Summary Notes

AAA Planners’ Meeting

January 8, 2008

AAA Representatives, Regions: OSA Staff:

Anne Holmes Davis, 1A Peggy Brey

Tom Wylie, 1B Holliace Spencer

Monique James, 1C Sherri King

Kris Godbold, 2 Dan Doezema

Kitty Knoll, 3A Laura McMurtry

Sherry Torres, 3B Steve Betterly

Kelly Beem, 3C Jan Bowlin

Judy Lammers, 4

Pat Hubel – 5

Donna Hobart – 6

Zane Rybkowski – 7

Sandra Davis – 8 (by phone)

Laurie Sauer – 9

Bob Schleuter - 10

Sherry Whitman – 11 (by phone)

Pam Curtis, Amy Florea – 14

·  Brief discussion regarding new requirement for AAA reporting of expenditures.

·  Transmittal Letter being prepared to explain AoA approval for expansion of allowed Title IIID expenditures.

Cultural Competency Issues: Native American/Inter-Tribal Council. Discussion and handouts from Peggy Brey

o  Booklet titled “Michigan Indian Directory” 2005-2006 published by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights Indian Directory (for copy see website at:

o  SNAPSHOT – American Indian Elders 60+ in Michigan/PSA

o  Data: American Indian Elder Population in Michigan by Planning and Service Area – Source: 2000 U.S. Census

o  Brainstorming Topics (flip chart notes) from Forum Meetings

There was discussion about the Inter-Tribal Council (ITC), a non-profit organization whose original purpose was as liaison/voice for Tribes, but has evolved.

ITC serves as source for grants (Title VI funds), technical assistance for their members, a resource/source to handling these grant funds for Tribes.

Peggy Brey spoke about the small amount of grant funds ($60,000) that were awarded to OSA to be distributed to the Tribes. OSA admin will meet with reps from the ITC and the state legislature to determine the best use for the money. ITC hopes to help small/new tribes/groups that have great need (refer to data and survey). Forums are being planned for May and September and better participation is needed.

ACTION: Identify appropriate contact(s) for tribes/other groups as well as responsible contact(s) at AAAs.

2009 AIP

** July 11, 2008 – FINAL AIP DUE TO OSA

Things To remember:

-  Signature Page:

o  MUST be signed by Board chairperson (board is the legal body)

o  MUST be original, mailed to OSA

-  Draft or final AIP signed by counties, governing body:

o  When there no response by the due date, considered as “passive approval”

o  If there is disagreement about approval/sign-off, notify OSA and process for resolution begins

-  Appendix C1 – leave for now; will get back on how to handle

-  Clarified information from providers

-  Operating Budget / staffing – ALL staff listed, by name and salary

o  by name – with position & salary

o  by funding source

o  beginning this as a baseline that will be used with blinded information when requesting


All specifics, corrections, clean up and clarifications for AIP will be completed and mailed (by hard copy and e-mail) by January 22, 2008.


Future AAA Planners’ meetings may be venue for sharing of best practices, presentation by state demographer or other type of input information.

Open Issue:

Preparation of approval criteria – approval required by Commission on Services to the Aging.

Adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

Next meeting tentatively scheduled for March 25, 2008. Location be announced.

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