February 9, 2012

Members present: Marshal Giese – Gene Hoppe - Rosetta Stern - Don Thaves – Jon Zwirschitz - Steve Gueths - Cliff Powers - Herbert Tauchen (Left at 5:03 p.m.)

Members absent: Sandra Davel

Others present: Barbara Larson-Herber, Judy Kressin-Reindl, Kelly Bueschel, and Corinna Woldt, NTC Student

Location & Time: Department of Community Programs

504 Lakeland Road

Shawano, WI 54166

3:00 p.m.

1. Meeting was called to order by Jon Zwirschitz, Board Chairman, at 3:00 p.m.

2. Motion made by Don Thaves, seconded by Marshal Giese, to deviate from the posted agenda, if necessary. Eight ayes, one absent, motion carried.

3. The January 12, 2011 Board Minutes was reviewed. Motion made by Marshal Giese, seconded by Don Thaves, to approve the minutes as presented. Eight ayes, one absent, motion carried.

4. Public Comments –None.

5. Committee reviewed the Paid Invoice Listing for January 17, 2012 through February 7, 2012.

Motion made by Steve Gueths, seconded by Marshal Giese, to approve the Paid Invoice Listings as presented. Eight ayes, one absent, motion carried.

The January, 2012 Financial Reports were reviewed and discussed. A motion was made Gene Hoppe, seconded by Marshal Giese, to approve the report and place the report on file. Eight ayes, one absent, motion carried.

Lakeland Industries Production Reports for January 2012 was reviewed and an update provided on current and potential work projects. Report was placed on file.

Purchase Request - None.

Equipment Disposal – None

Miscellaneous – Reviewed 2012 COP Plan, motion made by Gene Hoppe, seconded by Rosetta Stern, to approve the 2012 COP Plan as presented. Eight ayes, one absent, motion carried.

6. Personnel Issues – Reviewed the analysis of Pay Compression. Motion made by Herb Tauchen,

seconded by Cliff Powers, to (1) approve the attached revised organizational chart with implementation of the new design over the next 12 to 15 months, through attrition and transition; (2) Adjust the Community Services Managers position description to include the responsibility to act in place of or on the behalf of the Director, in case of his/her absence; and (3) Adjust the pay rate of the Community Services Manager to be greater than the rate of pay of the employees that the position supervises. Eight ayes, one absent, motion carried.

A motion was made by Gene Hoppe, seconded by Steve Gueths, to forward this request to the Administrative Committee to include the amount of the pay adjustment. Eight ayes, one absent, motion carried.

Miscellaneous/Correspondence: None

7. Policies and Procedures – None.

DCP Board Meeting Minutes, January 12, 2012 Page 2

8. Staff Reports: Reviewed the inpatient/diversion report. Discussed diversion centers and providers. Information was provided to the Board on the Healthier Communities Mental Health and Substance Abuse subcommittee’s AODA Summit on March 14, 2012.

9. Director’s Report:

LTC Update provided including Legislative Updates; Legislative Briefing Overview; 2011-2013 Long Term Care Sustainability Employment Supports, Living Well at Home and in the Community, Family Care Benefit, IRIS and Self-Directed Supports and Residential Services; Survival Coalition; and Make It Work Milwaukee Coalition.

Discussed Citizen Representative Reappointments. Motion made by Gene Hoppe, seconded by Marshal Giese, to recommended reappointment of Don Thaves and Herb Tauchen to Community Programs Board of Directors for a three year term ending in May of 2015. Seven ayes, two absent, motion carried.

Update provided on Lakeland.

Discussed transportation contract with Menominee Transit Services. Motion made by Gene Hoppe, seconded by Steve Gueths, to accept the changes recommended by Corporation Counsel which include: (1) Removing Section 20 of the contract; (2) Adding “Shawano County Department of Community Programs shall not be liable under any circumstances, unless the Shawano County Department of Community Programs’ acts or omissions were the sole and direct cause of the damage to the Business Agreement II; (3) Verify proof of acceptable insurance with Menominee Transit; (4) Change the commencement date in Section 21 of the Contract and Business Agreement II; (5) set up vehicles inspection; and (6) Change the payment Section #3 to day units instead of a monthly rate because the waiver requirements. Eight ayes, one absent, motion carried.

Information on the Spring WCHSA Training was provided to the Board. The training will be provided on dealing with secondary trauma, Board training, new initiatives and Human Services redesign. Motion made by Gene Hoppe, seconded by Steve Gueths, to reserve one room at the conference for a board member. Seven ayes, two absent, motion carried.

Miscellaneous: Informed the Board that Tim Ryan will be videotaping the DCP Board meeting at the April Board Meeting.

10. Correspondence – None.

11. Any Other Business to come before the Board –None.

12. Motion made by Gene Hoppe, seconded Marshal Giese, to adjourn the meeting at 5:25 p.m.

Seven ayes, two absent, motion carried.

Submitted by –

Judy Kressin-Reindl,

Administrative Services Manager

(All information referenced in the above minutes is on file at the Department of Community Programs Building, 504 Lakeland Road, Shawano, WI.)