Integrated Science 2016-2017 This is a year-long class that introduces core science content.
Mr. Mike Machowek 360-538-2040
What you’ll be doing…
*Many labs with short write-ups
*Regular assignments just about every day
*Pop quizzes that count
What to bring….
*Writing utensil every day
*Interactive Lab Notebook is required!!!
*Your own colored pencils if you want good ones J
*Maybe a calculator
What is expected of you…
*Courtesy and integrity
*Come in, sit down, get out your interactive notebook—check the board for entry tasks
*No food-water is okay-No electronic devices
*Attending to your own learning
*Communication if there is a problem
*Your best learning
*Listen but don’t be afraid to ask questions
if you don’t get it
What is expected of me…
*Courtesy and integrity
*Making sure you know why you are
learning something
*My best teaching
*Patience within reason
*Work that challenges you so you are ready for your next science class
*Communication if there is a problem
Semester 1: (Life Science Emphasis)
I. Lab Technique (safety, equipment, methodology, data reporting)
II. Measurement (significant figures, scientific notation, accuracy, precision
III. Biology (characteristics of life, cell/cell structure, photosynthesis/respiration, genetics)
IV. Ecology (biomes, ecosystems, populations, matter cycling, energy flow)
V. Natural Resources
VI. Weather (water cycle, climatology, properties of water)
Semester II (Physical Science Emphasis)
VII. Chemistry (atomic structure, periodic table, simple equations, reactions, conservation of mass, acid/base)
VIII. Waves (frequency, amplitude, types of waves)
IX. Physics (Newton's laws, speed, velocity, acceleration, combined velocity, 6 simple machines)
X. Rube Goldberg Project or spaghetti bridges
XI. Tide Pool Investigation
Grades are not grouped or weighted by category; rather grades are cumulative score based on the sum total of all tests, quizzes, labs, projects, etc. Only late work with an accompanying excused absence will be accepted!
Note-there is NO extra credit offered. Comprehensive final at the end of each semester.
93-100 = A 77-79.9 = C+
90-92.9 = A- 73-76.9 = C
87-89.9 = B+ 70-72.9 = C-
83-86.9 = B 65-69.9 = D
80-82.9 = B- <65 = F
Exams/Daily Work: Excused absences are the exception. Note taking: all students will be required to use an interactive lab notebook and keep track of Essential Questions. Also, use of Cornell note taking methods and strategies is expected, but not required. Notebooks will be collected several times per semester and graded for their upkeep and accuracy. Unless directed otherwise, notebooks may be used on tests and some quizzes.
Initials: Parent: ______& Student: ______
Attendance Policy: The student is responsible to attend all classes (unless excused for a School Activity (SA)) and actively engaged in the day’s lesson. The student’s attendance and participation in the class is crucial to the student demonstrating proficiency in the subject. Excessive absence (more than 10 excused or unexcused) may cause the student to be ineligible to earn credit in the class. Unexcused absences may be regarded as truancy. Unexcused absences and truancies, no make-up work is allowed per district policy.
Initials: Parent: ______& Student: ______
Behavioral Expectations: Don’t let yourself, your classmates, or your family down!
Both your future employer and I favor those that work hard, participate, consistently put forth maximum effort, exhibit honesty and integrity, and show up ready to roll with a great attitude! Any action that distracts from either learning or teaching may result in same day after school consequences. Also, as a courtesy to others, only languages understood by everyone in the class will be used to ensure a comfortable social environment for all. This is imperative in maintaining a safe learning atmosphere, so that conversations are open and understood by all.
Initials: Parent: ______& Student: ______
Electronic Use Policy: We will use a stoplight system of red, yellow, green. These colors posted in the classroom determines our use for the day. When on red Cellular devices ARE NOT allowed at any time during the class period. Texting or any other form of communication is NEVER allowed during class regardless of the color.
Initials: Parent: ______& Student: ______
Miscellaneous: There is a no food or beverage policy in this classroom. Violators will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Water and gum are okay.
Initials: Parent: ______& Student: ______
Cheating: Any student found attempting to take credit for another student’s work or allowing work to be copied will be dealt with per AHS policy (see student handbook on cheating).
Initials: Parent: ______& Student: ______
I have read, understand, and agree with the classroom policies set forth by the instructor for the 2016-2017 school year.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Note: This initialed and signed syllabus is due Friday, September 16th for 20 points.
“The teacher in this classroom is a professional with training, certification, and dedication necessary to provide a quality education for all who enter. The subject is …EXCELLENCE!”
“Remember the past. Plan for the future, but live for today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come”
“The future depends on what you do today”
Hall Pass-you must use this box as your 3 free hall passes per semester. After you use these your grade will be reduced by 3% for each hall pass request. You may redeem unused passes at a rate of 2%.
Date / Destination / Time Out / Time InSem 1
Sem 2
Note-you must leave your phone in my possession, otherwise NO hallway privileges