lane recycling centre to be scrutinized and reviewed as the opening hours are not long enough.
Also asked that the adoption process for new estates be reviewed as currently the length of time it takes for new housing estates to be adopted is unacceptable.
The partnership group continues to meet and the work supporting NEET’s and young adults is on-going. The Methodist Church hall is being used as a venue for many of the activities for children and young adults whom Clive has been very supportive of.
08 / Management/Finance & Administration
a)  Overview and Scrutiny suggestions invited for 2015/16 – www.rugby.gov.uk/scrutiny - for info
b)  Parish Council’s view sought on Bus Shelter outside the Community Centre in Round Avenue – It was agreed that the poster to be displayed and notifying residents of the proposal should be changed so as not to suggest that the Parish Council has already agreed to fund a replacement, if the bus shelter is demolished by RBC. Borough Councillors confirmed that RBC would not be in a position to fund any replacement. The Parish Council will discuss its views once the public consultation date of 20th February has passed.
BCllrs. Mrs Bragg and Mr Poole gave apologies for not being able to attend Parish Council meeting in February due to attending a full Council meeting at the Borough Council. They both left the meeting at 8.03pm
c)  Terms of reference for community governance review of the alignment of Parish and Ward boundaries re Cawston boundary change can be found at www.rugby.gov.uk – for info.
d)  Extensive mole infestation at Lawford Heath 48 mole hills – several contractors had either attempted to eradicate the moles unsuccessfully or put in a quote to make another attempt with a contractor putting in a quote for an on-going monthly contract to keep moles at bay at a cost of £800 & VAT plus £8 per trap replacement if traps went missing. Another contractor to be approached to obtain a quote for monthly contract, to include clear up of the current infestation. It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Wyatt that whoever is cheapest be awarded a contract for 12 months with a review of the contract before the end of 12 months, 6 votes in favour.
e)  Replacement of external hard drive needed – as the current external hard drive is some 4/5 years old, it is not now possible to obtain updates to network drivers to ensure correct working of the device. External storage of data was essential for Parish Council records. It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Jones, seconded by Cllr. Mr Fletcher that a replacement external hard drive is purchased up to £100. 6 votes in favour.
f)  Boxing Gym – Cllr. Mr Fletcher had been asked if the Council had any suggestions for an appropriate venue to run a boxing gym from. The Pavilion and Pod were inappropriate and it was suggested that the Methodist Church could be approached with the idea. Cllr. Mr Jones agreed to bring it up at the next youth meeting. It was advised that whoever wished to run the gym are asked to put together a full proposal that complies with all legislation for running this type of activity and that Cllr. Mr Fletcher could also represent the group with the proposal to approach the Methodist Church. / SJ
/ Recreation Grounds
a)  Works continue on the flower beds cutting back and maintenance. Started Dec 14 and on-going – for info.
Transport, Highways, Drains and Street Lighting
a)  A428 Lighting on Coventry Road. On 17th December main fuse blew. This was replaced and lights were monitored via the radio system for a couple of days thereafter. Lights continue to malfunction. Only section of cable that hasn’t been replaced to rectify on-going problems is a small section linking both sides of the road. This will now be done, probably late January/early February. WCC have spent over £10,000 to-date on this problem so want to ensure that the lighting problems are rectified correctly.
11 / To Receive Details of Financial Matters
a)  To Approve the monthly payments (List circulated at the Meeting)
13.1.15 2516/7 Confidential
13.1.15 2518 Cancelled, error writing cheque
13.1.15 2519 HMRC £569.57
13.1.15 2520 Telecoms £75.00
13.1.15 2521 ESPO – Litter Sacks/Gloves £54.78
13.1.15 2522 BT - CCTV £30.14
13.1.15 2523 Petty Cash £233.88
13.1.15 2524 Graffiti Removal Training Course £234.00
13.1.15 2525 LGPS £684.47
13.1.15 2526 Annual Insurance 15/16 £3,436.10
It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Slack, 5 votes in favour, Cllr. Mrs Wyatt against to accept the accounts for payment.
12 / To Receive Details of Planning Matters
New Applications
Approved Planning Applications
Refused Planning Applications
Other Planning
13 / To Receive Information on minor matters and items for future Agenda
Cllr. Jones informed that a brainstorming session regarding the proposed Parish/Neighbourhood Plan be organised for Tuesday 3rd February at 7.30pm. Public and those that had shown an interest in assisting could attend to discuss a way forward. Cllr. Jones to arrange booking of the Memorial Hall for this meeting.
Clerk informed that a consultation document relating to upgrading of existing vodaphone/02 phone antenna equipment on Holmefield Farm had been received from Galliford . A planning application should follow shortly.
A photograph was produced and passed to the relevant authorities showing a high and heavily laden lorry travelling through the village carrying farm manure with no barriers in place to prevent the manure from falling off onto the public highway.
Cllr. Fothergill asked about possibility of yellow lines from Tee Tong Road up to Woodleigh Road as parked cars in this area etc. was proving to be a problem, making the road difficult to drive through. Cllr. was informed that this would be something for WCC to consider with advice given to speak with County Councillor Mrs Maggie O’Rourke about the issue. / SJ
14 / To Consider the exclusion of the public and press in the public interest
Members of the public were requested to leave the meeting whilst confidential employee information was discussed.
Employee Terms and Conditions.
At the request of the Council, travel/trips had been monitored for three months resulting in an agreement to pay 6 trips per month as an allowance for an employee in line with terms and conditions set out in the NALC green book allowances for employees for travel/subsistence and as contained in contract of employment. Proposed by Cllr. Mr Goodwin, seconded by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, 5 votes in favour, Cllr. Mrs Wyatt against.
15 / Date and Time of the Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th February at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Railway Street, Long Lawford. Meeting was closed at 8.55 pm

Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………….

Mr S Jones
