SEIFSA launches a new value added serviceforits members,with an Integrated One-Stop-Shop offering for Skills Development, BBBEE andSpecialist HR Solutions.

All in one affordable package based on the unique & customised requirements of its individual members.

It is time to start preparing for your Workplace plan submissions and BBBEE audits for 2017

This unique value adding offering includes the following

  • Conduct a Needs Based Skills and Training Needs Analysis for completion of the Workplace Skills Plan (WSP)
  • Provide a full integrated Skills Development Servicethat maximises grant funding from MerSetaand procure additional grant funding other Government Agencies and SETAS, for SEIFSA members for participating in national priority skills development initiatives, including critical workplace experiential learning & graduate internship programmes, that benefit SEIFSA members needsand requirements.
  • Roll-out of Apprenticeships,accredited learnerships, skillsdevelopmentprogrammes andrelevant PIVOTAL programmes thatprovide employable skills sets, which would greatly benefit participating SEIFSA member companies, interms of their critical skills need and providing them with sustainable competitive advantage in the market.
  • Development and roll-out of innovative, pro-active, competitive advantage based BBBEE Strategies & programmes that give companies maximum triple benefits that effectively address business success obstacles and deliver on sustainable competitive advantage strategies & programmes.
  • Provide customised HR Solutions & Services, to meet the unique requirements of individual SEIFSA member company requirements.

SEIFSA is anaccredited training provider and offers Learnerships, Skills Programmes, PIVOTAL programmes and aligned BBBEE and Human Capital Programmes would greatly benefit participating SEIFSA member companiesand will offer high value add to SEIFSA members, particularly the small and medium sized members whowould not have to appoint full time specialist staff, including trainers, skills development facilitators, transformation managers or expensive consultants, to comply with and achieve all of the above.

This service is offered to SEIFSA members in an integrated way so that the Skills Development, BBBEE, Youth Development, Talent & Succession, Training & Placement and all related initiatives feed into each other with minimum cost and maximum benefit in an integrated one stop shop turnkey project offering for member companies, with the result being a spend once to achieve a triple benefit from Skills Development, BBBEE, company compliance and business success imperatives needs for competitive advantage.

A detailed explanation of the Integrated One-Stop-offering for Skills Development, BBBEE and Specialist HR Solutions is provided in the attachment.

If you are interested in participating in this programme please send an e-mail to Melanie Mulholland, Human Capital & Skills Development Executive, to attend a freeworkshop on the benefits and roll-out of this innovative new programme.

Full day 09.00 until 15h00


28 February 2017